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TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: choppingman on 2007 August 08, 00:49:09

Title: Custom Clothes not appearing so not able to buy ...
Post by: choppingman on 2007 August 08, 00:49:09
Hi all,

Long time reader, first time poster.

Very n00b question coming so feel free to point and laugh.  I have all expansion packs installed, along with some hacks of awesomeness.  Very few other bits and pieces really.  My question is why are the custom clothes not appearing to be able to purchase on community lots or otherwise.  All standard clothes appear and are able to be purchased.  I suspect there may perhaps be a hack conflict.  But not sure.

Would someone more awesome than me be able to answer this for me please?

Title: Re: Custom Clothes not appearing so not able to buy ...
Post by: ZiggyDoodle on 2007 August 08, 01:29:49
I suspect there may perhaps be a hack conflict.  But not sure.

Well, the easiest way to check that out would be to move your hacks out of your DL folder.  Also, did you confirm that you have CC enabled in your game menu?

I've had odd experiences with some custom hair and clothing not showing up in the game until I opened the latest version of Body Shop.  You might want to give that a shot as well.

Title: Re: Custom Clothes not appearing so not able to buy ...
Post by: choppingman on 2007 August 09, 02:17:04
Thanks for that.  I will give moving out hacks a go when I get home.

I have confirmed that CC is enabled in Options.

Title: Re: Custom Clothes not appearing so not able to buy ...
Post by: Zazazu on 2007 August 09, 03:38:56
Do you have the custom content dialog coming up every time you start the game? This is not good. Eaxis borked that (surprise surprise). If you do, enter the game. Tell it to load the custom content. Then change your game options from "Enable Custom Content Dialog" "Yes" to "No" (or on to off, it's been awhile). Exit game, restart.

Title: Re: Custom Clothes not appearing so not able to buy ...
Post by: Khan of Wyrms on 2007 August 09, 04:08:32
That dialog never did control the appearance of custom clothing for me, just things like game mods and custom objects.  There is a separate option in the game settings panel that reads something like, "Catalogs display custom content."  Not sure of the exact location or wording because I have never used it, but I have seen it there, somewhere.

Title: Re: Custom Clothes not appearing so not able to buy ...
Post by: ZiggyDoodle on 2007 August 09, 13:04:43
Another thing that came to mind is that if you have downloaded recolors of clothing from stuff packs you don't have, it won't show up.

Title: Re: Custom Clothes not appearing so not able to buy ...
Post by: Sleepycat on 2007 August 09, 19:43:22
also make sure your Downloads folder is spelled with a capital D

Title: Re: Custom Clothes not appearing so not able to buy ...
Post by: jolrei on 2007 August 09, 19:51:31
Very basic and probably goes without saying, but, and I hesitate to say it, do your custom clothes show up as xxxx.package files in your Downloads folder.  They won't work if you just copied the .zip or .rar files.  Need to be unzipped to work.

Sorry if this is too basic - I know it's like saying "well, is the thing plugged into the wall socket?".

Title: Re: Custom Clothes not appearing so not able to buy ...
Post by: choppingman on 2007 August 14, 06:06:11
thanks for all the help people.  The custom dialog box does not come up.  Checked all the dir pathing and all ok.  All packages are *.package

Another sims addict took a look at this for me and are you ready for this?  I had no male clothing in there what so ever.  So if a male goes downtown to buy clothes he aint gonna find much.

Female clothes are appearing in Bodyshop and also the game.  Thanks again all.

Title: Re: Custom Clothes not appearing so not able to buy ...
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2007 August 14, 11:38:29
Yes, it would help to actually *HAVE* some CC of the type you expect to see!
/me points and laughs.