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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: blackcat on 2007 July 09, 09:25:20

Title: Inventory box
Post by: blackcat on 2007 July 09, 09:25:20
I love fruitbowl of awesomess, and so it gave me an idea.
What if we hade a box, that can hold sim invenoty in it, i mean anything that sim can hold in its inventory, so he would be able to transfere it into the box, in the transfere window, the one that we see when sim transferes produce or gives a gift.

This box whould have an infinite possibilities, and great inpact on the realism of the game.

Imagine, that you can store craftable items in boxes and store them in the warehouse, maybe sell them in stacks, like with fruitbowl.
Hold your sim photos in photobook on the shelf, hold your potions and parfume in the cabinet, your child toys in real toybox, put gifts in the boxes and put under the christmas tree.

All these with the appropriate mesh will look great in the game. which i'm more then willing to do.

The greatest, the ultimate purpose of this box would be to store unneeded things in it and store in basement or attic,
i hate to sell old things, cause this is not what we do in real life, but just putting them in basements, takes a lot of space.
Also when sim moves, he could pack things in boxes, and move with couple of boxes instead cuttering inventory.

I can't make this box, cause i'm afraid my knowlage of hacking is very, very far from awesome, but i will do recolors and meshes, for appropreate purposes.

I think to have one that stands onthe ground (dresser shape), one that is placable on any surface (box shape) , and one to hang on the wall (cabinet shape)  will pretty much cover all the possibilites.

Also the options i might suggest:
restock shelves stright from the box
stack box one on the other
access to content of the box without taking the box out of sim inventory

i don't know if these are possible, but if they are, they would certanly be nice

P.S. sorry for my english.

Title: Re: Inventory box
Post by: Gwill on 2007 July 09, 09:35:40
I've thought the same thing.  It sounds like a very advanced item; I'm sure Pescado could do it, but he's hard to inspire.  Numenor is the best object modder out there, maybe he'd like the idea.

Title: Re: Inventory box
Post by: jrd on 2007 July 09, 09:37:33
Well in Seasons we already have give gift, which allows giving anything from the inventory to another Sim.

Title: Re: Inventory box
Post by: Emma on 2007 July 09, 09:39:33
I don't think it would be possible. Re: Fruitbowl of Awesomeness...

Quote from: J.M. Pescado
500 is the max. Increasing the limit beyond that risks overflow issues. Eggplants are $33, which means if you stored 1000 eggplants, the value of the bowl would be $33K, which would exceed the maximum integer size of the game, causing it to wrap around and go negative. Bad.

(Original Post (,8103.msg224187.html#msg224187))

So I am guessing the same could be said for inventory boxes. Nice idea though.

Title: Re: Inventory box
Post by: jrd on 2007 July 09, 09:46:27
If you want something similar to this idea of inventory boxes -- go to ( Paladin has packing stations for produce and fish, which deliver neatly packed crates which can then be stored or sold as you wish.

Title: Re: Inventory box
Post by: Emma on 2007 July 09, 09:51:15
If you want something similar to this idea of inventory boxes -- go to ( Paladin has packing stations for produce and fish, which deliver neatly packed crates which can then be stored or sold as you wish.

Has anyone actually tested this? I really like the idea, but I am a bit wary of it. Can the sims get the stuff out of the boxes once packed and/or bought to eat, juice or put on the wall?

Title: Re: Inventory box
Post by: AnnaM on 2007 July 09, 09:55:27
I've tested the produce packing station. It works well. Sims can indeed unpack the box, and the fruit goes into their inventory for normal use.

For the original poster, Paladin also has a ton of shelving units, which as it happens I've just downloaded for the purpose of storing items in the basement/attic... The largest one can hold 10 separate objects. You'll find them at the link that was posted above, under Sims2 / (Objects, I think) / Furniture.

Title: Re: Inventory box
Post by: jrd on 2007 July 09, 09:56:51
Works just like that. Haven't tried the fishing things yet, but the produce ones work that way.

Title: Re: Inventory box
Post by: blackcat on 2007 July 09, 10:48:06
I know about Paldain's shelves  and boxes, and they are great, I have them in my game,

But the box that i want is an ultimative object, there is nothing out there to help simulate storage boxes.
And it's all about simulation isn't it  ;)

I hate to see my sims inventory cluttered, the reallistic way is just to have thing you use with you,like cellphone or aspiration object , and not your grand child's crib, old desk and 50 child robot's that you carry around in case you'll open business some day.

To store this all in nice clean boxes will be much more real.

...About shelves,yes they are great for storaging,but you can't place there big items as they just don't feet.

...The box doesn't have to be sellable, it would be just a nice touch.

...And what about themed storages, like toybox, photobook, old crap box and so on. I am sure you have a lot of ideas.

I don't intend it to be object for comfortable gameplay, though it would be, but more for realistic game.(I guess storing a bed in a tiny box, is something i can live with :P)

I posted this here cause our awesome Pescado already did fruitbowl, and, maybe, it will be easier for him, kinda enable it for any object.

Title: Re: Inventory box
Post by: Hook on 2007 July 09, 11:09:57
"Realism" is a dirty word.


Title: Re: Inventory box
Post by: blackcat on 2007 July 09, 11:33:29
I like to play dirty!   8)

There is something somiliar at mts2, it's called inventory vase, but you can only put in and take out all at once, by type: craftable and buyable.
The sims should be able to put in the box and to take out what he wants.
Like fruitbowl lets him.

Title: Re: Inventory box
Post by: Emma on 2007 July 09, 12:22:03
Pescado doesn't take requests. He only has excellent ideas that he is glad he thought of :P