More Awesome Than You!

TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: Mens Mortuus on 2007 August 09, 05:17:38

Title: Cat can't be hugged
Post by: Mens Mortuus on 2007 August 09, 05:17:38
This family has two cats, one of which behaves normally, but for some reason the other cannot be given love or played with by a sim. There's no error or anything, it simply drops out of queue. The cat can ask for it, and gets it, but not the other way around no matter how high the relationship. Personality-wise, it's independent, but that's never made any difference for all pets.
I must mention both cats are adopted strays.

Hacks information: 90% Pescado's hacks, no pet-related hacks except for Pescado's. I do use jfade's pet stuff, the litter/food dish. I also use paladin's one-tile pet bed. I have had them for a long time. I also have insim, but I use only the teleporter and pregnancy controller (yes, yes, lazy puppy-killing bum and all that). Tried the elimination method, no dice.

I'll attach an error log, but at which point do I force the error? There's isn't any jumping or other funky behaviours at all!

Title: Re: Cat can't be hugged
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2007 August 09, 06:10:51
Try deleting it and reloading the lot, so that it respawns by the mailbox.

Title: Re: Cat can't be hugged
Post by: Horanda on 2007 August 09, 13:00:06
Somehow a real cat has managed to get into your game. Real cats can only be hugged when they want it. :P

Title: Re: Cat can't be hugged
Post by: Mens Mortuus on 2007 August 09, 13:30:48
I deleted one cat, and after reload both were wonky. Grr. It worked after I deleted both and reloaded.

Somehow a real cat has managed to get into your game. Real cats can only be hugged when they want it. :P

 :D I thought so myself at first!

Title: Re: Cat can't be hugged
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2007 August 09, 13:38:29
Yeah, that's my cat. My cat can only be hugged or petted when its wants to be. And when it wants to be, you'd better. "You may pet Us now."

Title: Re: Cat can't be hugged
Post by: Marhis on 2007 August 09, 15:49:40
Ha! My cat is more cat than your!

He never wants to be hugged: he hates hugs, always reacts with claws and hisses when someone tries to hug him, or even only carry him in arms. No way you can have him on your lap, unless you want to be mauled and scratched too.
Just wave at him from distance, like at least a couple meters, say "hi cat" and smile, and he purrs so loud you can hear him from there.

Ok, so much for useless posts, going back to my business ;).

Title: Re: Cat can't be hugged
Post by: Zazazu on 2007 August 09, 17:01:35
Yeah, that's my cat. My cat can only be hugged or petted when its wants to be. And when it wants to be, you'd better. "You may pet Us now."
I have one who wants to be hugged and petted and talked to every moment of every day. At night, he lays up against me. The other one (pictured) freaks out if you try to hug him or put arms around him. He'll put up with unsolicited petting, but only in the approved spots of the top of the head and the spine. Except for right when I get home from work, then he wants my undivided attention for a bit. And randomly once a week, he'll come sit next to me, look all sad, and cry for me to love on him.

Brushing time is equally hilarious. Soren sees the brush and practically throws himself on me to be brushed, while Mikko tries to attack it.

Oh, so, Mens Mortuus, I've had that issue as well. Not just hugging was borked...every interaction was borked. The cat could initiate, but no one else could and have it go through. That's what I did as well. Forcing errors on him didn't do a thing. I almost wonder if it's something gone wrong during lot load, as he had been fine the previous play session.

Title: Re: Cat can't be hugged
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2007 August 12, 09:42:23
Ha! My cat is more cat than your!

He never wants to be hugged: he hates hugs, always reacts with claws and hisses when someone tries to hug him, or even only carry him in arms. No way you can have him on your lap, unless you want to be mauled and scratched too.
Yes, but my cat will do this if you don't pet him when he says so, as well as if you try to when he hasn't said so. It is very "You May Pet Us Now."