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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: imyourboy on 2007 August 28, 20:57:19

Title: Cyd Roseland Question
Post by: imyourboy on 2007 August 28, 20:57:19
I finally decided to play Cyd Roseland after seeing him visit many of my houses and he's got some pretty complicated relationships going on with a lot of the people.

I placed him in a house with his dog (which promptly destroyed the bed) and after a while I decided I would find him a job.  The house I put him in had a standard maxis computer and I sat him down and said find a job.  It started to look for a job and suddenly he jumped and was standing by the computer.  This happened like three times so I had him go get a newspaper to look and it happened again.

I had him go back to the computer to look for a job for his dog and he had no problem in doing that.

I tried Insim to find him a job and he had the jump again.

I finally got mad and used Inges cat sculpture to turn the dog into a stray and Cyd into a townie but I was wondering if anyone else had that problem?

Title: Re: Cyd Roseland Question
Post by: jolrei on 2007 August 28, 21:03:44
This does not sound like a character specific or pet specific problem to me.  Sounds like a job hunt related problem.  Got any hacks loaded that modify jobs, job searches, etc?

You might want to do a scan of your hacks/mods to see if there's any conflicts.

If it's not that, you might try moving them into a different lot.  I had one maxis lot bork on me, with the effect that 3 out of 4 family members could not use anything water related without a jump (hot tub, pool, bathtub...).  In the end I moved the family to a new lot and bulldozed the old one.  That seemed to work in my case.

Title: Re: Cyd Roseland Question
Post by: spookymuffin on 2007 August 28, 21:10:04
Sounds like a custom career conflict to me. I've had it happen to me a few times.
What have you added to your game since your last successful job search?

Title: Re: Cyd Roseland Question
Post by: Dea on 2007 August 28, 21:17:01
Wedgetail once had a problem with Cyd looking for a job except it was crashing their game.  I dont think there was a solution

Title: Re: Cyd Roseland Question
Post by: imyourboy on 2007 August 28, 21:21:29
Well when I get home from work I will try to see if this happens with any other sim, if not then I will leave Cyd as a townie.

I did add the Life Stories careers and ltw_variety the other day but I don't think that is causing it.

Title: Re: Cyd Roseland Question
Post by: jsalemi on 2007 August 28, 21:31:26
Well, a jump means an error has occurred, and the game reset the object/character.  So what you want to do is turn the testing cheats on so you can capture the error log and attach it here.  Then the smarter folks could help you track down the problem.

If you're not sure how to do any of that, read the FAQ that's stickied near the top of this forum.

Title: Re: Cyd Roseland Question
Post by: aubreylaraine on 2007 August 28, 23:42:16
get the hdcu. mine was doing that too. turns out uni-careersDEBUG and harderjobs dont play nice together. i should have read all the posts to begin with.

Title: Re: Cyd Roseland Question
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2007 August 30, 05:41:19
Only problem I ever had with Cyd was his inability to form meaningful relationships!  I rather think it has to do with his parents giving him a female name!

Title: Re: Cyd Roseland Question
Post by: jsalemi on 2007 August 30, 13:21:01
He gets along pretty well with Tara Kat -- they have two bolts and are married in my game.

Title: Re: Cyd Roseland Question
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2007 August 30, 13:32:02
I've never got around to playing her - I think because she's obviously a younger version of the Katt lady in Unleashed, and I found her a pain!

He gets 3 bolts for Brandi, but not after she changed aspirations to Romance!  And he was too slow to catch her before she married the Romance sim she'd set her sights on, even without a single bolt!  Unfortunately, that Pleasantview was lost when my PC's fan broke and fried both my hard drives - the hard drives were reclaimable, all my sims stuff was not!  Now I BACK UP!  (But I tried to back up online, and it's useless, takes forever, and you can't download folders, just single files, so you end up with a lot of useless sim character files that SimPE won't recognise, and neither will the game - so now I'm waiting till I can afford a decent sized external HD.

I always find Cyd's dog is quite playable, he loves chasing the mail sim, and I let Cyd adopt Fah-Zeh so he wouldn't be alone on the lot, and after about a sim week of fighting they somehow became friends.

Title: Re: Cyd Roseland Question
Post by: witch on 2007 August 31, 06:06:37
I used to burn to CD or DVD before I got an external HDD.

Title: Re: Cyd Roseland Question
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2007 August 31, 09:51:29
It's a pain, isn't it, cds aren't so bad, they don't take long, but they hold so little!  I'm thinking of going over to rewritable dvds for now.  The sad thing is, online storage is useless.  Maybe ok for backing up your whole hard drive, but for individual folders, at least the system offered by my ISP, is useless, as you can't download the whole folder, just one file at a time, which means your sims are totally useless.  I think I might try zipping up and then uploading and see if that works, but I'll do the zipping and not leave it to the upload program, it seems to overload my CPU whenever I try that!  But an external HD is probably better, and cheaper, in the long run, but I think probably best unplugged except when it's being used, just in case I have another fan go and incinerate my files!

Title: Re: Cyd Roseland Question
Post by: witch on 2007 August 31, 10:23:45
I haven't had much luck with re-writable CDs, they've been very unreliable for me. Never tried a re-writable DVD.

I actually hide my external drive after the weekly backup. I figure if I get ripped off they'll probably get all the PCs but at least I'll have data backup and insurance. I also use a password set in the bios, so if I get ripped off by your average teenage opportunist thief, they probably won't be able to get the machines to work.

Title: Re: Cyd Roseland Question
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2007 August 31, 10:36:36
It's about the only thing I don't really worry about - I suppose if it's never happened to you, you tend to think it never will.....

That is the one advantage of online back-up - no matter what gets nicked, you can at least restore your pc to what it was, if you should ever get it back......

I hate using passwords to get my pc started, so I tend to disable all but the necessary user accounts so I don't even have to click the load screen at start-up!  But then, I live alone apart from my cat, and I don't think he's into computer games. :D

Title: Re: Cyd Roseland Question
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2007 August 31, 16:56:54
It's a pain, isn't it, cds aren't so bad, they don't take long, but they hold so little!
CDs hold so LITTLE? I've always found CDs to be frequently too LARGE for what I'd want to keep, seeing as CDs are effectively useless unless what you're storing is in the 500-650MB range. This makes them completely useless for anything that isn't a few hundred MB.

Title: Re: Cyd Roseland Question
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2007 August 31, 17:19:09
Well, two small neighbourhoods in my game are nearly 300 MB - and that's without any downloads. 

Title: Re: Cyd Roseland Question
Post by: Wedgetail on 2007 September 06, 05:00:02
Wedgetail once had a problem with Cyd looking for a job except it was crashing their game.  I dont think there was a solution

Yes I worked out what it was, it was a custom clothing combo that crashed my game, was a body building mesh/oufit conflicting with a NL hairdo. It's something in your CC file, if it's just Cyd then it's something he is wearing. If it's all sims then good luck tracking it down in your downloads lol :P

Title: Re: Cyd Roseland Question
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2007 September 06, 05:24:44
That's what happens when you give in to their demands for new clothes! ;D