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TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: Simsbaby on 2007 August 25, 03:49:17

Title: H&M Stuff crashes with any Director's Cut
Post by: Simsbaby on 2007 August 25, 03:49:17
I'm trying to get TS2 working on my lappy and I can't get H&M to play nice. I've tried the OFB, Pets, and Seasons Director's Cuts but none of them work correctly. I only have the director's cut in besides a few clothing items. I uploaded some error logs, these are with the Seasons Director's Cut in.

Edit: Oh, I have UNI, NL, OFB, FFS, GLS, CS, and H&M installed.
Edit 2: It's running Windows XP Pro

Title: Re: H&M Stuff crashes with any Director's Cut
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2007 August 25, 04:01:12
I'm trying to get TS2 working on my lappy and I can't get H&M to play nice. I've tried the OFB, Pets, and Seasons Director's Cuts but none of them work correctly. I only have the director's cut in besides a few clothing items. I uploaded some error logs, these are with the Seasons Director's Cut in.

Edit: Oh, I have UNI, NL, OFB, FFS, GLS, CS, and H&M installed.
Edit 2: It's running Windows XP Pro
First error fixed, second error is caused by using wrong DC. H&M is weird and therefore your engine does not advance beyond OFB DC, IIRC.

Title: Re: H&M Stuff crashes with any Director's Cut
Post by: V on 2007 August 27, 18:54:15
So if we put in the H&M then we have to use the OFB Director's Cut?

Title: Re: H&M Stuff crashes with any Director's Cut
Post by: B on 2007 August 27, 19:38:06
So if we put in the H&M then we have to use the OFB Director's Cut?

I believe it is only an issue if you have H&M, but not Seasons.  I'm running all EP and SP, and I'm quite sure I use the Seasons Directors Cut.

Title: Re: H&M Stuff crashes with any Director's Cut
Post by: jrd on 2007 August 27, 22:11:53
H&M and Celebrations screw up the internal version number. IIRC, their code seems to be based on OFB, but the version number claims to be higher than Seasons.
This means that if your last EP is OFB, you run the game from the H&M/Celeb disk. But then all mods assume you have Seasons, so if they depend on the version check, you've got a problem.
If your last EP is Pets or Seasons, you run the game from the Pets/Seas disk, but you still encounter the version number problem. Fortunately in most cases Pets and Seasons run the same (or compatible) code so this is far less likely to cause problems than running an OFB+H&M/Celeb game.

Title: Re: H&M Stuff crashes with any Director's Cut
Post by: Lorelei on 2007 August 28, 14:11:29
I have everything except CEL and FFS, including H&M, and I use the Seasons disk to play and the Seasons Director's Cut.

Perhaps I do not play often enough or long enough to run into issues, but things still seem to be running smoothly.

Have you run the Sims 2 Hack Conflict Detector? Perhaps it is something simple like a hack/mod conflict.

Title: Re: H&M Stuff crashes with any Director's Cut
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2007 August 28, 14:48:20
Lorelei: Your configuration doesn't break version-detect, however. Thus, it is correct for you to use the Seasons DC and everything functions. For someone running OFB with newer packs, it breaks some of the older version detects because your engine remains OFB-esque despite claiming a higher-bit as Seasons.

Title: Re: H&M Stuff crashes with any Director's Cut
Post by: Lorelei on 2007 August 29, 13:23:38
Lorelei: Your configuration doesn't break version-detect, however. Thus, it is correct for you to use the Seasons DC and everything functions. For someone running OFB with newer packs, it breaks some of the older version detects because your engine remains OFB-esque despite claiming a higher-bit as Seasons.

That makes perfect sense, Pes. Thank you.

Title: Re: H&M Stuff crashes with any Director's Cut
Post by: cenoura on 2007 September 03, 20:21:10
I've just got H&M stuff today. I now have the base game with Uni, NL, OFB and H&M. Does this mean my game is still OFB-esque? Do I need OFB versions of hacks (I've read this post as meaning that I do), and are the majority of hacks compatable with H&M? The ones I've noticed so far that I have problems with (in my 10 mins of gameplay before I realised something was wrong) are macrotastics and ACR (I know ACR isn't covered at MATY anymore). Macrotastics doesn't seem to be spawning the menu when clicking on a sim.