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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: wou on 2007 July 08, 16:39:04

Title: No money when I stay at home
Post by: wou on 2007 July 08, 16:39:04
Hi! I'm pretty desperate because I really want to fix this bug  ??? ... I found a similar thread here about it (,7853.0.html ) but didnt reply because it was pretty old.

I have never hacked a game before or so, but even if that works, I'm running it on mac ... I guess the hack I'd find here would ve useless for mac right?

Thanks alot.

Title: Re: No money when I stay at home
Post by: Gwill on 2007 July 08, 16:56:10
Hacks will work for Mac.

Title: Re: No money when I stay at home
Post by: wou on 2007 July 08, 17:31:22
oh, great, woo I'm getting less desperate  ;D
 hm I searched around here but didn't find it ... do you have a link perhaps?  :-\


Title: Re: No money when I stay at home
Post by: Marhis on 2007 July 08, 18:23:41
What bug you are referring to?

Title: Re: No money when I stay at home
Post by: Gwill on 2007 July 08, 18:26:33
Just download the director's cut.  It will save you a lot of worries.

Title: Re: No money when I stay at home
Post by: wou on 2007 July 08, 19:30:47
right, thanks, I did. Is there a special location I should put the folder/files?

Title: Re: No money when I stay at home
Post by: Gwill on 2007 July 08, 19:59:42
In your downloads like any other download.

Title: Re: No money when I stay at home
Post by: wou on 2007 July 08, 20:57:52
hm so not somewhere in my The Sims 2 file? I still doesn't work .. I downloaded them all, also antibusinessdecay.package seperate.

Or maybe I'm doing something wrong gameplay wise? No idea .. my manager has all skills, is overpaid, is alive (is a robot) and when I check in everything is alright ... personally I'd place them somewhere in thesims2 map, but if you say so ... kinda sux though.

Thanks alot for the help.

Title: Re: No money when I stay at home
Post by: akatonbo on 2007 July 08, 21:08:47
If you look at the manual, or read the readme file, that comes with the game, it will tell you the correct location to put all downloads on your Mac. (Most of us here are not Mac users, so we only know where to put downloads on Windows PCs.)

Title: Re: No money when I stay at home
Post by: wou on 2007 July 08, 23:21:28
Hm yeah I checked the manual/readme but nothing in there. I put them in MAcintosh HD > Document > EA Games > The sims 2
When I start the game there's a popup asking to enable the packages, but that comes every time I open, not that bad, and I have a lot of freaky objects and all sorts, pretty cool. But that business bug isn't fixed still, I do check in every day ...

Any mac users here who might tell the exact location where I should put them? Thanks heaps.

Title: Re: No money when I stay at home
Post by: Marhis on 2007 July 08, 23:43:10
Here I am :).

You need to put the packages in Macintosh HD > Documents > EA Games > The Sims 2 > Downloads
(exactly that: capital D and stuff - if that folder doesn't exists, create it).

Also, check if in the popup the custom content are already enabled; if you checked it and the next time you launch the game is unchecked again, then you suffer a known bug; there are some workaround for that, but first you have to be sure that the custom content are already enabled when the game starts.

Title: Re: No money when I stay at home
Post by: wou on 2007 July 09, 01:07:08

yes, i found that somewhere else, and indeed I made the folder Downloads. Yes indeed they are enabled when I start the game ... so no problems there ... and I have the idea the other hacks works.

There is one big improvement; when I go to the community lot, the shop is open! that wasn't so before.(but there are no emloyees though) But still ... around midnight "..hasn't made money today, it's time you'd shake up things ..."

I waited 3 days (in sim life  ;D)... I have no idea why it won't work  :(

thanks alot for helping! well at least I'm sure where to put them now :)

Title: Re: No money when I stay at home
Post by: wou on 2007 July 09, 01:25:17
oh yeah Marhis did you have the problem yourself? pretty strange only some have it, or does everyone has this bug then hm?

Title: Re: No money when I stay at home
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2007 July 09, 01:51:58
If your business does not earn a net profit, then when you get home, your remote calculated income remains 0. If your business USED to earn money, but no longer does, use the Lot Debugger to "clear business decays" now that you have anti-business-decay, and remember to check in.

Title: Re: No money when I stay at home
Post by: wou on 2007 July 09, 12:15:45
Right, well it has never made money when I was at home. And yes, I check in every day ... and my manager says everything is alright.

(when I come home from the shop though, and check in I have to fill a bar above my head when I talk to him, when I haven't been at the shop that day he just says I don't have to worry about anything.)

When I check the business at the computer, nothing changes ... so all data reamins the same as the last time I went on the community lot, so nothing happens over there.

When I do go (thanks to the hack the shop is open now when I arrive, it was closed before), I just wait, watch TV and at the end of the day my 5 personel people (2 managers) make about 25k. But then again when I go home my sim forces everyone to go home, closes the shop, and I never make money at midnight (home > a popup comes) ... even when I check in.

Pretty sad, but yeah, thanks alot for helping me out here, if you don't have a clue, no problem  :)

Title: Re: No money when I stay at home
Post by: notveryawesome on 2007 July 10, 23:58:29
I've had a similar problem with businesses earning §0 when my business-owner checks in, even though there was a net profit (the § bar shows all green for that period). I'd assumed it was a hack conflict, but even after removing and replacing various business-related hacks, in various combinations, the problem persists. The business owner checks in, the manager says everything is fine, but then at midnight the earnings are §0. It is very aggravating.

Title: Re: No money when I stay at home
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2007 July 11, 06:58:13
Have you done "Fix.../Clear Business Decays"?

Title: Re: No money when I stay at home
Post by: notveryawesome on 2007 July 11, 16:50:06
Nope. I haven't played any of those families since before the latest version of the lot debugger came out. I'll try it next time I play them.