More Awesome Than You!

TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Ayslhyn on 2007 August 02, 17:44:08

Title: Bloody Seasons. Help you awesome lot
Post by: Ayslhyn on 2007 August 02, 17:44:08
Since installing Seasons I am plagued with random and inexplicable freezes. This is so bad I have had to uninstall the buggering thing in order to play at all.

I was careful to remove hacks I knew were incompatible before I installed it, the computer (a mac) is well over minimum specification to run the game. It's a dual-processor PowerMac G5 with 4GB SDRAM, an ATI Radeon 9800 graphics card and 28 GB free space on the hard drive but whatever I did, including turning down the graphics settings to minimum,  the freezes persisted.

This bloody machine is gonna get an entirely different sort of boot up its sodding hard drive. Have any of you awesome folk any ideas at all as to what might be causing this? Or do I have to face the torment of Aspyr's so-called "technical support?"

Any suggestions accepted with pathetic gratitude.

Title: Re: Bloody Seasons. Help you awesome lot
Post by: phyllis_p on 2007 August 02, 18:19:54
This may not help at all, but here goes: I was experiencing freezes and Blue Screen of Death after installing Seasons.  Updating the graphics card drivers fixed it.  Of course, this was a long-standing problem with Nvidia graphics cards, and I had to wait for them to create new drivers that would fix the problem, but .... it's all I have to offer you.  Hopefully someone More Awesome than I will come by.

Title: Re: Bloody Seasons. Help you awesome lot
Post by: akatonbo on 2007 August 03, 03:19:04
Have you followed the standard test of removing all downloads to see if the problem continues?

Title: Re: Bloody Seasons. Help you awesome lot
Post by: shallow_kid on 2007 August 04, 06:30:52
I've been having the exact same problem, but not with a Mac.  Still, my computer is only a few months old and shouldn't be getting owned by Seasons every frikkin time I play it.

Title: Re: Bloody Seasons. Help you awesome lot
Post by: B on 2007 August 06, 14:19:33
The first step is clearly to update GPU drivers as per phyllisp.  Then, check if the game runs smoothly in "Vanilla" mode (no hacks, cc, etc) as akatonbo suggested.  If you are still running in to problems, it is possible shader intensive Seasons is not playing nicely with an ATI 9xxx series card, especially if you have a model using SM2.0.  If this is the case, your best bet is to try the command "boolProp enablePostProcessing false".