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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: lizzycat on 2007 August 19, 01:17:48

Title: HELP! I haven't played in almost two months
Post by: lizzycat on 2007 August 19, 01:17:48
and when I load the game (w/no custom content) it goes to the chosen neighborhood screen and it is totally grey!

I can mouse over and see lot names but if I try to enter I get the spinning hourglass.

What can I do??????????

Title: Re: HELP! I haven't played in almost two months
Post by: Emma on 2007 August 19, 07:01:53
Start a new neighbourhood.

Title: Re: HELP! I haven't played in almost two months
Post by: notveryawesome on 2007 September 02, 10:32:28
Is it one of the three standard Maxis neighbourhoods, or is it one that you've created?

Title: Re: HELP! I haven't played in almost two months
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2007 September 02, 16:30:19
Have you tried to load that neighbourhood in SimPE?

Title: Re: HELP! I haven't played in almost two months
Post by: jolrei on 2007 September 04, 19:03:32
Delete groups.cache - it's so simple it just might work.

If problem persists, delete your neighbourhood and replace with the last backup and try again (you did keep a backup?)

If problem persists build new neighbourhood.

Title: Re: HELP! I haven't played in almost two months
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2007 September 04, 19:09:36
Also, in case you haven't done so, clean up your registry with a registry cleaner, clear out your IE cache, and defragment your hard drive (don't take any notice of Windows telling you it doesn't need it, have a look and if there are a lot of red bits, defrag anyway!)  At least then you'll know whether it's a game issue or a computer issue, if your HD is very fragmented the game will have problems accessing information.