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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: elle.jae on 2007 August 05, 02:54:56

Title: Marking second cousins as family - Okay or not?
Post by: elle.jae on 2007 August 05, 02:54:56
Alright, I'm getting into my 4th generation in Pleasantview, so some of my families have expanded quite a bit. I'd really like to keep second cousins from being attracted to each other and being able to procreate, so would it screw up anything if I mark them as "Family" in SimPE?

Just checking before I do it, just in case it's a VBT.

Title: Re: Marking second cousins as family - Okay or not?
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2007 August 05, 03:13:54
Harmless. A lot of default Maxian sims seem to already "ineligible" each other with that flag, but it's not ironclad.

Title: Re: Marking second cousins as family - Okay or not?
Post by: Assmitten on 2007 August 05, 03:17:07
I have nothing useful to add, but I think of Sims as like cats. Some of my favorite Sims have been inbred as Kentucky hillfolk*...though they didn't know it. One day you kind of go "wow, this neighborhood has a lot of redheads."

I understand your concern, though.

*I make this slur because I am one generation removed. These are my people. I can barely see the screen due to my crossed eyes.

Title: Re: Marking second cousins as family - Okay or not?
Post by: witch on 2007 August 05, 06:29:21
*I make this slur because I am one generation removed. These are my people. I can barely see the screen due to my crossed eyes.

And protruding buck teeth.

Title: Re: Marking second cousins as family - Okay or not?
Post by: Sleepycat on 2007 August 05, 07:44:43
heh, the other day I realized I have a sim who can say "My niece (mothers side) gave birth to my Uncle (fathers side)   ::)

Title: Re: Marking second cousins as family - Okay or not?
Post by: eevilcat on 2007 August 05, 08:25:35
Sleepycat: I have been enjoying your Riverhaven story. I've no idea how you keep up with the inheritance as my sim relationships are complicated enough without twiddling family flags.

On a related note, I was wondering how marriage affects how the game determines family relations. I haven't altered any family flags, yet some sims show lightning bolts but only have family interactions available. For example Baron Tamar married Patrick Ottomas (youngest of the fugly Ottomas spawn). Baron shows 3-bolt attractions for both of Patrick's half-alien twin sisters (who are in turn living in another house and married to Ramaswami spawn). When Baron invites either sister over, the lightning bolts are there but he only has family interactions available. I am running with both ACR and the romancemod so that may affect things.

Title: Re: Marking second cousins as family - Okay or not?
Post by: Gwill on 2007 August 05, 09:46:22
I'm currently playing a neigbourhood with 5 playable families who interbreed on a rotation scheme. Come to think of it, that means that everyone is at least a second cousin by now.

Title: Re: Marking second cousins as family - Okay or not?
Post by: elle.jae on 2007 August 05, 13:57:44
I have nothing useful to add, but I think of Sims as like cats. Some of my favorite Sims have been inbred as Kentucky hillfolk*...though they didn't know it. One day you kind of go "wow, this neighborhood has a lot of redheads."

I understand your concern, though.

*I make this slur because I am one generation removed. These are my people. I can barely see the screen due to my crossed eyes.

I've always believed that there must be some sort of correlation between literacy and nightvision in inbred Kentucky hillfolk.* The less you can read, the better your nightvision. That's the only way I can explain the poorly lit roads there.

Thanks for go-ahead, JMP!

*I'm from Indiana, so I have to say this kind of thing about Kentuckians. It's nothing personal, just the natural order of things.

Title: Re: Marking second cousins as family - Okay or not?
Post by: GayJohnScarritt on 2007 August 05, 15:22:28
heh, the other day I realized I have a sim who can say "My niece (mothers side) gave birth to my Uncle (fathers side)   ::)

   Close but no cigar, you're not allowed to crow about it until one of your sims can say "I'm my own grandpa!"   :) (

Title: Re: Marking second cousins as family - Okay or not?
Post by: akatonbo on 2007 August 05, 16:43:22
There's a thread over on S2C about "scandals" of various kinds in players' neighborhoods, and one person posted about having used that song as inspiration for a storyline. I think it was that the father in Household A hooked up with the daughter in Household B, while the son in Household A hooked up with the mother in Household B, so he became his own father's stepfather.

Title: Re: Marking second cousins as family - Okay or not?
Post by: Gwill on 2007 August 05, 17:34:14
Back in my old neigbourhood I had a sim who I would breed into my family every 3rd generation.  Great grandparents are not family.

Title: Re: Marking second cousins as family - Okay or not?
Post by: Assmitten on 2007 August 05, 17:57:54
*I make this slur because I am one generation removed. These are my people. I can barely see the screen due to my crossed eyes.

And protruding buck teeth.



Title: Re: Marking second cousins as family - Okay or not?
Post by: rohina on 2007 August 05, 18:39:11

Title: Re: Marking second cousins as family - Okay or not?
Post by: Sleepycat on 2007 August 05, 20:40:09
Sleepycat: I have been enjoying your Riverhaven story. I've no idea how you keep up with the inheritance as my sim relationships are complicated enough without twiddling family flags.

On a related note, I was wondering how marriage affects how the game determines family relations. I haven't altered any family flags, yet some sims show lightning bolts but only have family interactions available. For example Baron Tamar married Patrick Ottomas (youngest of the fugly Ottomas spawn). Baron shows 3-bolt attractions for both of Patrick's half-alien twin sisters (who are in turn living in another house and married to Ramaswami spawn). When Baron invites either sister over, the lightning bolts are there but he only has family interactions available. I am running with both ACR and the romancemod so that may affect things.

Thank you, I'm glad your enjoying Riverhaven  :D  Who's related to who and how has certainly gotten more confusing *laughs* 

sounds like you have the 'in-law flag' problem with Baron, you can bypass it by setting them as 'in love' I use InSIM to do that but you can also use SimPE.  It's the only way I have found to bypass the 'in-law flags' as SimPE and InSIM don't see them. Sometimes the Family Tie Flags can interfer with a sim getting pregnant too.


Title: Re: Marking second cousins as family - Okay or not?
Post by: Assmitten on 2007 August 05, 21:36:09
img snipped


Title: Re: Marking second cousins as family - Okay or not?
Post by: rohina on 2007 August 05, 21:48:36
Natch. Not MY secret, I hasten to add.

Title: Re: Marking second cousins as family - Okay or not?
Post by: morriganrant on 2007 August 06, 05:36:44
I've always believed that there must be some sort of correlation between literacy and nightvision in inbred Kentucky hillfolk.* The less you can read, the better your nightvision. That's the only way I can explain the poorly lit roads there.

Nah, thats all hillbilly like areas. In my home town most of the back roads have no lights what so ever, except for houses that are way the hell off the road. I've gotten so used to it that I now have a horrible time driving in the dark in Lit areas. I can see perfectly well by my headlights and night vision but absolutely nothing with street lights. Of course in my area, illiteracy seems to have an effect in how much you can function while inebriated. The less you are able to read the more alcohol you are able to pack away and still drive without swerving...

Title: Re: Marking second cousins as family - Okay or not?
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2007 August 06, 11:52:50
That isn't true. I'm quite literate, yet I drink enough vodka to kill you if you try it.

Title: Re: Marking second cousins as family - Okay or not?
Post by: Zazazu on 2007 August 06, 15:19:10
That isn't true. I'm quite literate, yet I drink enough vodka to kill you if you try it.
The amount I can drink is directly proportionate to the number of cute, likely available, boys in the area. This is why, when out with my two best friends and their boyfriend/fiance (also friends of mine) I'm out after two Deliriums. At New Years, surrounded by boys, I'm downing whole bottles of Bailey's and Makers Mark and multiple tumblers of champagne with no hangover. 'Course I don't drive.

This, of course, goes to show that I should be surrounded by cute guys at all times.

Title: Re: Marking second cousins as family - Okay or not?
Post by: morriganrant on 2007 August 06, 19:11:00
It merely applies to the area I come from, and i should have been more specific. Its beer they pack away ... packs and packs of beer. Not liqueur at all, but piss. They are obviously drunk yet they are still functioning ...mostly ....can't walk but they can drive for some reason. They can barely read and have difficulty writing.
As for myself, I can actually drink several of my male friends, that are twice as big as I am, under the table so long as its mainly rum. They are rather stunned and seem to treat it as some kind of party trick

Title: Re: Marking second cousins as family - Okay or not?
Post by: jolrei on 2007 August 06, 19:30:21
I have noticed that if people are flagged as family, they don't necessarily show up as contributing to the number of friends necessary for job promotions.  That is, they can register on the relations as friends, best friends, loves, etc. but on the skills/job section, the family members do not contribut to the necessary friends number (or is that just if they live in the same lot?).

So, if you mark a lot of sims as family, you may not only make them ineligible to marry/woohoo, but you may find that suddenly other sims don't have the number of friends needed for job promotions.

That's the only "down" side I can think of.

Title: Re: Marking second cousins as family - Okay or not?
Post by: Zazazu on 2007 August 06, 20:46:39
With the family-friend-promo thing, a family member can count as a family friend as long as they are friends with the spouse. So if the husband is friends with his mother-in-law, she counts as a friend. Or if he's friends with his wife's cousin. Or similar. But being friends with ones' own cousin doesn't help. This is contrary to the real world, where nepotism kicks ass...or is a bitch, depending on which end of the stick you're on. I've been on both.

Of course, the family-friend-promo thing makes mass intermarriage a bad thing, because there becomes very few playables who are valid for family friend status.

But then, my game seems hell-bent on going down into a firey pit of chaos, anyways. I have a psuedo-alien fortune sim in Crater City borking guys and getting pregnant with them behind Trepie's back (ACR), and Lorelei committing statuatory with the same teen BastDawn (her "daughter") has a thing for in Monopoly, where Trepie and Nekonoai can't keep off each other and stop procreating like bunnies.

Title: Re: Marking second cousins as family - Okay or not?
Post by: jolrei on 2007 August 07, 13:53:22
But then, my game seems hell-bent on going down into a firey pit of chaos, anyways. I have a psuedo-alien fortune sim in Crater City borking guys and getting pregnant with them behind Trepie's back (ACR), and Lorelei committing statuatory with the same teen BastDawn (her "daughter") has a thing for in Monopoly, where Trepie and Nekonoai can't keep off each other and stop procreating like bunnies.

Ya.  My Oakenwald hood (first hood) went like that - all playables having affairs with any other playable that they met (during the days when I used the kittenkiller) - ultimately, there were too few playables eligible for marriage, too many dead townies, and the bloat and chaos started to cause problems.  I ultimately couldn't keep track, and kittenkiller's risky woohoo meant that population growth due to inbreeding was explosive.  Finally, I got so confused (and annoyed at the rampant error messages) that I abandoned the hood and built Mittelschmerz, a nice clean custom desert, and removed InTeen.  I now control (more or less) the procreation function and population growth, so that, even though my sims still fall in love like mad, at least they don't pop spawn at an alarming rate. 

Title: Re: Marking second cousins as family - Okay or not?
Post by: Zazazu on 2007 August 07, 15:35:56
I only have Crater City set to allow unmarried pregnancies and had done so because I wanted a shot-gun Trepie/Rachelle wedding. Still got the shot-gun wedding, just another sim's baby. Any "accidental" pregnancies in Monopoly are either engineered or the result of normal married ACR actions. Heck, Trepie there is on his third kid with Nekonoai (with step-daughter Annann and son Pescado) and they still went and tried last night. Thank goodness there were no chimes, as I honestly don't know where I'd fit a sixth child in their 8x8 two-story. Already had to kick the dog outside. But I do like the chaos. Without it, the Pennybags would have continued to be a happy little family, and I was going to have issues doing what I wanted with Douglas if he fell for someone his age.

Title: Re: Marking second cousins as family - Okay or not?
Post by: idtaminger on 2007 August 07, 20:13:58
Lol. Assmitten - Is that Harry Potter's butt that's twitching?

Title: Re: Marking second cousins as family - Okay or not?
Post by: morriganrant on 2007 August 07, 20:54:16
Lol. Assmitten - Is that Harry Potter's butt that's twitching?

It is indeed ...we can't tear our eyes away. It just mesmerizes.

I suspect the pregnancy rate in my hood will go up soon. I have risky honeymoon, risky sneak out and risky run away installed with inteen at the moment ...this should be full of surprises.

Title: Re: Marking second cousins as family - Okay or not?
Post by: seventhson on 2007 August 07, 22:49:45
I suspect the pregnancy rate in my hood will go up soon. I have risky honeymoon, risky sneak out and risky run away installed with inteen at the moment ...this should be full of surprises.

If I may ask...those sound shiny. Where did you get them?  ;D

Title: Re: Marking second cousins as family - Okay or not?
Post by: morriganrant on 2007 August 08, 00:01:48
I suspect the pregnancy rate in my hood will go up soon. I have risky honeymoon, risky sneak out and risky run away installed with inteen at the moment ...this should be full of surprises.

If I may ask...those sound shiny. Where did you get them?  ;D

They were only in beta and you had to be signed in to find them. They are now part of the flavor pack so just go update your inteen.

Title: Re: Marking second cousins as family - Okay or not?
Post by: seventhson on 2007 August 08, 00:24:46
I suspect the pregnancy rate in my hood will go up soon. I have risky honeymoon, risky sneak out and risky run away installed with inteen at the moment ...this should be full of surprises.

If I may ask...those sound shiny. Where did you get them?  ;D

They were only in beta and you had to be signed in to find them. They are now part of the flavor pack so just go update your inteen.

Thank you! Looking in completely the wrong place, go me.