More Awesome Than You!

TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Regina on 2005 October 13, 07:38:48

Title: Romance sim wants to marry off 6 children?
Post by: Regina on 2005 October 13, 07:38:48
Egads!  I'm thinking this sim should've been my me-sim's husband (that is since my me-Sim has a lifetime want to marry off 6 children  ::))!  I made a Romance sim tonight, figured I'd let him have a little bit of decent fun before he settles down in my new neighborhood.  I decided to check his LTW and it's to marry off 6 children! 

Now who'da thunk it!  Since this dude'll be dating Townies and Downtownies he's either definitely getting married or going to be abducted an awfully lot by aliens!

Title: Re: Romance sim wants to marry off 6 children?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 October 13, 07:43:57
Have you got the LTW variety mod in your game?  And is he by any chance either Pisces or Cancer?  I find if I make these signs have a romance aspiration, all they really want is to be a mum or dad and the aspiration conflicts with their natural character.

Of course, you could put him in a gay relationship with a family, knowledge or popularity sim, who will keep wanting to adopt kids!

Title: Re: Romance sim wants to marry off 6 children?
Post by: Regina on 2005 October 13, 07:49:55
Nope--no LTW variety mod in my game, although I'm beginning to think I want it because of what my other sims are coming up with.

He's an Aquarius.  What I may end up doing is changing his aspiration with the renu-u-sensor orb then switching it back to Romance.  That will change his LTW, although frankly at this point a Romance sim having six children sounds a bit more interesting than becoming a Professional Party Guest or a Celebrity Chef! LOL

Title: Re: Romance sim wants to marry off 6 children?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 October 13, 08:00:18
I quite agree - I'd definitely leave it alone! ;D

Title: Re: Romance sim wants to marry off 6 children?
Post by: dusty on 2005 October 13, 08:06:03
I had a similarly odd thing once with a knowledge teen wanting to have 20 simultaneous lovers (it's a kind of knowledge I guess  :-*).

Title: Re: Romance sim wants to marry off 6 children?
Post by: Regina on 2005 October 13, 08:09:46
(it's a kind of knowledge I guess)

LOL!  That reminded me of something I hadn't thought of in years!  At one point I was engaged to a wonderfully good man (not quite as good as the one I ended up marrying but awfully close).  If I had to sum up an aspiration for him it would definitely be knowledge (I always dated the geeks--married one, too).  He told me about how after he was out on his own he was extremely curious about the whole romance thing so he hired himself a hooker simply for the learning experience.  Very bizarre, indeed!  Believe it or not, that's not why I ended up not marrying him. ;)

Title: Re: Romance sim wants to marry off 6 children?
Post by: Regina on 2005 October 13, 08:13:54
Okay, just thought of something (this will exhibit how badly I need sleep at this point!).  I could have him impregnated by aliens 6 times, then his 6 children could marry my sim-me and sim-hubby's six kids.  You know, there just isn't quite an aspiration in that game that fits me right so I chose family.  DH, on the other hand, definitely ranks up there with the knowledge sims.  I only just made us into a sim couple and I don't think he's real thrilled about the downsides of his sim self.  ;D

Title: Re: Romance sim wants to marry off 6 children?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 October 13, 08:14:18
Well, in a way, I suppose, it was better than just doing it with someone who might have read a lot more into it than just "He's just doing it for the experience" and end up being terribly hurt!

Title: Re: Romance sim wants to marry off 6 children?
Post by: Regina on 2005 October 13, 08:17:33
Oh, definitely!  He was way too analytical of a guy.  I'm sure by now I'd have been in a straight jacket!   :D  Thankfully my DH, although just as intelligent, isn't so cut and dried.  He's much more, ummm, passionate might be the right word.

Egads!  I've got to get off of here!  I got on almost 3 hours ago thinking I'd do what I needed to do in one, then got on a site downloading clothes!

Title: Re: Romance sim wants to marry off 6 children?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 October 13, 08:19:37
Hope it was a good one!

Title: Re: Romance sim wants to marry off 6 children?
Post by: Hook on 2005 October 13, 08:28:23
I just looked at the pre-patch code.  There's a test there to limit the want to marry off 6 kids to family Sims.  I haven't installed the patch yet, so I don't know if this has been affected.  And just because one part of the code forbids it doesn't mean another part of the code doesn't allow it.


Title: Re: Romance sim wants to marry off 6 children?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 October 13, 08:36:42
I quite like the idea of there being an occasional odd LTW, makes it more like RL, after all there are quite a few male humans around who seem to enjoy fathering kids all over the place (and unlike male romance sims, they don't actually seem to want to help raise them!)

Title: Re: Romance sim wants to marry off 6 children?
Post by: Ancient Sim on 2005 October 13, 14:19:02
I quite like the idea of there being an occasional odd LTW, makes it more like RL, after all there are quite a few male humans around who seem to enjoy fathering kids all over the place (and unlike male romance sims, they don't actually seem to want to help raise them!)

I can certainly confirm that.  My last partner was like this and he was definitely not a Romance Sim.  If I had to choose an Aspiration for him it would be Fortune.

Title: Re: Romance sim wants to marry off 6 children?
Post by: MissDoh on 2005 October 13, 14:37:50
Oh my dear you are not alone with these screwed-up LTW.  I don't have mods or hacks in my game so they are not the reason of this mess.

I created a new neighborhood ready to be use after the patch (full of empty houses).  I created a bunch of Sims (about 12) to live in it and here is a little resume of the aspiration/LTW I got:

Family Sim with LTW to be a slacker
Knowledge Sim with LTW to woohoo with 20 Sims
Fortune Sim with LTW to have 20 lover
Pleasure Sim with LTW to be a Captain hero
Romance Sim with LTW to graduate 3 children
Popularity Sim with LTW to be a chief of staff
NOTE:  I write those out of memory, they might be different in the game but you get the point.

So that LTW system seems to be a bit mess-up. Though I never really pay much attention to it and I also kind of find it funny and interesting to have those LTW all mixed-up, it seems to be completely random now and not aspiration related like it used too.  Now I will do some test tonight and takes notes to found out is it just that the LTW are not address to the right aspiration or is all completely random no matter what aspiration you have.  In other words do Romance Sims have now the LTW of family Sims and vice versa, do Popularity Sims have the LTW of Knowledge Sims and vice versa...

I wonder if one of my Sims will have the LTW to eat 200 grilled cheese lol

Title: Re: Romance sim wants to marry off 6 children?
Post by: cabelle on 2005 October 13, 14:51:14
If it's not a glitch that would lead to the "firey ball visible from outer space" I'd say to enjoy the bit of variety tossed in. I haven't experienced that glitch yet but think it would be kind of fun. Yet another way to torture our little simmies, by giving them exactly what they seem to want. ;)

Title: Re: Romance sim wants to marry off 6 children?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 October 13, 15:48:47
Of course, before Uni, they would come up with wierd job wants occasionally (but before Uni we didn't know they were wierd!)

Title: Re: Romance sim wants to marry off 6 children?
Post by: eamethyst on 2005 October 13, 15:59:23
I created a YA Sim who was Romance and his LTW was to marry off 6 children, now I'm intending him for a Legacy founder, so, um, NO.  But at the end of his sophomore year I rerolled his aspiration and he is now a Family Sim with a LTW to become a celebrity chef.  I was happy all the way around, he will be easier to keep happy and his LTW will be much easier to fulfill.

Title: Re: Romance sim wants to marry off 6 children?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 October 13, 16:35:19
Well, career wants are always easier, I think!  Although the earn 100,000 is probably fairly attainable, and graduate 3 children only requires the existence of 2 (unless this has been corrected by the patch!).  But have 20 lovers at once!!!!  How do you manage that one - even with all kinds of hacks and cheats, it's still easy to let a relationship slide below 70!

Title: Re: Romance sim wants to marry off 6 children?
Post by: MissDoh on 2005 October 13, 17:13:36
Well, career wants are always easier, I think!  Although the earn 100,000 is probably fairly attainable, and graduate 3 children only requires the existence of 2 (unless this has been corrected by the patch!).  But have 20 lovers at once!!!!  How do you manage that one - even with all kinds of hacks and cheats, it's still easy to let a relationship slide below 70!

I never really tried to fulfill that Lifetime want but I think you do not need to have them all at the same time, you simply need to have 20 lovers in your Sim life which is still a lot of slap in that poor sim face.

Title: Re: Romance sim wants to marry off 6 children?
Post by: Andygal on 2005 October 13, 17:51:36
I made one of that grand vamps playable in my game and he has a LTW to Marry off 6 children(I think). Even though he is Pleasure aspiration.

Title: Re: Romance sim wants to marry off 6 children?
Post by: Regina on 2005 October 13, 18:30:50
Hook, I haven't installed the patch yet.  We decided to have my daughter download it to her PC then burn it to a CD so we don't have to download twice.  She just downloaded it last evening and hasn't got around to burning it just yet.

Oh yes--this will be a good one.  For some reason I always try to give my sims exactly what they want. *evil grin*

I, too, thought of the guy who really loves children but doesn't want to settle down.  I've seen them portrayed in movies (Ian Malcolm in Jurassic Park for example--loves kids but is "always looking for the next ex-Mrs. Malcolm") and in real life (my sister's ex-husband and a few other men who carelessly spread their seed).  I've also seen real people that I might consider having Romance aspirations end up accidentally getting a girlfriend pregnant, marrying her and going on to become fine fathers and raise wonderful families.

Well, so far Joseph Lovelace has dated one pretty Townie I made--both are Romance.  I think I'll let him have a bit more fun (nothing immoral, mind you LOL) then see about settling down with someone.  He's going to need someone to support him while he has these 6 kids!  ;D 

Title: Re: Romance sim wants to marry off 6 children?
Post by: Myrddin on 2005 October 13, 18:48:56
If all of this weird LTW jazz is happening with Nightlife installed, it may not be a glitch; it could be programmed that way to encourage players to use the ReNuYu (?) aspiration changer reward...thing. :-\

Title: Re: Romance sim wants to marry off 6 children?
Post by: Regina on 2005 October 13, 19:03:42
If all of this weird LTW jazz is happening with Nightlife installed, it may not be a glitch; it could be programmed that way to encourage players to use the ReNuYu (?) aspiration changer reward...thing. :-\

Honestly, it wouldn't surprise me if you're right.  I've seen similar in the past.

Title: Re: Romance sim wants to marry off 6 children?
Post by: MissDoh on 2005 October 13, 19:21:40
If all of this weird LTW jazz is happening with Nightlife installed, it may not be a glitch; it could be programmed that way to encourage players to use the ReNuYu (?) aspiration changer reward...thing. :-\

Before I install the patch the Sims I created had related aspiration/LTW, this just started yesterday after I install the patch.

Title: Re: Romance sim wants to marry off 6 children?
Post by: Regina on 2005 October 13, 19:50:22
I haven't installed the patch yet and it's already happening.  Very bizarre, but at least it deviates from the predictable!  :D

Title: Re: Romance sim wants to marry off 6 children?
Post by: dusty on 2005 October 13, 21:44:45
My weirdness happened way before Nightlife - and it's only been the one, so far everyone else has conformed to type.

Title: Re: Romance sim wants to marry off 6 children?
Post by: Regina on 2005 October 13, 21:57:43
Most of my sims are fairly conformed.  I did think it odd, however, when my hubby-sim had a knowledge aspiration and rolled a LTW to become a celebrity chef.  Of course maybe that's not so odd considering the science involved in cooking. ;)

Title: Re: Romance sim wants to marry off 6 children?
Post by: Hook on 2005 October 13, 22:36:13
Hook, I haven't installed the patch yet.

This is decidedly odd.  I haven't seen any weird unrelated LTW's myself, but it sounds like several people have.

It's interesting that the tests include LTW's for the new Uni careers:

Cult Leader appeals to Popularity and Knowledge.
Ecological Guru appeals to Knowledge.
Show Business Icon appeals to Popularity.
Visionary (Artist career) appeals to Romance.

I've never heard of anyone getting a LTW for these careers, but the tests are in there for the aspirations.  It would be nice to see the code where the LTW is selected, but no one seems to know where it's done.  Perhaps in the game's C++ code.

I have some doubts about the game's random number generator, which is obviously in the C++ code.  The game uses two, one for the Secure Socket Layer communication, the other is not the standard Microsoft library function.  Some parts of the game act as if the random number generator isn't being properly "randomly" seeded, or isn't even being used.  Or perhaps there is more than one sequence generated, and not all are being seeded.  If the number generated isn't used correctly it might cause weird errors like getting LTW's out of the norm.


Title: Re: Romance sim wants to marry off 6 children?
Post by: MissDoh on 2005 October 14, 00:22:49
Well I did some testing like I mention and here is how it goes but first in my case it seems to be related to the fact that after I added downtown and University I deleted all characters and with boolprop created new ones for all section which are:  NPC, townie, University townie, Downtown townie and Downtown NPC. Now for some reason it made the game create weird Sims that did not had related aspiration/LTW.  Here are some example of what I ended up with:

- Romance with LTW of Chief of Staff
- Knowledge with LTW of Party Guest and 20 lovers
- Fortune with LTW 20 woohoo and slacker
- Pleasure with LTW of Mayor
- Popularity with LTW of 6 granchildren that graduates
- Family with LTW Criminal mastermind and Chief of staff

However, after changing their aspiration using the Renuyu-U and choosing an aspiration matching the LTW they had it seems to came back to normal, I could change them from family to popularity than to romance and they were having mathing aspiration/LTW.

Since way before I install the patch I resetted my neighborhood and did not play them at all since, I decided to go check if those Sims were having mathing aspiration/LTW and to my surprise they all did.

So now my question is, did the game went crazy because of the deleteallcharacters or did I did something wrong while I use boolprop?  I doubt I did something wrong since I selected the option to create townies and NPC and no others, I did not even clic anywhere else I let my Sim do whatever it is that it wanted.

Even strangier lol

Title: Re: Romance sim wants to marry off 6 children?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 October 14, 00:46:43
Well, I'm playing a neighbourhood now where I used deleteAllCharacters, I haven't created any replacement townies etc., and I've not had any wierdness in LTWs (mind you I'm only playing in La Fiesta at the moment, none of my sims has graduated yet), but I do have sims walking past their friends or relatives houses without ringing the doorbell - when I've played normally with dormies and SS all over the place, then friends of sims living on the lot would come and visit, but not walk straight past.  so I think deleteAllCharacters can make odd things happen!

Title: Re: Romance sim wants to marry off 6 children?
Post by: MissDoh on 2005 October 14, 01:14:50
Thanks, I decided to delete that custom neighborhood, create another in which I deleted all characters but before I choose a University and downtown.  I used boolprop to create the townie and Npc then created a downtown section and Univerisy which keep their created Sim.

Now I will create new Sims and see how it will go, if anything weird happens again I will keep you posted.

Thanks for your reply ZephyrZodiac, at least I am not alone thinking it could be the "deleteallcharacters" that caused this.

It was fun though having family Sims with the want to woohoo with everyone but since I did not know what else could have been mixed up in that neighborhood I prefered to delete it and redo it.

Title: Re: Romance sim wants to marry off 6 children?
Post by: vecki on 2005 October 14, 01:36:38
Hook, I haven't installed the patch yet.

This is decidedly odd.  I haven't seen any weird unrelated LTW's myself, but it sounds like several people have.

It's interesting that the tests include LTW's for the new Uni careers:

Cult Leader appeals to Popularity and Knowledge.
Ecological Guru appeals to Knowledge.
Show Business Icon appeals to Popularity.
Visionary (Artist career) appeals to Romance.

I've never heard of anyone getting a LTW for these careers, but the tests are in there for the aspirations.  It would be nice to see the code where the LTW is selected, but no one seems to know where it's done.  Perhaps in the game's C++ code.

MaxoidTom said they were disabled in case people didn't want to send their sims to Uni - which was odd considering people were buying the Uni expansion pack!  Of course they might have wanted to send their sims to uni!

I'm glad they're there, though.  Any chance of them being unlocked by anybody?  Awesome people, I'm talking to you?!

Title: Re: Romance sim wants to marry off 6 children?
Post by: Hook on 2005 October 14, 04:24:27
Here are some example of what I ended up with:
- Romance with LTW of Chief of Staff
- Knowledge with LTW of Party Guest and 20 lovers

This is the kind of thing that makes me think the random number generator is being bypassed.  It looks like they never intended for a mass townie generation and simply grabbed the LTW's from a list (same with zodiac signs, which causes a specific sequence of signs when you generate characters).  Doesn't look like they're checking the LTW's, just assigning them.  Makes me think the characters are generated in C++ code, while all the checking for proper LTW is done in BHAV files... and the C++ code isn't calling the BHAV code.  This actually makes sense, but it doesn't mean it's not wrong.


Title: Re: Romance sim wants to marry off 6 children?
Post by: MissDoh on 2005 October 14, 05:08:22
Although I am partially lost in your explanation Hook, it could make sense.

Like I said, I deleted that neighborhood and created a new one to replace it in which I only deleted the basic townies and NPC then recreate them using boolprop and then only added University and downtown section. 

After that, I created 24 Sims and when I created my last 2 families (which have 2 members each), my family Sim ended-up with a  LTW to be a Celibrity chef and a popularity Sim have the LTW to graduate 3 children.  The 2 others Sims that are part of these 2 familes are ok and match aspiration/LTW.  I even quit and restart the game  half way through so my Sims will have different LTW, and make it extreme and even restarted my computer before I made the other 12 .

Odd isn't it?

But one last thing, I also mention that by using the renuyu-U reward in the 1st neighborhood I created (which I deleted) and by matching the LTW with an aspiration which match the current LTW my Sims hadd, it got back to normal and I could change them using that reward to any aspiration and they were ok... bizarre....

Title: Re: Romance sim wants to marry off 6 children?
Post by: Process Denied on 2005 October 20, 06:32:59
When I first installed NL, it was a clean install--no hacks--no downloads--new stories.  I made three romance sims for Uni and all three rolled non romance wants-political-business-max out 7 skills.  But after I put all the hacks back in,they have only had proper wants??

Title: Re: Romance sim wants to marry off 6 children?
Post by: Regina on 2005 October 20, 06:52:20
I just had a child turn into a teen.  His aspiration is Popularity and he came up with a completely blank LTW.  I used the Renu-U orb on him to change his aspiration momentarily to Pleasure to see if I could get him a LTW and he rolled up 'Become a Mad Scientist'!  I turned him back to Popularity and he still has that want.

The other day I stuck in that mod for more variation in LTWs but this seems a wee bit too varied. ;)

Title: Re: Romance sim wants to marry off 6 children?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 October 20, 07:12:12
Personally I can't see that it matters - and maybe the LTW is more related to personality than aspiration in some respects.  I've had really outgoing leos that I've given knowledge aspirations to (just for the fun of it) (like Laszlo Grunt) and even though they get the mad scientist LTW, you could swear all they really want is to be a professional party guest!

Title: Re: Romance sim wants to marry off 6 children?
Post by: Regina on 2005 October 20, 07:28:27
I'm not sure.  This kid is a total neat-freak and also very outgoing.  He has a lot of personality points, one of those personality-plus sims.  His sister has the same exact personality--in fact, they're identical, she the girl version and he the boy version.

Title: Re: Romance sim wants to marry off 6 children?
Post by: dusty on 2005 October 20, 07:29:57
I just had a child turn into a teen.  His aspiration is Popularity and he came up with a completely blank LTW. 

I have found that all my kids who have transitioned to teen since nightlife start with a blank LTW until they have fulfilled one normal want. 

Title: Re: Romance sim wants to marry off 6 children?
Post by: Regina on 2005 October 20, 07:56:31
Thanks!  I appreciate your input. :)  I was just reading the BBS and it seems like at least this isn't just me.  People are saying their sims are coming up with no LTW at first, that it shows up a little bit later. 

Title: Re: Romance sim wants to marry off 6 children?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 October 20, 10:11:54
I think it's just that as the game gets bigger and more complicated some things take a little longer to generate.

Title: Re: Romance sim wants to marry off 6 children?
Post by: Brynne on 2005 October 20, 11:59:37
I have a popularity sim with a LTW to make it to his golden anniversary. I have another popularity sim with the "have 20 simultaneous lovers" LTW. Which would make him quite popular, I suppose! I like this bit of variety, as well, regardless of why it happens. Spices up the game a bit. It's a little more interesting if you have the occasional non-romance sim want to take on the role of the town floozy!

Title: Re: Romance sim wants to marry off 6 children?
Post by: Regina on 2005 October 20, 17:32:03
I have a popularity sim with a LTW to make it to his golden anniversary. I have another popularity sim with the "have 20 simultaneous lovers" LTW. Which would make him quite popular, I suppose! I like this bit of variety, as well, regardless of why it happens. Spices up the game a bit. It's a little more interesting if you have the occasional non-romance sim want to take on the role of the town floozy!

I agree it makes things more interesting--well, except for when you've managed to work umpteen sims through the Science career track. LOL  Honestly, I'd like to see more of my sims get LTWs that aren't reaching the top of their career.  But it's still early in my game since installing NL so who knows what'll happen yet. ;)

Title: Re: Romance sim wants to marry off 6 children?
Post by: Brynne on 2005 October 20, 17:42:11
The career LTW are kind of boring for me. I have many celebrity chefs and hall of famers in my game!

Title: Re: Romance sim wants to marry off 6 children?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 October 20, 17:48:00
Well, you will do since they have two aspirations wanting those careers ( also of course, there are a lot of would-be Captain Heros around - how many does one town need?)  I always tend to wish more wanted to be generals, it's such an easy career to get to the top of!

Title: Re: Romance sim wants to marry off 6 children?
Post by: Regina on 2005 October 20, 18:06:55
Well, you will do since they have two aspirations wanting those careers ( also of course, there are a lot of would-be Captain Heros around - how many does one town need?)  I always tend to wish more wanted to be generals, it's such an easy career to get to the top of!

One thing I was playing with in my non-Legacy family neighborhood was using the Renu-U-Sensor (I'm sure I keep spelling that wrong) Orb.  Before the patch when I reprogrammed their aspiration they'd get a different LTW, then I could roll them back to their original aspiration and they'd usually get one different from their original.  I'm not sure how this works with the patch installed, though, as Braun's LTW is stuck on becoming a mad scientist.  As I said last night, I'm going to pull out the mod for more variation in LTWs and re-roll him and see if he comes up with something else.  (I know, he's part of the Legacy family but dog-gone it, when the game seems broken, a girl's got to do what she's got to do, right?)

Title: Re: Romance sim wants to marry off 6 children?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 October 20, 18:13:06
Heck, the game is to be enjoyed, dammit!  Go ahead and do what gives you the most enjoyment - break a few rules - HAVE FUN! ;D

Title: Re: Romance sim wants to marry off 6 children?
Post by: MissDoh on 2005 October 20, 19:22:54
In my game so far it gives me a different LTW when I use the renuyu-U and change their aspiration.  And that is after the patch.  I don't have that mod for more variation in LTWs.

Title: Re: Romance sim wants to marry off 6 children?
Post by: nikita on 2005 October 21, 03:41:26
I just recently had a Romance Sim get a want to marry his girlfriend (while on a date with another woman where he was caught with that woman by his girlfriend's older sister and brother-in-law who proceeded to "poke" "shove" and "attack" him for the rest of the date).  I immediately locked it and am now just waiting for his fear to marry his girlfriend to roll so I can get them married.  Maybe it's just Maxis trying to add more variety to the game.

Title: Re: Romance sim wants to marry off 6 children?
Post by: Regina on 2005 October 21, 05:02:11
I took the LTW variation mod out of my game and sure enough, when he rolled a new aspiration he rolled a new LTW with it.  Yet another popularity sim who wants to become mayor *yawn*. 

Title: Re: Romance sim wants to marry off 6 children?
Post by: Syera on 2005 October 21, 18:20:17
Oy.  How dull.  Why can't they want to be... astronauts or something?  Or chefs?  Or ANY job in which fame and fortune is sure to follow?

Or what about some twisted LTW that involves a rocket in the back yard, a barbecuer, a toy spaceship, and a plasma TV?  You know - Hold The Best Backyard Rocket, Barbecuer, Toy Spaceship and Plasma TV Party!

Err... ahem.  Not helpful, I know.   ::)

Title: Re: Romance sim wants to marry off 6 children?
Post by: Regina on 2005 October 21, 18:44:07
I tell you what, Syera.  This is probably one of the reasons we need to get University.  At least there are some new career tracks sims can get into if they graduate!  I love the custom careers people make, but if I want to fulfill sims' LTWs that have to do with careers they're not usable, at least not until after they work their way through one job.  It stinks.

BTW, how's your chocolate supply holding up?  ;D

Title: Re: Romance sim wants to marry off 6 children?
Post by: MissDoh on 2005 October 21, 20:54:26
Well there are 4 new careers in University but Maxis disable the LTW related with them.... :D  Reason, they did not want us to have to force teens to college because of their LTW, but they don't mind elders have LTW that we can never fulfill if we create them in CAS.

I say Maxis, please bring back those LTW!  We want them!

Title: Re: Romance sim wants to marry off 6 children?
Post by: Hook on 2005 October 21, 21:55:44
Or what about some twisted LTW that involves a rocket in the back yard, a barbecuer, a toy spaceship, and a plasma TV?

I like the idea.

True story:  a friend of mine was checking out at a store and the guy in front of him had three items:

A box of condoms.
A case of 30 weight motor oil.
An early pregnancy test.

Speculation ran rampant.


Title: Re: Romance sim wants to marry off 6 children?
Post by: Brynne on 2005 October 22, 01:01:13
That's funny!

A woman ahead of me in line at Walmart had a box of tampons that of course didn't scan correctly. Much to the embarrassment of the poor lady, the cashier had to call for a price-check. Only he dialed the office supplies department instead of the health and beauty department, and asked for the price on tampax. The office-supply guy misunderstood and thought he was asking about tacks, so responded "The kind you hammer in, or the kind you push in with your thumb?"

Okay, not a true story... :D

edit: I'm a dumbass and missed a part.

Title: Re: Romance sim wants to marry off 6 children?
Post by: MissDoh on 2005 October 22, 01:24:03
That's funny!

A woman ahead of me in line at Walmart had a box of tampons that of course didn't scan correctly. Much to the embarrassment of the poor lady, the cashier had to call for a price-check. Only he dialed the office supplies department instead of the health and beauty department, and asked for the price on tampax. The office-supply guy misunderstood and thought he was asking about thumbtacks, so responded "The kind you just stick in, or the kind you push in with your thumb?"

Okay, not a true story... :D

Just too bad it isn't true but it gave me a good laugh, poor keyboard, my Pepsi beer is all over it....

Title: Re: Romance sim wants to marry off 6 children?
Post by: Zeljka on 2005 October 22, 02:04:11
I think that random, unpredictable lifetime wants would make the game far more interesting.
I would much prefer it to match their personality than their aspiration. Why should a Sim with 0 outgoing want to throw a zillion awesome parties? I'd like something to make the game slightly challenging. Plus, the way my knowledge Sims have been spinning wants lately, I could see them replacing Romance as the filthiest, well, you get the picture.

Title: Re: Romance sim wants to marry off 6 children?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 October 24, 01:28:59
Have you noticed how family sims seem to be chasing anything that moves?

Title: Re: Romance sim wants to marry off 6 children?
Post by: KookieDoe on 2005 October 24, 01:34:08
"I want t woohoo...i dont want a baby...but i want to mary off 6 children....hmmm"

This is what I would do. Make 6 darling little kids with awsome personalities and full skills, get the socail worker to take them, and adopt! omonace dont usually spin the fear of adopting a baby, so its less conflict...

Title: Re: Romance sim wants to marry off 6 children?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 October 24, 01:43:25
Gay romance sims do!  If their partner spins the adopt a child want, they spin the fear!  If they're in a hetero partnership, they won't because the hetero couples don't get the adoption want.

Title: Re: Romance sim wants to marry off 6 children?
Post by: Zeljka on 2005 October 25, 16:15:36
I guess it's twojeffs wants mod, because I still have yet to see anyone spin a desire to adopt. I have gay couples too... guess I need a gay Family Sim to see it?

I've been going through my original neighbourhoods, and I realized I really don't like Family sims at all, they're so Aargh, boring.
It sucks because in the beginning, I made quite a few of them and even paired them up. (Yikes) I know there is that recommendation that matching aspirations do well together but the thought makes me nauseous. It's bad enough to see one sim spinning the same things over and over, but two?
How would diapers ever get changed with 2 knowledge Sims? heh heh... Actually, I think the only Asp I could bear to pair up would be Knowledge or Romance, though I love pairing Romance with anything...maybe because the only thing I have less of is popularity, and I still don't see the point of them... (should I say appeal of them) 

Title: Re: Romance sim wants to marry off 6 children?
Post by: Regina on 2005 October 26, 01:04:18
I'll definitely take two knowledge sims over two popularity any day. LOL  When I do play popularity I try to keep a house limited to no more than one.  I enjoy them because they add a little variety.

Yep, a Knowledge sim couple becomes obsessed with their learning but at least they have the same goals in mind.

Title: Re: Romance sim wants to marry off 6 children?
Post by: Zeljka on 2005 October 26, 03:01:22
yes, knowledge is still my favourite because they don't want to waste time doing stupid things (loops of jokes etc.) skill building and romance but so easy to point in either direction. They're my ultimate favourite as starter sims for any challenge because they're so easy to keep happy. Harder when they're born in game as they already have so many skill points by the time they're teen, but still entertaining.
I dread the thought of chemistry trying to match up aspirations.

Title: Re: Romance sim wants to marry off 6 children?
Post by: Regina on 2005 October 26, 03:31:12
I've found family sims absolutely ADORE knowledge sims, and it doesn't seem to matter whether they have tons of attraction things going on, either.  With my one couple, Amy's a family sim and she's been oh-so-vapory over Alistair since the day she met him, and vice-versa.  Now that he has almost all his skills maxxed out (has something like one cooking and two creativity left) not only is he completely gaga over her as usual, but now his wants are starting to spin more toward her.

I don't know if it's something new in NL's programming, but I've noticed some pretty weird things.  Alistair would be on the couch studying, and Amy, although she had other needs that were getting to the point of attention, and comfort wasn't one of them, would just go sit on the couch behind him.  He got abducted by aliens and during his pregnancy if he was in bed taking a nap, Amy would meander in to relax on the bed with him.  Granted, I've seen sims go to sit down and relax, but she really seemed like she wanted to follow him all over the place!

She's also totally smitten by another Knowledge sim in the neighborhood, this one an elder I created.  I figured she might get one or two lightning bolts going with him since he has none of her turn-ons but nothing doing--they have three bolts!  I can't turn my back on those two for even a second. LOL  I was thinking since Alistair should precede her in death she ought to ultimately be able to at least have a little tryst with Professor Mordoch. ;)

Title: Re: Romance sim wants to marry off 6 children?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 October 26, 13:57:03
I guess it's twojeffs wants mod, because I still have yet to see anyone spin a desire to adopt. I have gay couples too... guess I need a gay Family Sim to see it?

All gay sims except for Romance can spin the Adopt a child want, but I think it normally only happens when you first get them together and into a permanent relationship (if they're just living together they won't spin the want, they have to get joined.)

Title: Re: Romance sim wants to marry off 6 children?
Post by: Zeljka on 2005 October 27, 03:07:31
The couple I'm thinking of in particular is joined.
They were highschool sweethearts. 5th generation Legacy and my first gay sim, though he had about 20 best friends his age, his first 'flirt' want was a CAS teen boy (sucked for the challenge, but my sims pretty much get what they want) They're finance and knowledge and as I've mentioned before, the randiest couple I have. (if they weren't gay, they'd have 10 kids just from random risky woohoo)

or maybe they prefer their current 3-6 woohoo / day lifestyle over tickle, snuggle, talk to and read to?

Title: Re: Romance sim wants to marry off 6 children?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 October 27, 10:54:54
Notice I said CAN spin the want, not WILL spin the want.  As you say, it obviously depends on the sims.. Popularity sims tend to spin it if they don't have many friends, so it's often spun if you create them as half of a gay couple in CAS when they first move in.  Since yours had 20 best friends, he's unlikely to spin the want, likewise he wouldn't spin have ababy in a hetero relationship either.

Title: Re: Romance sim wants to marry off 6 children?
Post by: Dark Trepie on 2005 October 30, 07:05:32
Whenever any of my knowledge sims finish maxing all of their skills they always seem to become Family/Romance hybrids.

Which makes since I guess.  What else is there left to do for a knowledge sim who's maxed all of their skills but to raise children, romance their spouse, or chase then hot new guy or girl that just moved in down the street?

In regards to the strange LTWs, I'm all for it.  My neighborhoods are usually overruned with Mad Scientists, Chief of Staffs, and Criminal Masterminds.  Whenever they spin up a LTW that isn't career related I jump for joy because I can make them get a job that they obviously don't want, simply because I'm sick of those three careers now.

Title: Re: Romance sim wants to marry off 6 children?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 October 30, 09:16:02
Use the debugger to change LTWs.  Popularity sims seem to have quite a wide choice, as do Fortune sims.  Family are the worst!

Title: Re: Romance sim wants to marry off 6 children?
Post by: Venusy on 2005 October 30, 10:09:14
Use the debugger to change LTWs.  Popularity sims seem to have quite a wide choice, as do Fortune sims.  Family are the worst!
No, if you've got NL, Pleasure (Have 50 Dream Dates, Have 100 First Dates (numbers are probably wrong)) and Grilled Cheese (Eat 200 Grilled Cheese Sandwiches) are the worst. Still, if you've got NL, it's easy to change aspiration.