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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Orikes on 2007 July 20, 19:00:41

Title: Renaming Files
Post by: Orikes on 2007 July 20, 19:00:41
This is probably a dumb question, but I wasn't sure, so I wanted to ask anyway.

Is it safe to rename the package files? For example, I have a floor with a name that's a string of numbers and letters. Is it safe to rename this to something that's more representational of what it is?

Title: Re: Renaming Files
Post by: B on 2007 July 20, 19:12:39
This is probably a dumb question, but I wasn't sure, so I wanted to ask anyway.

Is it safe to rename the package files? For example, I have a floor with a name that's a string of numbers and letters. Is it safe to rename this to something that's more representational of what it is?

Make sure you keep the .package if your explorer settings display extensions.  It's unadvisable to rename hacks because it might lead to a situation where you have (for example) the Seasons and Bon Voyage version of some awesomeness which could lead to undesirable outcomes.

Title: Re: Renaming Files
Post by: kuronue on 2007 July 20, 19:30:11
But otherwise, yes, they are renamable, and no, it doesn't break anything.

Title: Re: Renaming Files
Post by: Gwill on 2007 July 20, 19:49:57
Only some very few hacks need to have special names in order to load in the correct order.
The game identifies files by GUID and other numeric strings inside the package file, so the name is pretty much irrelevant.  The only cases where you might have problems are with very long file names in very deep subfolders.

Title: Re: Renaming Files
Post by: Orikes on 2007 July 20, 20:43:22
Ahh. Cool. Thanks guys.

I'm not dumb enough to rename hacks or mods. I was mostly concerned about walls and other crap that ended up with a nonsense name. :)

Title: Re: Renaming Files
Post by: Annette on 2007 July 21, 01:23:00
I use jfade's WTF tool to fix floors and walls. It is really useful  ;D I have now backed up my renamed walls/floors folder to have easily in event of another restart.

Title: Re: Renaming Files
Post by: Gwill on 2007 July 21, 08:59:03
Even with hacks and mods there are very few it's unsafe to re-name.  It just goes for the ones that work together with other mods and have to load in a certain order, so if a hack is called ZZZ_fishmod.package, then don't remove the Zs, those usually means that the mods need lo load later than some other mod and the Zs put it at the end of the alphabet.  Renaming a mod called "Mod that I made to change the little shadow error on fishing poles.pakcage" to shadowfix.package is perfectly safe.

Title: Re: Renaming Files
Post by: djslippyman on 2007 July 21, 19:29:14
1) Ok so I can rename .package files already at use in the game (say clothing used by a sim) and it won't be affected as the game will still pull the file by different data and not by the name?  It won't go to default replacements in game unless the package file is deleted?

2) If I take a CC skin in use in the game, export it to a project in bodyshop, change a few things (generally add nips a v-jay jays) , re-import in the game, and then replace the the original skin pakage with the new skin (by renaming it and replacing it) it should replace it in the game right?  Or am i wrong? (I thought i was able to do this once)

3) If I edit Enalya's default skins this way and replace them with the same name, do you think I'll lose the default status so that they'll still override Maxis defaults?

4) I was using a bunch of the fat family meshes but I'm tired of seeing all of these fat clothes when I design my other sims that I've removed them from my downloads folder. If I play the game with them missing I'm sure that particular fat family will go to maxis defaults and sizes if I try to play them again without those files.  Wiill these characters always have the fat meshed clothing under their sim clothing settings (so it may be re-introduced at a later date) until its changed or will the next time I play the game after it realizes the fiules are missing it will then refernece the default clothing files every time it loads (thus losing any affiliation with the original meshes and clothes and NOT being able to be re-introduced at a later time). Any ideas?

Sorry to ask so many questions at once but I guess this would be the perfect occasion.

Title: Re: Renaming Files
Post by: Sleepycat on 2007 July 21, 20:18:47

3) If I edit Enalya's default skins this way and replace them with the same name, do you think I'll lose the default status so that they'll still override Maxis defaults?

you can change your default skintone replacements using this method -,2930.0.html

Title: Re: Renaming Files
Post by: djslippyman on 2007 July 21, 21:16:39
Oh I agree.  I've seen your tutorial and I have it bookmarked.  ;D

However if my replacing the original default file with the bodyshop modded file with the same file name than it would be very quick fix.  I can backup her original files to make sure I don't lose them and try this on my own game this week and know if it works or not in literally 10 or 15 minutes.  If it does I'll let you guys know.  ;)

Title: Re: Renaming Files
Post by: notveryawesome on 2007 July 22, 12:50:26
It's perfectly safe to rename package files (keeping in mind that some hacks need to load after other hacks), but if you rename Sims 2 Pack files, they will bork.

Title: Re: Renaming Files
Post by: djslippyman on 2007 July 27, 17:10:24
Ok one quick question.  When files in the download folder are removed does the game keep the file associations always in its system.  I know they will go to a default maxis file if a file is missing but I'm taking that if its added back it will go back to the CC that was used before.

If I remove all my content except for Warlokk's meshes and clothes in the download folder.  Can I go into bodyshop or the game and play and LATER add the original downloads folder back and all my sims will go back to what hair, meshes, clothing, etc that was assigned CC before it was removed.  Or will I bork my game?


Title: Re: Renaming Files
Post by: seelindarun on 2007 July 27, 20:40:15

If you remove CC, load up a lot, and save, your game will lose all memory of what CC your sims had, whether you put it back or not.

No.  It will not bork your game.  At least not badly.  It will bork the genes of your sims if you remove custom skins or eyes, but at least you won't have a BFBVFS.

Title: Re: Renaming Files
Post by: djslippyman on 2007 July 28, 00:56:12
So I would affect only those sims affected on the lot I loaded and saved correct?  Other lots not played would not be affected? 

Removing content and loading Bodyshop would not not hurt file associations with my games and my sims then i take it?

Sorry I just wanted to be 100% clear on the issue...  :P

Title: Re: Renaming Files
Post by: seelindarun on 2007 July 28, 21:12:04
Bodyshop is a completely separate application and it doesn't touch any N'hood files, so mucking around with CC and firing it up doesn't do anything to your sims or their lots.

I caution you against playing any lot without the CC, and expecting to preserve genetics.  Character files of sims who don't reside on that particular lot do get updated during play, and have the potential to get borked.

Even better than asking though, is to back up your 'hood and dl folder, and then muck around as much as you want.  If things get twisted, restore your backup.  :)

Title: Re: Renaming Files
Post by: djslippyman on 2007 July 28, 23:17:48
Great that clears it up! Thanks for your help.