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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Motoki on 2005 October 13, 15:45:42

Title: MistressBoleyn please delete some stuff out of your inbox LOL!
Post by: Motoki on 2005 October 13, 15:45:42
Sorry for the personal thread, but I can't take it anymore!  :o She keeps sending me messages and everytime I try to respond the box is full and has been for over a week.

Not that it's her fault, I didn't realize Pescado's 5 or 10 inbox limit either until people pointed it out to me.  ::) It's unexpected if you don't already know about it and the system gives you absolutely no warning of it so while you sit thinking people aren't replying to you, they really can't.

Yeah Yeah, rip my lips off or whatever or move this thread or delete it, but please leave it alone for a day or so at least so she can see it as I don't have her email.

Title: Re: MistressBoleyn please delete some stuff out of your inbox LOL!
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2005 October 13, 15:54:54
Don't you hate composing a lengthy response only to find you can't send it?  I wish the system would notify the receiver that someone is trying to send them a message and to delete some messages.  I also wish it would let you save your response to try again later.  Since the person has to have an email to sign up, it should notify them via email at least.  It wouldn't have to reveal their email to the person trying to contact them.

Title: Re: MistressBoleyn please delete some stuff out of your inbox LOL!
Post by: Motoki on 2005 October 13, 15:58:06
Don't you hate composing a lengthy response only to find you can't send it?  I wish the system would notify the receiver that someone is trying to send them a message and to delete some messages.  I also wish it would let you save your response to try again later.  Since the person has to have an email to sign up, it should notify them via email at least.  It wouldn't have to reveal their email to the person trying to contact them.

Yeah, I don't even mind so much about the limit, it's his site after all. But I just wish it let her know so she could clean the stuff out or gave me an alternative to send it by email. I know there's some boards that do this via a relay system where you can have a message sent to their email address on file but you don't actually see their email address, it's hidden and the system just forwards it.

I mean, I know it will email me when I have messages, but I never got an email when my box was full and kept thinking why isn't anyone PM'ing me (when I asked for the nopottyinterrupt file lol).

Oh and I did save the lengthy PM I made to her, I cut and pasted it and sent it to myself and it's been sitting in my inbox for over a week. LMAO

Title: Re: MistressBoleyn please delete some stuff out of your inbox LOL!
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2005 October 13, 16:06:02
Oh and I did save the lengthy PM I made to her, I cut and pasted it and sent it to myself and it's been sitting in my inbox for over a week. LMAO
Yeah I saved mine too, only I copied and pasted it into a text file on my desktop.  I then sent a PM to the person on another forum I knew they were active on, LOL.  There was no way I was going to type all that again, if I even remembered what I said.

Title: Re: MistressBoleyn please delete some stuff out of your inbox LOL!
Post by: Motoki on 2005 October 13, 16:13:40
The only other place I know that she goes is MTS2 and even though I try to avoid going there if at all possible  :P I just checked and she hasn't been there for over a week. Damn, I need to stop meeting people who only come to this place, except this is pretty much the only sims board I post on now so that's kinda hard to do.  ;D

Title: Re: MistressBoleyn please delete some stuff out of your inbox LOL!
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2005 October 13, 16:17:18
The only other place I know that she goes is MTS2 and even though I try to avoid going there if at all possible  :P I just checked and she hasn't been there for over a week. Damn, I need to stop meeting people who only come to this place, except this is pretty much the only sims board I post on now so that's kinda hard to do.  ;D
Well, you tried. :)  Not much else you can do but hope she sees this thread, or maybe she will feel her ears burning.  :D

Title: Re: MistressBoleyn please delete some stuff out of your inbox LOL!
Post by: JenW on 2005 October 13, 17:05:11
I know she visits TSR, though I don't know how regularly. You could try PMing her there as well.


Title: Re: MistressBoleyn please delete some stuff out of your inbox LOL!
Post by: Motoki on 2005 October 13, 17:13:30
LOL that makes sense. I had actually forgotten, but that was where we first met. We just keep migrating.

Anyhow, she was there on the 9th which is a little more recent than she's been to MTS2 so I'll PM her there. Thanks for reminding me. :)

Title: Re: MistressBoleyn please delete some stuff out of your inbox LOL!
Post by: MistressBoleyn on 2005 October 13, 21:10:16

My bad, my bad. 

I wonder if I'll get my first pair of ripped lips from this one? :o

Anyway, 'tis cleaned out.  Heh.  You think that's bad you should see the 'junk drawer' in my computer desk!!