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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Singularity on 2007 August 31, 23:08:29

Title: Can the spring flirt wants be toned down?
Post by: Singularity on 2007 August 31, 23:08:29
I'm sure most of you have already noticed this, but I'm generally a very slow player.  Today was one of those simming marathon days.  I have a married couple, both of which are wealth aspiration and have graduated from Uni.  Things were going along as usual until I noticed that 3-4 of the want slots for each sim were clogged with generic "flirt"/"be flirted with"/"go on date"/"kiss"/etc. wants.  This perplexed me, until I realized that it was now spring.  ::)  Is there any way this can be toned-down?  Preferably it'd be possible to filter by aspiration.  For all means leave it alone for Romance, and Pleasure would only be adjusted a little, I'd think.  But for wealth sims, these wants should be somewhat fleeting, and should be almost non-existent for Knowledge sims or very Shy sims.  I'm not asking for much, and I know want trees are a very tricky thing to adjust.  But it is possible, right?  :-\  These wants seem to only filter in when they wake up -- after fulfilling a couple, the normal Wealth wants start to come back.

Title: Re: Can the spring flirt wants be toned down?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2007 September 01, 00:44:46
I find my fortune sims can be just as flirtatious as any other aspiration at any season of the year.  Have you tried Pescado's norandomflirtwants?  I use it, and although my sims do, as I said, get these wants, it's not excessive, and I rarely seem to get the be flirted with want, except for a few family sims, who I always find are far randier than Romance anyway!

Title: Re: Can the spring flirt wants be toned down?
Post by: Ness on 2007 September 01, 00:56:30
I really like how the seasons effect the wants of sims - gives some variety.  Besides, who said you actually have to cave in and give your sims what they think they want?

Title: Re: Can the spring flirt wants be toned down?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2007 September 01, 01:02:07
I for one wouldn't dream of it - give in to a fortune sim and you'll have a house full of paintings costing 3,500 simoleons or whatever, and no loo!

Title: Re: Can the spring flirt wants be toned down?
Post by: Ness on 2007 September 01, 01:16:12
It may just be my imagination, but sims seem to keep rolling up the wants that you satisfy for them.  So giving in to the flirt wants that so annoy you may just be encouraging them to roll up more of them.

ZZ, not to mention the billion kids that a family sim will end up wanting.  ugh!

Title: Re: Can the spring flirt wants be toned down?
Post by: Singularity on 2007 September 01, 01:44:10
I guess I didn't use the right words to explain what bugged me and what didn't.  It's not actually the wants themselves that bug me too much.  It's not like they're hard to fulfill, anyway.  What bugs me is that they're not specific.  The wants I'd like to see would be "Flirt with $spouse" or "Kiss $spouse" instead of just "flirt" or "kiss".  The male frequently wants to kiss his wife before he goes to work, for example, and I don't mind that.  Bah, I don't know.  It's more of a role-playing thing than a real annoyance.  I'll just deal with it.  :P

Title: Re: Can the spring flirt wants be toned down?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2007 September 01, 02:58:42
Do they have three lightning bolts?  In my experience, if they have, then they do get these specific wants, if they don't, they tend to be more inclined to play away.  I must admit, though, my sims spend most of the time with all their useful wants locked until they fulfil them, so quite often all they roll in the morning is their fears.

Title: Re: Can the spring flirt wants be toned down?
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2007 September 01, 06:59:47
I guess I didn't use the right words to explain what bugged me and what didn't.  It's not actually the wants themselves that bug me too much.  It's not like they're hard to fulfill, anyway.  What bugs me is that they're not specific.  The wants I'd like to see would be "Flirt with $spouse" or "Kiss $spouse" instead of just "flirt" or "kiss".  The male frequently wants to kiss his wife before he goes to work, for example, and I don't mind that.  Bah, I don't know.  It's more of a role-playing thing than a real annoyance.  I'll just deal with it.  :P
Nonspecific ones are just as good as specific ones, since they satisfy either way. Romance Mod + wfsanity already does its job sorting the random flirting out. Want-tree hacking is basically an all-or-nothing deal, though.

Title: Re: Can the spring flirt wants be toned down?
Post by: Emma on 2007 September 01, 13:22:54
I tend to get sim-parents to kiss their kids if their significant other is not available. It doesn't have to be a romantic-type kiss. It clears at least 1 want spot for other non-flirty wants. Downside is, it usually means play/talk/entertain want for the recipient of the kiss if it is a family sim.

Title: Re: Can the spring flirt wants be toned down?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2007 September 01, 13:29:47
Well, my family sims are more likely to want to get a fruit tree or a toy-making bench!  I almost never allow Cancer or Pisces to be Family sims - Sagittarius are good at being not-too-demanding parents, if you can live with the complaints about cleaning up!

Title: Re: Can the spring flirt wants be toned down?
Post by: Emma on 2007 September 01, 13:32:17
Well, my family sims are more likely to want to get a fruit tree or a toy-making bench!  I almost never allow Cancer or Pisces to be Family sims - Sagittarius are good at being not-too-demanding parents, if you can live with the complaints about cleaning up!

You wouldn't like my sim self then-Pisces & Family :D LOL

Title: Re: Can the spring flirt wants be toned down?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2007 September 01, 13:38:38
I'd make you Romance instead!  Pisces are interesting in that aspiration - and I usually pair them off with a Leo, against all the rules, because my sister is a Pisces and her husband is Leo, and they get on really well.

Title: Re: Can the spring flirt wants be toned down?
Post by: Emma on 2007 September 01, 13:41:12
I'd make you Romance instead!

Well, that is definitely making sure I'd get with Goopy. :(

Title: Re: Can the spring flirt wants be toned down?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2007 September 01, 13:49:10
Nah!  I'd probably pair you with Keanu Broke (the straight Libra version - the Leo ones always end up gay in my game....) or maybe Don?  NOT Daniel Pleasant - I hate having too many neat sims in one house.

Title: Re: Can the spring flirt wants be toned down?
Post by: Emma on 2007 September 01, 13:50:26
Nah!  I'd probably pair you with Keanu Broke (the straight Libra version - the Leo ones always end up gay in my game....) or maybe Don?  NOT Daniel Pleasant - I hate having too many neat sims in one house.

*phew* Thanks :D

Title: Re: Can the spring flirt wants be toned down?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2007 September 01, 13:55:27
Goopy is usually one of the first to be totally eradicated from my game....Unless it's an old pre-simPE hood I've decided to revive, and then there are just too many relationships to get rid of most of the townies - so then I put the whole lot of them to work in OFB business lots, never send my sims to those lots, and I can forget they ever existed (with the help or the Visitor controller).

Title: Re: Can the spring flirt wants be toned down?
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2007 September 03, 01:59:28
But GOOPY is for EMMA! If it weren't for being aspirationally mismatched, they'd be a 3-bolt.

Title: Re: Can the spring flirt wants be toned down?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2007 September 03, 02:01:49
It must be a love-hate relationship, then!

Title: Re: Can the spring flirt wants be toned down?
Post by: Emma on 2007 September 03, 08:54:27
/me moons Pescado and Zeph

Title: Re: Can the spring flirt wants be toned down?
Post by: witch on 2007 September 03, 09:14:21
Emma's got the 7 year itch.

Title: Re: Can the spring flirt wants be toned down?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2007 September 03, 09:18:52
No, she's just a Family sim! ;D

Title: Re: Can the spring flirt wants be toned down?
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2007 September 03, 12:36:00
You know, Emma, if you keep doing that, it'll become your signature behavior in-game.

Title: Re: Can the spring flirt wants be toned down?
Post by: Emma on 2007 September 03, 13:54:50
You know, Emma, if you keep doing that, it'll become your signature behavior in-game.

I would love to see how you could make my sim do that. Plus my sim's arse isn't as chunky as mine so I don't care :D


Title: Re: Can the spring flirt wants be toned down?
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2007 September 03, 13:56:46
I would love to see how you could make my sim do that.
Well, first, you'd need an assless version of your present outfit, so we can observe your butt in greater detail. I'm sure there's a mesh that will provide just such a thing somewhere on the adult MTS2 site.

Plus my sim's arse isn't as chunky as mine so I don't care :D
Roger, wilco. One Fat Emma coming right up.

Title: Re: Can the spring flirt wants be toned down?
Post by: Emma on 2007 September 03, 13:59:23
I still don't care...*lalala*....

Title: Re: Can the spring flirt wants be toned down?
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2007 September 03, 14:02:05
I still don't care...*lalala*....
Go back to working on your avatar, EMMA.

Title: Re: Can the spring flirt wants be toned down?
Post by: Emma on 2007 September 03, 14:03:33
Oh, do I have to make it myself?

Title: Re: Can the spring flirt wants be toned down?
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2007 September 03, 14:13:21
Oh, do I have to make it myself?
Well, I'd like to see your samples so I can decide how approprate you are. Do a fat Emma kissing the Goopster with a nice lovely mushy-stuff heart outline border. Get a few samples so we can see how good it looks.

And Death to all Emmas.

In other more on-topic news, experiments with want-tree addition are under way and soon we will have a hack for MOAR FIGHT: Some wants you've probably never, ever seen.

Title: Re: Can the spring flirt wants be toned down?
Post by: Emma on 2007 September 03, 14:18:01
Well, I'd like to see your samples so I can decide how approprate you are. Do a fat Emma kissing the Goopster with a nice lovely mushy-stuff heart outline border. Get a few samples so we can see how good it looks.

I am not fat-I just have a *ahem* rounded butt :D I'll do some avatars soon and show you them. You can pick which one you like best.

In other more on-topic news, experiments with want-tree addition are under way and soon we will have a hack for MOAR FIGHT: Some wants you've probably never, ever seen.

Wow! That sounds exciting. I'd do some testing if ya want.

Title: Re: Can the spring flirt wants be toned down?
Post by: Strangel on 2007 September 04, 03:58:57
Plus my sim's arse isn't as chunky as mine so I don't care :D
Roger, wilco. One Fat Emma coming right up.

-points & laughs in Emma's general direction-

Title: Re: Can the spring flirt wants be toned down?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2007 September 04, 04:03:32
Emma, I for one wouldn't blame you if you sicked Komei onto them all!  And arm yourself with Mrs. C's handbag from Paladin...strong sims have been known to flee in total terror!

Title: Re: Can the spring flirt wants be toned down?
Post by: Emma on 2007 September 04, 05:55:13
Emma, I for one wouldn't blame you if you sicked Komei onto them all!  And arm yourself with Mrs. C's handbag from Paladin...strong sims have been known to flee in total terror!

Haha! Don't worry, I will get my own back one of these days ;D

Title: Re: Can the spring flirt wants be toned down?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2007 September 04, 07:36:39
There's also the phaser!

Title: Re: Can the spring flirt wants be toned down?
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2007 September 04, 11:52:37
I am not fat-I just have a *ahem* rounded butt :D I'll do some avatars soon and show you them. You can pick which one you like best.
This better not be an avatar of your butt.

Title: Re: Can the spring flirt wants be toned down?
Post by: Singularity on 2007 September 04, 20:57:52
In other more on-topic news, experiments with want-tree addition are under way and soon we will have a hack for MOAR FIGHT: Some wants you've probably never, ever seen.
Really?  This sounds like the makings of a very Awesome hack.  What kinds of wants, exactly?  Probably my favorite Want that goes unfulfilled is "See the ghost of [Living Sim]".  But now that I have a family with a Cowplant, this may change. ;D I wonder, is there a Want for "Feed [sim] to Cowplant"?  ;) If so, I haven't seen it.

Title: Re: Can the spring flirt wants be toned down?
Post by: Zazazu on 2007 September 04, 21:16:28
In other more on-topic news, experiments with want-tree addition are under way and soon we will have a hack for MOAR FIGHT: Some wants you've probably never, ever seen.
Really?  This sounds like the makings of a very Awesome hack.  What kinds of wants, exactly?  Probably my favorite Want that goes unfulfilled is "See the ghost of [Living Sim]".  But now that I have a family with a Cowplant, this may change. ;D I wonder, is there a Want for "Feed [sim] to Cowplant"?  ;) If so, I haven't seen it.
There is a "Drink X" want. Triggered by furiousness.

Title: Re: Can the spring flirt wants be toned down?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2007 September 04, 21:34:06
There is a "Drink X" want. Triggered by furiousness.

I know!  Claire Walker has been wanting to drink his boyfriend Hari for sim weeks!

Title: Re: Can the spring flirt wants be toned down?
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2007 September 05, 02:29:57
Really?  This sounds like the makings of a very Awesome hack.  What kinds of wants, exactly?  Probably my favorite Want that goes unfulfilled is "See the ghost of [Living Sim]".  But now that I have a family with a Cowplant, this may change. ;D I wonder, is there a Want for "Feed [sim] to Cowplant"?  ;) If so, I haven't seen it.
You've probably never actually seen this want appear at a reasonable time, but the MOAR FIGHT want and an entire want tree pertaining to torture, death, and revenge insofar as they exist in-game is in the works.

Title: Re: Can the spring flirt wants be toned down?
Post by: Assmitten on 2007 September 05, 03:13:17
*pulls up chair and waits for show*