More Awesome Than You!

TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: professorbutters on 2007 September 01, 10:44:06

Title: Tune-up, non-Servo
Post by: professorbutters on 2007 September 01, 10:44:06
Has anyone seen this?

I had one of my Sims influence another Sim to flirt with a third Sim.  Instead of "charm," or "suggestion," he yanks out a screwdriver and proposes a tune-up.  She's not a Servo, but she accepts, and they do the whole "tune-up" interaction with Servoesque squeals.

Is this an indication of a problem, or is it just funny? I'm sure it's a coincidence that they're both Knowledge Sims.  And the pictures are priceless.


Title: Re: Tune-up, non-Servo
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2007 September 01, 11:09:04
Hur. I know why this bug happens, but I haven't seen it before. I will consider fixing that. :P

Title: Re: Tune-up, non-Servo
Post by: Emma on 2007 September 01, 13:30:24

Is this an indication of a problem, or is it just funny? I'm sure it's a coincidence that they're both Knowledge Sims.  And the pictures are priceless.


Please, please post the pictures :D I wanna see this!

Title: Re: Tune-up, non-Servo
Post by: professorbutters on 2007 September 01, 21:41:13
Insert your own rude captions:






Title: Re: Tune-up, non-Servo
Post by: Juby on 2007 September 01, 22:06:50
LOL, he's screwin' her!

I wouldn't want this bug fixed, if it were my game. :D

Title: Re: Tune-up, non-Servo
Post by: Emma on 2007 September 02, 05:54:15
LOL, he's screwin' her!

Heh, heh! :D

Thanks PB!

Title: Re: Tune-up, non-Servo
Post by: Strangel on 2007 September 02, 08:06:40
Dear god, Prof... I just shot ice cold Dr Pepper out my nose! Love the pics.

Hey, Pes.. if you know where/how this happens... can we have an option to INSTIGATE it? -ebil grin-

Title: Re: Tune-up, non-Servo
Post by: nekonoai on 2007 September 04, 17:22:27
yeah, the interaction should be called "hey baby, wanna screw?" xD

Title: Re: Tune-up, non-Servo
Post by: Strangel on 2007 September 07, 12:28:07

Title: Re: Tune-up, non-Servo
Post by: Moon on 2007 September 09, 17:54:43
That is completely hilarious.  :D