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TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: cenoura on 2007 July 10, 11:34:37

Title: possible jump bug after woohoo
Post by: cenoura on 2007 July 10, 11:34:37
Oh dear, another "oops you broke it" thread.

I've had a problem with hottubs / beds after woohoo for quite some time. I blamed it on ACR and not having all expansions and left it at that. However, ACR hasn't touched my fresh install yet and I still get it. I have Uni and NL and very few hacks (all of which are awesome), I think they're all up to date (its hard to tell on this site) and should all be compatible with my setup.

After woohoo in the hot tub my Sims are placed standing up outside it. After woohoo in a bed same thing happens, but the fireworks animation carries on playing (pic below). I forced error-reset the bed but the animation continued to play. After saving and exciting it is still there. The only way to get rid of it is to buy a new bed (I cannot remember if the bed registers as "in use" or not, sorry). Is this a "jump bug"? How do I resolve it?

Error log attached from the forced error on the bed, don't know if it'll help?

( (

Title: Re: possible jump bug after woohoo
Post by: Lana B on 2007 July 10, 12:19:25
I have the same problem and setup, but more hacks. TJ has concluded that it is a "feature" of NL, which has a notoriously buggy game engine. The suggested solution is OFB or any EP/SP after NL.

Title: Re: possible jump bug after woohoo
Post by: cenoura on 2007 July 10, 12:24:07
Really? Another reason for me to *cough* aquire OFB from my brother this weekend :D

Title: Re: possible jump bug after woohoo
Post by: Lana B on 2007 July 10, 14:10:13
Let me know if you find a good copy of OFB. I have tried 2 different versions and neither worked. It takes so long and I only have a laptop so not keen on wasting that much time/memory/processing power unless I have a better chance of success.

Title: Re: possible jump bug after woohoo
Post by: cenoura on 2007 July 10, 17:19:15
Ah I think you misunderstand. My bro has a kosher copy of the game, but now he plays Pets he doesn't need his disk... So I think I'll snatch it!