More Awesome Than You!

TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: julialenn on 2007 July 28, 21:48:25

Title: Sprinkler Prank
Post by: julialenn on 2007 July 28, 21:48:25
Is it possible to make PlantSims not react to the sprinkler prank?  It just doesn't make sense to me for them to run around covering themselves from the water.

Title: Re: Sprinkler Prank
Post by: BastDawn on 2007 July 30, 22:04:36
You could stomp the sprinkler prank entirely just by placing in directly over the stove or fireplace instead on in the tile in front.  If a sim can't stand directly below it, that sim cannot perform the prank.

Title: Re: Sprinkler Prank
Post by: julialenn on 2007 July 30, 23:46:46
You could stomp the sprinkler prank entirely just by placing in directly over the stove or fireplace instead on in the tile in front.  If a sim can't stand directly below it, that sim cannot perform the prank.

Yes, and normally I do that.

But when I started playing a PlantSim, I discovered that the prank fills the Water need almost immediately, plus is good for more than one PlantSim at once, provided they're near each other.
I don't mind the time wasted of them reacting to the sprinkler, but it doesn't make sense to me that they're trying to avoid the water.

Title: Re: Sprinkler Prank
Post by: BastDawn on 2007 July 31, 02:01:45
Ah.  I never thought of it as a shower for the kitchen!   :D

Title: Re: Sprinkler Prank
Post by: Gwill on 2007 July 31, 08:33:09
Oh god!  This month's More Awful than You has ruined my brain!
I was thinking of a convenient way of herding a bunch of plant sims into a room and setting off the sprinklers when I thought "Hey, this could be used to set up a great Holocaust story!"
/me goes in search for brain bleach

Title: Re: Sprinkler Prank
Post by: spaceface on 2007 July 31, 08:57:38
I also do not understand why plant sims complain about the mess when there are puddles of water on the floor. They don't have an environment bar after all.

My first plant sim had a crowd of plantbabies, and I put them in a room with several sprinklers, toddler toys and sun lamps, then I got an adult to set the sprinklers off. The toddlers were very happy, splashing in the puddles and skilling, but the adult plant sim kept trying to mop up the puddles, and she got that thought bubble that shows a bad environment.

Title: Re: Sprinkler Prank
Post by: witch on 2007 July 31, 10:11:28
Oh god!  This month's More Awful than You has ruined my brain!
I was thinking of a convenient way of herding a bunch of plant sims into a room and setting off the sprinklers when I thought "Hey, this could be used to set up a great Holocaust story!"
/me goes in search for brain bleach

That made me laugh, I've been appalled at some of the plot lines that have crossed my mind before too.  :D
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