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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: themaltesebippy on 2005 July 21, 20:09:54

Title: Deleting and zapping annoying sims offlot
Post by: themaltesebippy on 2005 July 21, 20:09:54
How "dangerous" is it to zap annoying sims off of a lot?  I heard that if one uses the moveobjects cheat to delete a sim that it could cause the carpool/transportation not to work right (ie it falls out of cue).  How about using a "zapper" like the lot fixer, DMA panel, or other such item?

Title: Re: Deleting and zapping annoying sims offlot
Post by: veilchen on 2005 July 21, 20:14:52
Oops, I use Inge's teleporter bush a lot, I've never heard about any dangers before I read your post maltesebippy. Queing myself into this question. Inge..., can you hear me?


Title: Re: Deleting and zapping annoying sims offlot
Post by: DaveFlew on 2005 July 21, 21:59:58
Deleting and zapping is soooo civilised. Surely a better option would be to make annoying Sims playable, and then torment them in ways that would make Mengele look like Mother Teresa?  ;D

Title: Re: Deleting and zapping annoying sims offlot
Post by: gali on 2005 July 21, 22:03:06
I use Inge's teleporter too, and use the moveobjects on to delete unwanted sims, and use DMA object to "remove visitors" - they work fine, almost from the beginning of TS2.
I even deleted once the schoolbus with moveobjects on, because the alien girl of Pascal was stucked there not able to get out of it - and on the second day the schoolbus came as usual.

Title: Re: Deleting and zapping annoying sims offlot
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2005 July 22, 01:53:36
Zapping is functionally the same as move_objects delete. It's usually safe to do on visitors, slightly riskier to do to NPCs, and a method of last resort on residents.

Title: Re: Deleting and zapping annoying sims offlot
Post by: themaltesebippy on 2005 July 22, 02:22:32
Thanks for the responses.  Someone on MTS2 some time ago replied to someone's question about a sim not being able to use the carpool and they said that is was from using moveobjects to delete a visitor.  They acted like everyone should have known this.  I do have one lot where I have had problems with sims not being able to catch carpool or schoolbus.  It is not a lot I play very often.  The car/bus is down the street and never pulls up to the house.  The command to go to school/work falls out of cue.  Captian Hero has no problems going to work though.

Title: Re: Deleting and zapping annoying sims offlot
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 July 22, 06:19:43
I ended up doing a complete uninstall/reinstall because no-one at MTS2 was able to solve my "disappearing sims" problem!  I'm also pretty sure the downloaded hacked car which came in a house and I finally decided was at the root of my problems came from there!  I think a lot depends on which thread you post in, and who happens to see your post and make suggestions, and navigating the site is so confusing that it's easy to post in the first thread that seems to be related to your problem. 

Now I'm getting confused!