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TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: Miao on 2007 August 16, 05:38:21

Title: Game crashes to desktop during neighborhood creation.
Post by: Miao on 2007 August 16, 05:38:21
Lately (in the last few weeks) I wanted to create some new neighborhoods, but for some reason, the game crashes to desktop each time after creating Weather. The last time it crashed, there wasn't even an error message--the game just froze and closed itself. I hadn't created any new neighborhoods in months.

I think it may have something to do with the empty neighborhood templates I downloaded from here, in that post by SaraMK, exactly a month ago (I have Argon's empty Pleasantview, though). I followed all the directions in the posts exactly, but can't help but think that I might have made a misstep somewhere.

I have made backups of the original files, but they aren't where I can get them quickly. I've also searched the threads in this subforum w/out finding a similar problem. Thanks in advance!

Title: Re: Game crashes to desktop during neighborhood creation.
Post by: B on 2007 August 16, 11:13:17
Have you tried moving your entire Documents and Settings\yourname\EA Games\Sims 2 folder somewhere else?  Doing so will force the game to reconstruct the base neighborhoods, and then you can try creating a fresh hood.  If it works, you'll be able to move your custom content back afterwards. 

Title: Re: Game crashes to desktop during neighborhood creation.
Post by: Zazazu on 2007 August 16, 15:23:51
Double-check where you placed N001-bak. It can cause this issue if you have left it in the parent 'hood folder (in My Documents).

Title: Re: Game crashes to desktop during neighborhood creation.
Post by: Miao on 2007 August 16, 16:44:15
@Zazazu: I'm pretty sure that all my backups are in my external hard drive, so that can't be it. :-\ I even redownloaded the files and placed them into the EA Games/The Sims 2/TSData/Res/UserData/Neighborhoods/N001 folder over the old ones.

@B: I'll give that method a go. Hopefully that's the trick.

EDIT: Lo and behold, taking out the My Documents/EA Games/The Sims 2 folder did the trick. I created a new neighborhood without incident.

Now, I hope that I won't have to do this each time I want to create a new hood...