More Awesome Than You!

TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Gamblor on 2007 September 11, 20:34:40

Title: Need Help With These Hacks
Post by: Gamblor on 2007 September 11, 20:34:40
I just downloaded the Director's Cuts to update my hacks for BV and I found some hacks in the zip that I can't find no descriptions on what they do. Can somebody help me with them.


Title: Re: Need Help With These Hacks
Post by: selzi on 2007 September 11, 20:40:46
I'm sure you'll find enough information about every single hack using the forum search here ... ;) I just did a search for shoonobreakgroup, just out of curiosity because I didn't know what that hack does, and I found the answer within one minute!

Title: Re: Need Help With These Hacks
Post by: Gamblor on 2007 September 11, 21:38:07
I did search with most of them and found nothing from the top of the homepage search bar. Am I doing something wrong by not using the advance search and narrowing it down? If you can find them better then I could. Would you mind just copying and pasting what the descriptions are. It should only take a few minutes of your time if you don't mind doing that for me. It would be much appreciated. If not no biggie I will try again on my own.

Title: Re: Need Help With These Hacks
Post by: Venusy on 2007 September 11, 22:06:00
Pescado's hacks are named so that you can mostly figure out what they mean from the filename:

Expensive NPCs - Makes NPCs more expensive.
Interest Loss Hack - Stops the interest losses from certain actions.
No ADHD - Removes ADHD (Sims repeatedly stopping and starting an activity).
No Assignment Litter - Stops Sims from leaving assignments all over the lot.
No Dining with Scum - Stops scum (townies?) trying to dine with your Sims.
No Dormie Regen - Stops dormies regenerating.
No Driveway Shuffle - Stops Sims shuffling round the car because they've forgotten which door to get into.
No Undead Dormies - Guarantees that your Uni students will not become the victim of a brains hungry zombie/blood hungry vampire.
Private School Bill Fix - Charges for Private School.
RPS Hack - Fixes the Rock, Paper, Scissors interaction.
Shoo No Break Group - Shooing no longer breaks the group.
Tombstone Move Fix - Fixes a bug related to moving tombstones.

I've forgotten quite a few of the details, but that's good enough for now. In future, try restricting your search to The Podium and all of FFS Hacks & Support.

Title: Re: Need Help With These Hacks
Post by: jsalemi on 2007 September 11, 22:12:23
Pescado's hacks are named so that you can mostly figure out what they mean from the filename:
No Undead Dormies - Guarantees that your Uni students will not become the victim of a brains hungry zombie/blood hungry vampire.

Actually, this just keeps undead dormies from moving into a dorm.  Your sim can still be attacked by a zombie (with zombie apocalypse) or vampire on a comm lot.

Title: Re: Need Help With These Hacks
Post by: Invisigoth on 2007 September 12, 01:14:09
It also helps to omit the .package part of the name. When I downloaded the DC for the first time I used the search and found a definition for each "unknown" hack. By "unknown" I mean that I didn't know what it did and couldn't find an RTFM or thread for it. I didn't even have to narrow my search down to only certain areas.
For example, I just searched "nodiningwithscum". The third thread that came up was:

FFS Director's Cut: More Awesome Than You
in The Armory

Re: FFS Director's Cut: More Awesome Than You by J. M. Pescado
...  January 19, 2006, 18:59:31
What does "nodiningwithscum" do? Just curious....

It resolves an  ...

I clicked the direct link to the post that Pescado made so that I wouldn't have to wade through the thread looking for his response. And this is what I found.

What does "nodiningwithscum" do?  Just curious....
It resolves an interesting, and, in my view, annoying, behavior of autonomous dining when your sim appears on community lots as a visitor: Whenever they try to eat, some random townie is dragooned to their table. Naturally, many of us have a rather dim view of anything which forces association, particularly potentially overly-friendly association, with townie rabble. Instead of randomly picking the first townie on the lot, it will instead try to pick an actual friend of that sim who is also visiting the lot.

Took me less than a minute.

Title: Re: Need Help With These Hacks
Post by: Gamblor on 2007 September 12, 02:41:08
Thank you so much guys for your help. One more question is Two Jeffs or Crammy boys hacks working properly on BV like ACR hack. Haven't tested them in my game yet.

Title: Re: Need Help With These Hacks
Post by: jsalemi on 2007 September 12, 03:05:06
TwoJeffs has moved to the Inteen site, and he's been updating his hacks for BV there.  Crammy appears to have vanished without a trace; check discussions in his forums here for folks noting which still work, and which don't.

Title: Re: Need Help With These Hacks
Post by: Gamblor on 2007 September 12, 03:09:43
K thxs jsalemi ;)