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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: GayJohnScarritt on 2007 August 30, 01:31:08

Title: Can i be a Mass Murderer please?
Post by: GayJohnScarritt on 2007 August 30, 01:31:08
   Would it cause any problems for my game, if i went thru a sub-hood and using JMP's 'Smite' on the Lot Debugger, killed off about 2/3 of my sims?   As in about 140 out of 200 playables?
   When i finished my Royal Kingdom Challenge, i wanted to do a Genetic Experiment on a select group of playables.  So i banished around 200 to a sub-hood and plopped them on empty lots.  I'm at the stage now in my experiment where i think i'm ready to get rid of them permanently.   About the only ones i'll leave alive would be the Royal Class (as i might wish to play with them later on), pregnant women, a few teens and kids thru infants.

Title: Re: Can i be a Mass Murderer please?
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2007 August 30, 01:50:32
   Would it cause any problems for my game, if i went thru a sub-hood and using JMP's 'Smite' on the Lot Debugger, killed off about 2/3 of my sims?   As in about 140 out of 200 playables?
No, other than that you'll have 140 dead character files, but as TS2 nears the end of its life, it is unlikely any number of dead character files at this point will manage to overrun the game's capacity before TS3 kills TS2.

This, of course, does not mean you should intentionally prove me wrong on this point, by starting an endless murder-mill out of endless-respawning NPCs and townies, but I don't think murdering your own playables will be able to create a problem before TS2 dies.

Title: Re: Can i be a Mass Murderer please?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2007 August 30, 05:25:34
I smite sims quite often, especially the trashcan kickers - haven't killed one yet!  But Paladin has phasers.......and firebombs.... ;D

Title: Re: Can i be a Mass Murderer please?
Post by: GayJohnScarritt on 2007 August 30, 10:10:36
I smite sims quite often, especially the trashcan kickers - haven't killed one yet!  But Paladin has phasers.......and firebombs.... ;D

   This was the first time i used the 'Smite' option, turned out i had to use it 3 times to kill them, very inefficient.  So i went the tried and true method, Debug mode/death by flies. 
   The grand total of deaths is 135.  33 were spared, including 12 women who were pregnant.  Normally i have an aversion to purposely killing off my sims, i usually do all i can to keep them alive until Natural Death of Old Age.  I now have a headache and my tummy hurts, but it's done. 

Title: Re: Can i be a Mass Murderer please?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2007 August 30, 10:40:43
If I don't want sims in my game, I usually just make it so as they'd never, ever been......Marsha Bruenig ceased to have been born a long time ago!

Title: Re: Can i be a Mass Murderer please?
Post by: witch on 2007 August 30, 10:54:38
Hey ZZ, nice ta see ya mate!

Title: Re: Can i be a Mass Murderer please?
Post by: Mirelly on 2007 August 30, 10:59:41
No, other than that you'll have 140 dead character files, but as TS2 nears the end of its life, it is unlikely any number of dead character files at this point will manage to overrun the game's capacity before TS3 kills TS2.

Such intelligence is both reassuring and disconcerting. The latter because is it unusual to see you talking L&P.

Title: Re: Can i be a Mass Murderer please?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2007 August 30, 11:00:51
Hi Witch! Nice to see you too! :)

Title: Re: Can i be a Mass Murderer please?
Post by: Zazazu on 2007 August 30, 18:11:35
During the cleansing of Urban Paradise, those Romance sims who lost the die toss for a new aspiration were systematically corralled by the All-Knowing Mimetm then smited, zombified, and reeducated to the Way of Yummy Cheesy Goodness. Smiting typically has to be done 3 times in quick succession on a new visitor, otherwise they realize what's happening and leave. I'd just pause, click on Smite-Sim X four times, then unpause. Crying at the graves kept the waiting sims in the corral occupied.

Title: Re: Can i be a Mass Murderer please?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2007 August 30, 18:22:59
Oh, I don't want to kill my sims, just frighten them a bit - but I wish they got the "Got Shocked" memory!

I also use Mrs Crumplebottom's handbag from Paladin.  (Or at least my Sims do...) ;D