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TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: MidnightVoyager on 2007 September 14, 01:26:28

Title: Servos can't slap-dance - Fixed!
Post by: MidnightVoyager on 2007 September 14, 01:26:28
Okay. I'm calm. I am.

I disabled all my mods and this happened. My servo, Bella (Mortimer made her to replace Bella. He may have gone insane. Hee.), will slap-dance. She wants to officially learn how. The problem is... she errors whenever she hits the "learned" part. Have an error log. This is driving me nuts.

EDIT: Thanks! Setting her dance skill with that cheat worked like a charm!

Title: Re: Servos can't slap-dance
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2007 September 14, 01:59:23
Your servo seems to have a corrupted dance skill token. Does this affect other sims as well? Have you ever shift-clicked on a stereo to "Set Dance Skill"? If not, try doing so. If so, stop doing so.

Title: Re: Servos can't slap-dance
Post by: MidnightVoyager on 2007 September 14, 13:51:07
Thank you for the hint on fixing it. I've never tried that before. I will do so after work.

I believe what may have caused it could be related to my vacation Sims' "Learned to slap-dance" vacation thing resetting. They were all learning at once and then they got that problem. Could have cracked something, and it just happened to happen to her. I fixed their problem, but if something corrupted in her along the way, that could have done it...

Anyway. I'll let you know if it works. Thanks