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TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: Sivany on 2007 July 16, 18:58:35

Title: userstartup.cheat help!
Post by: Sivany on 2007 July 16, 18:58:35
So today I finally decided to have a second go at creating a userstartup.cheat file, having discovered that last time it probably didn't work because it still had the .txt extension on it. I created the file and put in :

intprop maxNumOfVisitingSims 20
floatprop tvVolume 0.1

both of which work fine if I just enter them in game. When I went to save the .cheat file in the Config file I noticed there was already one there (not made by me!) containing the cheat 'boolprop testingcheatsenabled false'. Having no idea where this had come from I simply overwrote it with my new .cheat file. Then I loaded up the game to the choose neighbourhood screen and everything was fine. I clicked on the neighbourhood I'm playing at the moment and after loading the screen went blue (a sims blue colour not a computer error blue if you understand what I mean!) and the whole computer locked up. I had to restart my computer in the end. After I took out the .cheat file and replaced it with a copy of the old version I had previously overwritten the game worked fine again.

So what did I do wrong? Am I supposed to add something else to the userstartup.cheat file that I missed? Do I need to have some version of boolprop testingcheatsenabled true/false in the file for it to work? I've tried looking through various threads about this but no one seems to mention anything like this so any help would be appreciated!

EDIT: I have all the expansions installed and most of the stuff packs just in case that makes a difference.

Title: Re: userstartup.cheat help!
Post by: KatEnigma on 2007 July 16, 20:31:42
Did you try loading the neighborhood again, after you restarted,  BEFORE taking the cheat file out? Or did you just figure it was the file so you took it out immeditately? No, you don't need a userstartup.cheat file at all, let alone one with some form of the testing cheat in it.  I would guess that the crash was a coincidence, if you only gave it one try.

Title: Re: userstartup.cheat help!
Post by: Theo on 2007 July 16, 20:43:14
The .cheat file with the 'boolprop testingcheatsenabled false' line may have been created by running SimPe, and leaving the "Run game in debug mode" option unchecked. Explicitly specifying that value doesn't make a difference, because it is the default setting anyway.

The game lockup may have been a result of the settings you added to the cheats file, so you must try each setting individually, and see which one causes problems.

Title: Re: userstartup.cheat help!
Post by: Sivany on 2007 July 16, 21:23:36
Ok that sounds like a reasonable explanation as to where the file would have come from in the first place.

I did only try it once because last time my computer crashed in the middle of playing the sims it destroyed my entire neighbourhood so I wasn't really keen to risk it happening more than once. I'll try it again tomorrow with just one of the cheaps in the file.