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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Dbnguy on 2007 August 11, 06:39:52

Title: Moving lots to new neighbourhoods
Post by: Dbnguy on 2007 August 11, 06:39:52
Is it at all possible?

I found a really awesome neighborhood that I want to use. However, I want to transfer my existing house WITH family and furniture to this new neighbourhood. I have tried packaging the lot to a file, but when I install it, it doesnt show up in the new neighbourhood. Im sure it must be possible as there is a "TAB" under the lots section for occupied houses.

Please can someone shed some light as to how this can be doen, it at all...

thanks a million Guys


Title: Re: Moving lots to new neighbourhoods
Post by: Angie on 2007 August 11, 08:25:32
Installing occupied lots is bad, mmmkay?  Yes, it is possible to do it, but it is also known to cause BFBVFS.

If you insist on doing it, I suggest you read this thread:,8903.0.html (,8903.0.html)

Title: Re: Moving lots to new neighbourhoods
Post by: SaraMK on 2007 August 11, 10:53:48
You mean you found a new terrain that you want to use?

It would be safer to do terrain surgery rather than moving lots. See the War Room for a tutorial, and make sure you make a backup before you start.

Title: Re: Moving lots to new neighbourhoods
Post by: Zazazu on 2007 August 12, 00:47:03
...or just use it as a subhood. Of course, your family would still be in the main, but you could put new families in the subhood.

Title: Re: Moving lots to new neighbourhoods
Post by: akatonbo on 2007 August 12, 01:03:18
Besides, if it's used as a subhood, then it's at least safe to move the family within the neighborhood by moving them out of their lot.