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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: NinaC on 2007 July 07, 18:38:41

Title: patch question
Post by: NinaC on 2007 July 07, 18:38:41
hey, now sure if this has been asked, but i followed the tutorial and merged all of my neighboorhoods into one. but my question it ok to use the new seasons patch? i don't want it to mess things up.

Title: Re: patch question
Post by: Dea on 2007 July 07, 22:28:26
Im curious to know what merging neighborhoods has to do with patching.

Title: Re: patch question
Post by: NinaC on 2007 July 08, 00:27:18
i thought that patching deleted, changed and added files? and if it was to look for a certain file it might not be there. i don't know i'll just try it or ask someone else.

Title: Re: patch question
Post by: Soylent Sim on 2007 July 08, 02:13:16
If you muck about with core game files, there's a good chance of the patch not finding what it needs to and choking.  This is most often a problem when people try to patch after replacing the game's inherent templates with one of the empty ones.  Especially if they're not the sorts to keep backups.

This has nothing to do, however, with neighborhoods that exist in the game.  Worst case scenario something in the neighborhood itself will break, but that's what backups are for.  Nothing in any playable neighborhood will prevent the patch from doing its job of updating what needs to be updated.