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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: eevilcat on 2007 July 04, 22:24:22

Title: Sim allergies
Post by: eevilcat on 2007 July 04, 22:24:22
One of the Pescado toddler-spawn in my game just queued up an allergies! action then promptly sneezed. I've never seen this before and was wondering what, if anything, it does beyond looking cute**. I'm also kind of curious as to whether the 'allergy' will persist into childhood and beyond. I'd just fed the sproglet some smart milk so it could be related to that.

**Cute is a description I normally reserve for kittens/cats, but this action did actually look cute.

Title: Re: Sim allergies
Post by: Madame Mim on 2007 July 05, 01:11:17
It's a Seasons thing and you can see the alergies token if you look in SimPE. I think it must be like the twins modifier. Some Sims carry it and it is activated by appropriate situations - in this case probably Spring.

Title: Re: Sim allergies
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2007 July 05, 02:07:04
It actually accumulates on all sims during spring. It appears to be a harmless action, and doesn't appear to be a genetic property, or I'd have to institute mass-executions to cleanse the gene pool.

Title: Re: Sim allergies
Post by: eevilcat on 2007 July 05, 06:13:46
It is Spring in that household and the sprog in question had just drank their 3rd bottle of smart milk in their current period of awake/activity. I don't normally bother with smart milk and use the lot debugger, but this is the legacy household so they have to do it the hard way. I almost went down the too much smart milk (dairy) allergy route of thinking. Spring makes a lot more sense. Now I think about it, I have noticed other sims sneezing but not the current, active sim so I couldn't see what was in their action queues. I will pay more attention in future.

Title: Re: Sim allergies
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2007 July 05, 07:56:09
All sims seem to be affected by this, which seems to suggest that for whatever reason, these "allergy" problems have become widespread in the population. Which is odd, since I don't remember such things even being spoken of, even by the less-awesome, when I was a kid. In my day, springtime was a time when we would run about outside wielding hefty sticks with which we would beat each other for entertainment. Certainly there was no thought of these "allergies" that people speak of. I should investigate what peculiar Maxian beliefs guide their functioning.

Title: Re: Sim allergies
Post by: eevilcat on 2007 July 05, 11:32:53
Well, I for one do get attacks of sneezing in Spring as that is when the trees are shagging and tree pollen seems to be what causes me problems. Interestingly enough I think that all sim households with sneezing sims have fruit trees and/or flowers and bushes. Perhaps there is some reasonably intelligent coding behind the allergies which tests whether there is some plant life on that particular lot... or it could be typical EAxian sado-randomness.

Title: Re: Sim allergies
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2007 July 05, 12:48:55
I don't think that's an allergy. I think that's snorting tree-dust up your nose, which is itchy. Allergies are when you turn blotchy and break out in hives, stop breathing, fall over, and die.

Title: Re: Sim allergies
Post by: Zazazu on 2007 July 05, 15:40:35
I'm allergic to dust or something...just have random multiple sneezing fits. Not complaining-I like sneezing. And I'm allergic to neoprene in the swelling, hives, itchy, burny, eventually going kinda numb way. Have to be careful about braces and wrist supports.

My sims...hmm. In Riverblossom, I had quite a few sims who had allergies. Some sneezed tons, some barely. In Urban Paradise, one random sprog of my Alpha challenge did, but he died along with everyone else when Charisma drank everyone. No allergies so far in Monopoly.

Title: Re: Sim allergies
Post by: Li'l Brudder on 2007 July 05, 15:44:58
I also like sneezing, Zazazu.  It's got something to do with relieving sinus pressure for me.

Title: Re: Sim allergies
Post by: rosenshyne on 2007 July 07, 03:46:51
i just had a toddler sneeze after her third bottle of smart milk in a row... perhaps the two are related after all?

Title: Re: Sim allergies
Post by: Morague on 2007 July 07, 12:12:09
In my quest to get the sunburn/frostburn overlays working I did a lot of investigating the allegies - it's totally random :) At some point they get the allergy token, then the next loop through it gets removed. It's not permanent & only happens in the spring.

In case you want the sunburn/frostburn look on demand you can find it at (