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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: pixiejuice on 2007 August 02, 15:33:49

Title: need a few mods or workarounds: "go here", furiousness
Post by: pixiejuice on 2007 August 02, 15:33:49
I have a few annoyances I would love to see solved.  I'm hoping maybe some of you might point me to a good hack or suggest a workaround I might use. 

1.) The "go here" action that happens when they are in casual groups is SO annoying.  When I take one of my Sims to a club with his friends, and I want one guy at the bar, a couple more on the dance floor, and maybe a couple in the hot tub, but NO, they all have to follow my Sim, and stand next to the bar being totally useless like they have nothing better to do  >:(  Anyone know of a mod that stops all the following?  I mean, isn't that what we have the "gather casual group" option for? 

2.) Some kind of an "I forgive you" action, to get rid of furiousness?  Or maybe a way to get rid of it in SimPe? (I had a quick look in SimPe and couldn't find anything)  I've got this girl who is mad at her boyfriend, and she's been mad at him for a whole year of uni.  They've long since made up, back to 100/100 relationship, but she's still half furious with him.  Enough already!  (And he even rejected the hot tub cuddle, which makes the whole thing even sillier, but you know, that's how Sims are...) 


ETA: I'm not above shameless begging, if anyone wants to make these for me ;)

Title: Re: need a few mods or workarounds: "go here", furiousness
Post by: Invisigoth on 2007 August 02, 16:06:52
Strawberry lemonade will fix furiousness. You're not going to find much help for an anti furious hack here, though. This is the home of the enemies accumulate hack, which basicaly does the opposite (it keeps them enemies by not allowing the slide back towards 0 to happen and encourages the already enemy sims to harass each other more).  Pescado is not likely to make a lets be best friends!!!1 type hack.  That said I am sure that you could find something like that using the search bar on MTS2 or insim.  Or figure out how to get some strawberry lemonade.
The following your sim around thing annoys me, too. You're right, why bother with gather casual group if they all stalk you?  That sounds more like Pescado's style, but it is not one that I've seen on this site or anywhere.  I don't know what to tell you for a workaround...maybe see if you can ask one or to to join an activity and then go on to the next thing. They might continue with the activity.  I usually just ignore the stupid follower sims and do whatever activity my sim wants to do. After awhile ACR kicks in and the group starts wandering off towards photobooths and hottubs.

Title: Re: need a few mods or workarounds: "go here", furiousness
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2007 August 02, 16:29:37
Well, in THEORY, the idea was that the group was supposed to stick together, rather than dispersing at random like you describe. If you want your group to disperse, perhaps you should use the disperse group command.

Title: Re: need a few mods or workarounds: "go here", furiousness
Post by: pixiejuice on 2007 August 02, 16:49:44
Strawberry lemonade will fix furiousness.

Thanks :)  I forgot about that.

If you want your group to disperse, perhaps you should use the disperse group command.

Right, but then I would have to go through all the bother of getting them back together to go to the next lot. 

Title: Re: need a few mods or workarounds: "go here", furiousness
Post by: pioupiou on 2007 August 02, 17:15:35
Strawberry limonade (2 strawberries + 2 lemons) gives your sim platinum mood, it is strawberry juice (2 strawberries) that clears furiousness.

Title: Re: need a few mods or workarounds: "go here", furiousness
Post by: Invisigoth on 2007 August 02, 19:01:34
Strawberry limonade (2 strawberries + 2 lemons) gives your sim platinum mood, it is strawberry juice (2 strawberries) that clears furiousness.

Oops!  My mistake.  I always get those two confused because I never use them.  I like fury!  And typically making a sim go platinum requires minimal effort.  During the hostel challenge I was supised by how often my non-fortune sims managed platinum without help from me.  :)

Title: Re: need a few mods or workarounds: "go here", furiousness
Post by: Scratch on 2007 August 02, 19:19:41
There's a painting by dolphin26 at MTS2 that allows you to "unfurious" a sim... I use it when i make a mistake and make a sim furious at the wrong sim....

Title: Re: need a few mods or workarounds: "go here", furiousness
Post by: pixiejuice on 2007 August 02, 21:58:02
There's a painting by dolphin26 at MTS2 that allows you to "unfurious" a sim...

Thank you!  This is just what I had in mind!

Title: Re: need a few mods or workarounds: "go here", furiousness
Post by: kuronue on 2007 August 05, 05:06:34
Strawberry limonade (2 strawberries + 2 lemons) gives your sim platinum mood, it is strawberry juice (2 strawberries) that clears furiousness.

Oops!  My mistake.  I always get those two confused because I never use them.  I like fury!  And typically making a sim go platinum requires minimal effort.  During the hostel challenge I was supised by how often my non-fortune sims managed platinum without help from me.  :)

I like it because I can have my sims hop out of bed in the morning, drink some juice, and head right to work, so they can stay up later at night and sleep in rather than filling some random want in the morning (I don't meditate overnight, too cheaty IMO)