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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: staroverthebay on 2007 July 25, 22:45:32

Title: Deleting glitchy / screwy memories
Post by: staroverthebay on 2007 July 25, 22:45:32
I have a number of sims with strange memories or issues that I want to solve or delete.

Case in point: in a Greek house at Uni, I have two sims who have apparently "met" "made best friends" and "fell in love" with themselves. That's annoying enough, but now their wants are starting to get clogged up with "Talk to...." and "Flirt with...." and stuff. This is supremely annoying, because these are wants that CANNOT be fulfilled, because there is no "talk to self" or "flirt with self" interaction!

Now, I'm a novice (not quite a n00b but not much better) at SimPE and I'd rather not muck around randomly. Is it safe to use SimPE to delete the memories, or will that cause a BFBVFS?

Or is there possibly a way to nuke those things using a FFS hack (like the Lot Debugger) or boolprop's testingcheats thing? Cuz those memories are starting to piss me off because I don't know how they fell in love with themselves, but it's starting to get annoying how it's clogging up the wants.

On a similar note, in the same Greek house is a sim whose final exam apparently got borked by the patch or something, because she HAD had an A+ running, and out of nowhere she's put on Academic probation. She's a fortune sim with a real knowledge sim drive for doing homework and term papers and going to class, so I know she had at the very least a passing grade even without the final. I used the College Timer to reset her term so she could get the A+ she deserves, but now her GPA suffers through no fault of mine or hers, but because apparently she was supposed to be at a final when I installed the patch.

Is there a way to remove that whole Academic Probation from her memories and fix her running GPA so that she can potentially graduate Cum Laude?

Title: Re: Deleting glitchy / screwy memories
Post by: NinaC on 2007 July 25, 22:57:44
i believe it is safe to delete those memories. but you might want to get to the root of the problem. you need to find out what caused that to happen in the first place. did you recently install any new mods?

Title: Re: Deleting glitchy / screwy memories
Post by: staroverthebay on 2007 July 25, 23:05:41
I have no idea exactly when it happened, so I don't know what caused it. I just started noticing these wants cropping up a while ago, and now they're overwhelming.

Title: Re: Deleting glitchy / screwy memories
Post by: akatonbo on 2007 July 25, 23:48:32
What EPs do you have installed, what official patches have you applied, and do you use all of the critical fixes from this site?

Title: Re: Deleting glitchy / screwy memories
Post by: staroverthebay on 2007 July 26, 01:01:57
I have all offical EPS (plus Glamour Life and the Holiday minipack), as far as I know I have all patches. And yes, I think I have all the critical fixes from this site. I have the director's cut, with the things I don't want trimmed out (small things like "Yellow pee")

Title: Re: Deleting glitchy / screwy memories
Post by: notveryawesome on 2007 July 26, 02:31:00
I could be wrong, but I think meeting drama professors causes some sort of weird glitch like the one you've described. Pescado's fix for this is called 'dramafix' and will prevent it from happening, but I don't think it will help any memories and wants that are already borked. It could be worth a try, though.

Title: Re: Deleting glitchy / screwy memories
Post by: staroverthebay on 2007 July 26, 21:38:14
I could be wrong, but I think meeting drama professors causes some sort of weird glitch like the one you've described. Pescado's fix for this is called 'dramafix' and will prevent it from happening, but I don't think it will help any memories and wants that are already borked. It could be worth a try, though.

That actually helps, I think, cuz I know at least one is a Drama major (and both of them might be, I don't remember.)

I have Dramafix, but maybe I didn't have it installed at the time they first met the drama profs? I do have it now, I know that, I just checked.

Title: Re: Deleting glitchy / screwy memories
Post by: kuronue on 2007 July 28, 18:34:25
Handheld games can cause meeting of the self. I think there's a fix someplace.