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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Talismana on 2005 October 13, 06:21:06

Title: Body Shop strangeness
Post by: Talismana on 2005 October 13, 06:21:06
I've a Body Shop issue I've not seen mentioned before, so I thought I might run it by the All Knowing One and any faithful minions.

All of the clothes in Body Shop suddenly appear to have suffered something akin to a grizzly attack....actually, it's closer to the attack of a frenzied seamstress who removed large, patchwork-like, geometric shapes. This effects all outfits in Body Shop but, luckily, nothing in game.

I did upgrade my video card to the best available several months ago (and have updated drivers). It has been some time since I'd returned to BS, so it may have happened directly after (or quite a while after) my upgrade.....may, or may not be, related.

Has anyone ever heard of this happening and/or can anyone offer a suggestion how I might remedy this puzzling situation?

Ooops, silly me--no, I've neither University nor NL....just so you know this isn't another EP issue.

Thank you!