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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Regina on 2005 October 13, 02:04:23

Title: Hats, anyone?
Post by: Regina on 2005 October 13, 02:04:23
Egads!  Since NL I've actually started putting hats on some of my sims and I just realized the selection is absolutely beyond pathetic!  :o

So, I decided to take a gander through some of my favorite sim sites to see what I can find and I'm not having the best luck.  Parsimonious has some really nice lady's hats but I'm looking for men's hats right now.  Does anyone know of anyplace with good hats?

Thank you!

Title: Re: Hats, anyone?
Post by: Ancient Sim on 2005 October 13, 02:33:38
I don't like the hats because it insists on changing their hairstyle to something totally different.  We should be able to just add a hat to their normal hairstyle.  Anyway, I hate hats so the majority of my Sims don't wear them.  I've given them to a couple of teens since I installed NL, plus one male adult as his girlfriend likes them, but that's it.

Title: Re: Hats, anyone?
Post by: Motoki on 2005 October 13, 02:36:03
Finding good mens stuff in general is always rare. Sims is a woman's world.  :P

At least NL adds cute new toddler hats, too bad we have to resort to hacks to be able to change our toddlers appearances though.

Title: Re: Hats, anyone?
Post by: Motoki on 2005 October 13, 02:57:58
Been nosing around for mens hats. Most of what I've found have been recolors. There's a few of those on All About Style:

Someone on MTS2 did the bandanas for toddlers, children and teens:

And not a hat per say, but Sussi Friberg has some male old wig type hairstyles:

*edit: Found another Medieval hat on MTS2:

Not much I know. :(

What sort of hats are you looking for Misty?

Title: Re: Hats, anyone?
Post by: Regina on 2005 October 13, 06:35:30
Motoki, thanks so much!  Outside of MTS2 I've been to none of those sites listed, so that's a great help.

Yep, I know when it comes to fashion Sims are like Barbie dolls.  Barbie gets all the cool accessories--Ken included! ;)

Ancient Sim, I realized after installing NL that the reason none of my sims ever wear hats is because there just aren't that many good ones, especially for the men!  Where're the fedoras?  Even bowler hats would be better than 90% of the hats in there!  :o

Title: Re: Hats, anyone?
Post by: nenechell on 2005 October 13, 07:19:17
From what I can see on the All about Style site...  they have several women's hats that are actually glasses.  What a clever way to put a hat on with any hairstyle.

Title: Re: Hats, anyone?
Post by: Regina on 2005 October 13, 07:31:46
I'm looking through their site now and downloading a few things (so much for getting to bed 'early'.  I guess it'll be early morning at the rate I'm going!).  They have awesome stuff!  Rare are the times when I can find quality that rivals my daughter's, and this is one of the few sites that does--might even be a bit better than hers. ;)