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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Ivy on 2005 October 11, 13:29:26

Title: "This clothing cannot be worn...
Post by: Ivy on 2005 October 11, 13:29:26
...until you purchase both a top and a bottom.  Are you sure you want to purchase this outfit now?" annoying! Especially since I AM purchasing both a top and a bottom at the same time.

It'll let me still buy the clothes, and from what I can tell, still wear them.

However whenever I go to buy seperates (everyday wear) it's giving me this message. 

This seems to be a fairly recent development in my game, and I'm clueless as to what is causing it.

Anyone know what's going on?

I only have base+Uni installed if that helps.

Edited to add:  I do not have any clothing haks in my game.

:) :) :)

Title: Re: "This clothing cannot be worn...
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 October 11, 13:46:11
It's just an annoying little glitch which always appears no matter what.  Just ignore it!

Title: Re: "This clothing cannot be worn...
Post by: Ancient Sim on 2005 October 11, 14:32:41
This happens to me, even using Pescado's clothing tool.  It happens especially when you want to keep the current top or bottom, but change the other one. 

Title: Re: "This clothing cannot be worn...
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 October 11, 14:48:33
But since it actually doesn't stop you from buying what you want, why worry?  I've sent sims downtown and they've bought three outfits, then suddenly this pops up!  Just a bit of glitchy programming, but since it doesn't cause any problems, I ignore it!

Title: Re: "This clothing cannot be worn...
Post by: Ivy on 2005 October 11, 16:06:21
Well, I was a wee bit worried because this is the first time that its happened to my game.  And I've had base and Uni both since they were released.

I don't like it when unknown new things creep up in my 

It's only been recently that I've really started downloading clothing (and none with new meshes) and was wondering if that possibly is triggering it.  I had a limited amount of custom clothing before the reinstall, but not as many as I have

I have had other weird clothing glitches before, but this one was a first.

And it's highly annoying especially since I am buying a top and a bottom at the same time.  And they already have more tops and bottoms in their dresser.

Glad to know it isn't just happening in my game.  Now if someone could only fix

:) :) :)

Title: Re: "This clothing cannot be worn...
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 October 11, 17:52:40
Maybe they will, but since it doesn't appear to cause anything terrible to happen, I think it would be low priority.

Title: Re: "This clothing cannot be worn...
Post by: ElviraGoth on 2005 October 11, 20:51:14
I see it a lot, too, and I just ignore it.  What's more annoying to me is the inconsistancy in the pie menus.  At the store, they are in one order around the "Buy..", but at home it's a different order (almost reversed) when you want them to plan an outfit.

And I got used to the call pie menu having the word "Sim" at the top (12 o'clock) position, and with NL that got changed to "Ask on a Date".  They should have used a different position on the clock.

It's about as bad as the buy mode color options never coming up the same way twice.  Like for beds - one time, the bed frame color is the top line and the spread is the bottom line, the next they're reversed.  Annoying, VERY annoying.

Title: Re: "This clothing cannot be worn...
Post by: Regina on 2005 October 11, 21:31:32
I have TS2 and NL and never noticed this until after installing NL.  It does seem to happen when I buy custom clothing (did that without NL too and it didn't happen then).  I agree, it is annoying.  The first time I thought, 'What on earth?  I have both tops and bottoms here!'

Title: Re: "This clothing cannot be worn...
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 October 12, 03:10:56
It's about as bad as the buy mode color options never coming up the same way twice.  Like for beds - one time, the bed frame color is the top line and the spread is the bottom line, the next they're reversed.  Annoying, VERY annoying

Especially I hate it whan every time you put a new wall in the game, all the other walls go walkabout!  You've just about learned where to find your favourite wall, ans suddenly it's not there any more!  If the game would only sort them by colour it wouldn't be so bad!  And the same with the furniture, every time you go to buy a counter, they've all had a shift around, and even the Maxis sets can't stay together!

Title: Re: "This clothing cannot be worn...
Post by: Ivy on 2005 October 12, 11:19:35
Elvira, here here! I agree totally about the inconsistant pie menus.  They must not actually play long enough to get used to them being in one position is all I can think of, else it would annoy the crap outta them too!

Zephyr, yeah it's low priority.  Same with actually coming out with any patch for Uni.  I was hoping more for a third party fix for least that way, it'd get done sooner rather than later.

Misty...did you notice if it only happens with custom clothing? I did not test it out with Maxis clothing, or a combination of Maxis and custom bad for not doing so.  I will try to remember to test it.  If its only happening with custom content, then it's got to be some setting in *something* that I've downloaded that's causing this, because it certainly wasn't happening as little as two weeks ago and yes, I did have some custom clothing in there then that wasn't causing this problem.  Now rooting it out will be a nightmare...argh.


Title: Re: "This clothing cannot be worn...
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 October 12, 11:25:54
It happened to me when I was running just sims 1 and no custom content at all, so I don't think it's anything you've downloaded that's the culprit!