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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: LizzyJ on 2007 August 26, 12:10:59

Title: Binning hair troubles
Post by: LizzyJ on 2007 August 26, 12:10:59
I've been binning my downloaded hair for ages now, and I'm not sure when the problem started, but now when I bin hair anything kept as a custom colour (like purple) shows as the right colour in bodyshop and CAS, even in the mirror and portrait picture but shows up as black on the sim. That one big sentence. I'm not sure why it's happening and was wondering if anyone else has been having these problems?

On further inspections it's only Raonsims hairs that are buggered...

Title: Re: Binning hair troubles
Post by: Gwill on 2007 August 26, 12:20:50
I have that problem on one Rose hair I binned.  In my case it's showing as blond.  I've had the same trouble once with one hair from peggy, showing up as brown when it should be grey.
I could never figure it out.  I even re-binned them several times, manually and with Theo's plugin.

Title: Re: Binning hair troubles
Post by: BastDawn on 2007 August 26, 18:30:58
Have you tried copying it in Body Shop?  Make a "recolor" and import it into the game without modifying anything.  Does that fix it?

Title: Re: Binning hair troubles
Post by: LizzyJ on 2007 August 27, 05:01:52
That seems to have worked BastDawn, thanks.