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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: broo on 2007 August 17, 14:13:54

Title: Is there a way.. ?
Post by: broo on 2007 August 17, 14:13:54
I was wondering if there is a way to make certain blushes/lipsticks and other makeup to only be available for the sims with certain skintone? I'm also interested if it's possible to make certain makeup pieces dominant? I mean, to make it possible for all/most of the newly generated sims to wear the same blush or whatever..?
 P.S.: If that makes any difference, all my makeup is decustomized.
Thank you!

Title: Re: Is there a way.. ?
Post by: pioupiou on 2007 August 17, 17:42:47
I was wondering if there is a way to make certain blushes/lipsticks and other makeup to only be available for the sims with certain skintone?
You need to change the skintone line in the property set to the skintone you'd like. There's one maxis blush that already works that way. But it only works for one skintone. I don't know if there is a way to restrict a make-up to more than one skintone.

Title: Re: Is there a way.. ?
Post by: broo on 2007 August 19, 01:45:07
Thank you, pioupiou, for confirming my theory. I guess now I should try and see how it works for myself but I would still like to get more answers before screwing with things I don't fully understand...

Title: Re: Is there a way.. ?
Post by: Strangel on 2007 August 19, 08:42:17
Yanno.. I'd like to learn that, too. I have specific makeup cc that looks good with only darker skintones and some that looks good with only lighter skintones, and I'm forever having to shuffle through both to get to the ones that I like. It irks. I'd rather be able to only see the ones that I've chosen for darker skintones when I'm whipping up a makeover or Change Appearance on a darker sim.

Title: Re: Is there a way.. ?
Post by: broo on 2007 August 20, 11:36:25
^ Same here. I want to prevent townies with darker skins from getting super light blushes, lipsticks or eyeshadows as I'm really tired of catching them one by one just to fix their makeup.

Title: Re: Is there a way.. ?
Post by: Li'l Brudder on 2007 August 20, 19:01:47

I'm wondering if MissBree is evolving.

Broo == Bree?

Title: Re: Is there a way.. ?
Post by: eevilcat on 2007 August 20, 20:17:56
I suggest you look up some Runequest (Glorantha) references. Broo are not nice.

Title: Re: Is there a way.. ?
Post by: broo on 2007 August 20, 22:45:23
I'm sorry, I have no idea what are you talking about. I've been using this nickname at various sims related message boards (like Sims 2 community for example) for about 2 years now. BTW, it's short for Brooke.

Title: Re: Is there a way.. ?
Post by: rosenshyne on 2007 August 20, 22:54:59
Brooke isn't short enough already?

Title: Re: Is there a way.. ?
Post by: Marhis on 2007 August 20, 23:01:58
Don't worry, broo; it's because of a recurrent troll who's name is miss bree, and that keeps creating sock puppet accounts with "bree" or similar in nickname.
Therefore, whenever a poor unaware new user comes in, is immediatly looked at with suspicion.  ;)

So far, you're the second missbree's killmark, the other one was unlucky Breezilla.

Title: Re: Is there a way.. ?
Post by: broo on 2007 August 20, 23:20:55
Brooke isn't short enough already?
Well, Brooke is usually already taken.

Don't worry, broo; it's because of a recurrent troll who's name is miss bree, and that keeps creating sock puppet accounts with "bree" or similar in nickname.
Therefore, whenever a poor unaware new user comes in, is immediatly looked at with suspicion.  ;)

So far, you're the second missbree's killmark, the other one was unlucky Breezilla.
No worries. I just went and searched for the info on that miss and am now aware of who she is and even thought it's not funny to be misstaken for someone you are not, especially if the person you are misstaken for isn't the most favorite person in the community, I understand peoples' concern.

Title: Re: Is there a way.. ?
Post by: Li'l Brudder on 2007 August 22, 21:02:00
Breezilla. That's hilarious that it wasn't Miss Bree.

Also, my apologies to you.  When I'm done screening your criminal history.  :P

Title: Re: Is there a way.. ?
Post by: jfade on 2007 August 24, 17:10:17
Fascinating... I knew the skintone line existed and was there for, I presumed, this very reason, but does it only work for makeup/accessories/other texture or mesh overlays? I'd tried it for other things and couldn't seem to get it to work, but I don't recall if I tried it with makeup. I might have to change how the Wardrobe Wrangler is going to work now, slightly anyhow. I will also have to retest to see if you can restrict things for certain hair colors. I know you can color bin eyebrows and facial hair, for instance, but I don't know if other things work this same way.

*Makes a mental note to try this stuff out this weekend.*

Title: Re: Is there a way.. ?
Post by: snabul on 2007 August 25, 01:45:35
if your chasing miss brees socket puppets:
"Trolls sometimes use "socketpuppets", i.e. fake identities that may be used to sustain, or to inflame the troll's position or theory or attack. At times the socket puppets' names are anagrams or similar to the troll name. Thus a troll may engage in artificial conversations with himself. However impersonating multiple people is frowned upon by the more able trolls and is considered the lowest of the possible troll tactics."

look, whos helping You against Her.

And then... get paranoid!

Best against Trolls: DONT FEED THE TROLL! (do ignore the troll)

Title: Re: Is there a way.. ?
Post by: notveryawesome on 2007 August 31, 23:55:54
Don't worry, broo; it's because of a recurrent troll who's name is miss bree, and that keeps creating sock puppet accounts with "bree" or similar in nickname.
Therefore, whenever a poor unaware new user comes in, is immediatly looked at with suspicion.  ;)

So far, you're the second missbree's killmark, the other one was unlucky Breezilla.

Ah, my apologies to Breezilla, then, as I believe I was the one to originally bring her(?) to the forum's attention. Would anyone care for some hypervigilance with a side of paranoia? I seem to have both in excess.

Title: Re: Is there a way.. ?
Post by: akatonbo on 2007 September 01, 16:43:27
If someone comes along to ask a perfectly reasonable technical question and no controversy follows, odds are that they aren't a troll. ;)

Title: Re: Is there a way.. ?
Post by: witch on 2007 September 02, 09:49:04
Or not a very good one, at any rate.

Title: Re: Is there a way.. ?
Post by: broo on 2007 September 10, 08:59:10
Ok, so I tried the method above and it didn't work with only one blush. But then I tried to link a few blushes to each other by changing their family line and then each to different skintone (including geneticized custom ones) and it worked perfectly! Thanks everyone for helping me!