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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Uoza on 2007 August 04, 20:33:05

Title: Vampire Default Skin
Post by: Uoza on 2007 August 04, 20:33:05
I downloaded a default vampire skin that used Enayla's Vampire Grace skintone, but it works like an overlay and blends with the sims original skintone and when I add the make up included with the Vampire Grace download it's either smothered so much it's unrecognisable or if I use this tutorial it just looks like a strawberries and cream incident which is not as scary as it sounds.  I also tried following this tutorial on making defaults but changing DXT3/5 to DXT1 just screwed up the beautiful graphics.

So if anyone can help me either figure out how to make a default vampire out of Enayla's Vampire Grace bundle (it would be a bonus to have the makeup and eye's that came with it as default for all vamps) or maybe if it's completely impossible is there anyway to get the skin as a full body mask that can be placed over the skin, thanks a bunch in advance for any input ^_^

Title: Re: Vampire Default Skin
Post by: Gwill on 2007 August 04, 23:32:35
Isn't is just a matter of removing the transparency?

Edit:  My tests show that if you want to use the skintone as an exact replacement, in stead of a transparent overlay, this is a 10 minute job.
I'll show you what I threw together, I just have to find a place to upload it.
Edit II:

Title: Re: Vampire Default Skin
Post by: Uoza on 2007 August 05, 09:09:50
Aah you even put in the shadow eyes and blood smear *wells up with tears* thank you so so soooo much Gwill ( as a matter of interest, how did you do add the make-up and default eye to the skin?)

If i wanted to to add make-up to my vampire I would have to move all their respective layers to a much higher number?

Title: Re: Vampire Default Skin
Post by: Gwill on 2007 August 05, 09:35:59
I just copied the makeup and eye textures onto the face texture.  I noticed afterwards that there was a eyeshadow in the bundle as well.  I didn't add that, but I can fix that in a minute if you want.  And I'm not quite sure the elder body textures are correct.

I think there are some fixes around that helps with the vampire skin layering.  Do you have Pescado's vampire fixes?

Edit:  I did mess up the elder textures.  What I thought were teen skins turned out to be the elder textures.  On the positive side, some extra compression made the file small enough to upload here.

Title: Re: Vampire Default Skin
Post by: Uoza on 2007 August 05, 10:46:09
Well I would like the whole lot (except the eyebrows) all smooshed together if it's not too much to ask.  I'll do a search for those vamp hacks, thanks for pointing them out pour moi.

Title: Re: Vampire Default Skin
Post by: Gwill on 2007 August 05, 10:56:24
The second version I uploaded does include the eyeshadow.

Title: Re: Vampire Default Skin
Post by: Uoza on 2007 August 05, 11:10:27
Thanks so much Gwill :D you're the bestest ^_^

Title: Re: Vampire Default Skin
Post by: Strangel on 2007 August 05, 19:03:40
-nips it and runs to toss it into game-

Title: Re: Vampire Default Skin
Post by: morriganrant on 2007 August 06, 04:29:09
Edit:  I did mess up the elder textures.  What I thought were teen skins turned out to be the elder textures.  On the positive side, some extra compression made the file small enough to upload here.
I read somewhere that with the vampire overlay one of the elder textures is also the teen female texture. This did turn out to be true. aikea guinea made one of the mods to remove the grey\blue overlay and was having problems, i had found the information here that turned out to be just the ticket.

Title: Re: Vampire Default Skin
Post by: Argon on 2007 August 06, 06:41:14
Actually, it was the elder male texture that was being used on the adult female. The teen texture is a mix of the teen male and teen female body textures.

Oh yeah and it really is Pescado's fix (,3115.0.html)... *cough*

Title: Re: Vampire Default Skin
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2007 August 06, 07:07:50
Actually, your original texture got dropped from the latest version, as I crosslinked it to a Maxian texture instead after studying the way Maxis was doing things anyway, in an attempt to shrink the filesize. Your original wasn't a comprehensive fix of all things vampy, anyway.

Title: Re: Vampire Default Skin
Post by: morriganrant on 2007 August 06, 19:19:37
I know he made it, he is teh awesomeness. aikea guinea just made one first ...or ...possibly just got one out first. I'm a member of an LJ group, she was pretty active there at the time. You can see how she is about vampires being pretty, she made that thing within hours and shared. I know she got one out first because i was perusing here to see if the hacks had been updated and see what the others had experienced in the game with relation to borkiness.  Doesn't matter though ...she is at the tsr and has mostly left the LJ group ...that is traitorous...  and she likes her vamps foreheads to be big so her facial piercings can't be used on most of my sims... :P

Title: Re: Vampire Default Skin
Post by: Argon on 2007 August 07, 23:26:45
Actually, your original texture got dropped from the latest version, as I crosslinked it to a Maxian texture instead after studying the way Maxis was doing things anyway, in an attempt to shrink the filesize. Your original wasn't a comprehensive fix of all things vampy, anyway.

Bah I'll keep my shade correct teen texture (different from the one you had, the previous only corrected the alpha channel), it's better than having the bright blue lines all over the body from using the adult female texture. ;D You should try using the difference blending mode on the two textures in Photoshop sometime Pescado.
The face texture may be the same for AF and TF but there are no shared AF and TF body textures besides clothing.

I know he made it, he is teh awesomeness. aikea guinea just made one first ...or ...possibly just got one out first.

Eh what? I was talking about the actual fixes to the vamp materials: the EM texture used on AF that stumped everyone that tried making replacements and the missing AM fang texture reference I discovered by accident.

Title: Re: Vampire Default Skin
Post by: morriganrant on 2007 August 07, 23:57:06
I know he made it, he is teh awesomeness. aikea guinea just made one first ...or ...possibly just got one out first.

Eh what? I was talking about the actual fixes to the vamp materials: the EM texture used on AF that stumped everyone that tried making replacements and the missing AM fang texture reference I discovered by accident.

Ahh, ok, there was some confusion. Aikea made that mod thing to make the vampire skin not show. To make the vampire skin overlay transparent.