More Awesome Than You!

TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: KLGFCG on 2007 July 11, 03:57:04

Title: Crappy environment score in petshop
Post by: KLGFCG on 2007 July 11, 03:57:04
I recently built a pet shop for one of my sims to own. The environment score is almost always very low or bottomed out, however. I've tracked the problem to the fish tanks, the score will temporarily raise when my sim feeds the fish or stocks the tanks but it quickly drops again. My "tidy up" employee cleans the tanks obsessively (a la the maid) but that doesn't seem to help. Setting the tanks for sale doesn't help. I love the look of the fish in the shop and want at least some of the tanks to be buyable. Am I doomed to a craptastic environment score though? I searched for an object that will max the environment score but couldn't find one. Any thoughts or suggestions? (if it's relevant, I have all EP's and stuff packs but haven't installed any version of the latest Seasons patch)

Title: Re: Crappy environment score in petshop
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2007 July 11, 04:42:32
Draw a box around the offending fishtanks with the floor dividers. That should partition the problem off and keep it from affecting the rest of the shop. And, uh, don't stock tanks you're trying to sell.

Title: Re: Crappy environment score in petshop
Post by: KLGFCG on 2007 July 11, 06:08:47
Baaaaah. I hadn't even thought of that but it cleared the problem right up. Of course, that's why you're far more awesome than I.