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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Emma on 2007 July 04, 06:09:39

Title: I hate birds. And Inventories.
Post by: Emma on 2007 July 04, 06:09:39
My sims always seem to want a birdcage, so I oblige. I feed it, play with it then shut the cage door. No problem. Stupid nannies turn up play with the bird and leave the cage door open! Bird flies round, sometimes getting stuck in doorways when I have to then delete the door using moveobjects on and replace it. I direct my sims to close the cage door as soon as they are back from work and the bird decides to have a quick fly around so it takes me ages to get the bloody door shut! Have the same problem with visitors, but not so bad as I can shoo them away and shut the cage door myself.

In other words, is there a hack to make sims always shut birdcage doors after playing with the bird?

Also, is there something out there to make transferring stuff from one inventory to another in the same household easier? My sim-man is old and I don't want him to die with all the fish/fruit/robots he has collected through his lifetime. He can keep the boots :P I want to put all his stuff into his wife's inventory.

Also (again) has anyone noticed the beds have been borked again after being in the inventory? I have to replace them all or the maid gets stuck and things drop out of queue when mousing over the beds. Bah!

[edit] So it is just me with the beds then? I tend to use Windkeepers Soma beds, but I have had it happen with Maxis beds too, but usually there is a Windkeeper Soma bed in the inventory too. I shall have to test. I might delete those beds anyway, as they are not pet-enabled. Or is there a way to pet-enable those beds with SimPe?

Title: Re: I hate birds. And Inventories.
Post by: eevilcat on 2007 July 04, 06:17:58
1. Is outside my remit... if my sims want birds, they go without. I might stretch to a cat if they're lucky but pets are hassle and responsibility in game, just like in real life. The bird cage seemed to be the least gain for most pain.
2. I use the 'Give Gift' interaction to clear out inventories when I know that a sim is close to dying. You still have to click each item but you can give them all away in one go.
3. I haven't noticed this problem and have been cycling beds through inventories in a number of households depending on the number of sprogs. I am running with Smart Beds so that might make a difference.

Title: Re: I hate birds. And Inventories.
Post by: Emma on 2007 July 04, 06:29:12
2. I use the 'Give Gift' interaction to clear out inventories when I know that a sim is close to dying. You still have to click each item but you can give them all away in one go.

*smacks forehead* I completely forgot about the 'give gift' interaction :D

Title: Re: I hate birds. And Inventories.
Post by: Scratch on 2007 July 04, 06:32:22
If you're brave... (  it's called the inventory transfer vase... i've got it, just haven't had a chance to use it yet....

Title: Re: I hate birds. And Inventories.
Post by: eevilcat on 2007 July 04, 06:33:27
I forgot... I also use JM's awesome fruit bowl to offload any fruit/veg as it's not only quicker, but makes the contents available to anyone else on the lot.

Title: Re: I hate birds. And Inventories.
Post by: notveryawesome on 2007 July 04, 06:36:06
Christianlov has a 'no flying birds' hack, as well as an 'always clean and fed cages' hack, both/either of which may or may not be at sims2graveyard. If not, I have them and can send either or both of them to you or post it/them here. Birds are useful until they learn to talk, because teaching them to talk earns your sims charisma points. After that, however, they're just noisy nuisances that get deleted. I don't keep birds IRL because I can't stand the noise. They are equally as annoying in TS2.

Title: Re: I hate birds. And Inventories.
Post by: Emma on 2007 July 04, 06:37:28
I forgot... I also use JM's awesome fruit bowl to offload any fruit/veg as it's not only quicker, but makes the contents available to anyone else on the lot.

Yes I have the fruitbowl too. This particular family have tons of fruit and veg in their inventory though and also 3 full fruitbowls. Can the full fruitbowls be placed in Inventory without losing anything?

Christianlov has a 'no flying birds' hack, as well as an 'always clean and fed cages' hack, both/either of which may or may not be at sims2graveyard. If not, I have them and can send either or both of them to you or post it/them here. Birds are useful until they learn to talk, because teaching them to talk earns your sims charisma points. After that, however, they're just noisy nuisances that get deleted. I don't keep birds IRL because I can't stand the noise. They are equally as annoying in TS2.

Thanks, I'll go look ;D

[edit] The Graveyard is down. :( Could you please post them here or send them to me NVA? Ta very much. My email is in my profile.

Title: Re: I hate birds. And Inventories.
Post by: notveryawesome on 2007 July 04, 06:49:37
The .package files are attached to this message.

Title: Re: I hate birds. And Inventories.
Post by: sloppyhousewife on 2007 July 04, 06:51:34

[...] Can the full fruitbowls be placed in Inventory without losing anything? [...]

From my experience, yes. I like to pack the full fruitbowls and composters into my sims' inventory before they move onto a new lot, so they don't have to start collecting the stuff from scratch.

Title: Re: I hate birds. And Inventories.
Post by: Emma on 2007 July 04, 07:57:32
Ok, thankyou both ;D

I put the composters and even the fruit trees into the inventory before I move my sims, so it makes sense that the bowls can be placed in there I suppose :D

Title: Re: I hate birds. And Inventories.
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2007 July 04, 07:58:55
Yes I have the fruitbowl too. This particular family have tons of fruit and veg in their inventory though and also 3 full fruitbowls. Can the full fruitbowls be placed in Inventory without losing anything?
Fruitbowls are specifically designed to be placed in the inventory. You can even offload a fruitbowl into another fruitbowl with the source fruitbowl already in your inventory, or restock from a fruitbowl you stuffed in your inventory.

Title: Re: I hate birds. And Inventories.
Post by: Emma on 2007 July 04, 08:08:02
If you're brave... (  it's called the inventory transfer vase... i've got it, just haven't had a chance to use it yet....

Thanks, I might try that.

Fruitbowls are specifically designed to be placed in the inventory. You can even offload a fruitbowl into another fruitbowl with the source fruitbowl already in your inventory, or restock from a fruitbowl you stuffed in your inventory.

K'thanks. I tend to use them as very useful kitchen ornaments. ;D

Title: Re: I hate birds. And Inventories.
Post by: Magicmoon on 2007 July 04, 08:17:58
If you're brave... (  it's called the inventory transfer vase... i've got it, just haven't had a chance to use it yet....

I use it all the time. It hasn't caused any problems at all and works as advertised.

Title: Re: I hate birds. And Inventories.
Post by: Count Four on 2007 July 04, 08:34:57
I also still have the bed/inventory problem. It's happened with Maxis and CC beds and there doesn't seem to be any pattern to it at all. It doesn't happen every single time I put a bed in inventory, just often enough I rarely bother anymore. And I've taken a bed out of inventory, sim slept in it the first night, but the second night it was borked and had to be replaced.

I haven't seen what happens with the maid and inventoried beds. I generally make my sims suffer without servants. I can check and see if I get the same thing, though.

I have no clue what to do about it, but I just thought I'd let you know inventory is still breaking beds in somebody else's game, too.

Title: Re: I hate birds. And Inventories.
Post by: Emma on 2007 July 04, 08:45:24
Thanks Count Four, glad to know it isn't just me :D

Title: Re: I hate birds. And Inventories.
Post by: pioupiou on 2007 July 04, 09:24:17
Birds are useful until they learn to talk, because teaching them to talk earns your sims charisma points. After that, however, they're just noisy nuisances that get deleted.
When the bird knows how to talk the sims can still gain charisma points, they have to talk to the bird. They gain charisma, fun and social. So birds are useful, it's the wormrat that is totally a nuisance...

Title: Re: I hate birds. And Inventories.
Post by: Emma on 2007 July 04, 09:25:52
So birds are useful, it's the wormrat that is totally a nuisance...

I know! It would be so much better if they gave the sims a disease like the guinea pig used to.

Title: Re: I hate birds. And Inventories.
Post by: eevilcat on 2007 July 04, 11:28:29
I didn't know about the talking to the bird charisma/needs gain thing so I might just reconsider my opinion on birds in the game and try them out again.

Title: Re: I hate birds. And Inventories.
Post by: aqualectrix on 2007 July 04, 15:24:48
I'm also still experiencing the bed problem; I moved a family recently and once I'd placed the furniture from inventory, at least one of the beds started causing constant error messages.  When I popped out of the game to look at the logs, it was the same Test Interaction - Is Bed Being Jumped On? that has previously caused me problems.  I'm not sure if it was all of the beds or not; once I realized what the problem was I immediately replaced them all.

Actually, your jumping-on-mouseover problem sounds a lot more benign than mine; the two may be completely unconnected.

Title: Re: I hate birds. And Inventories.
Post by: Emma on 2007 July 04, 17:24:29
I have beds in the inventory. I'll test in debug mode when I move my sims onto a new lot and see what error (if any) pops up.

Title: Re: I hate birds. And Inventories.
Post by: Magicmoon on 2007 July 04, 17:40:47
I'm also still experiencing the bed problem; I moved a family recently and once I'd placed the furniture from inventory, at least one of the beds started causing constant error messages.  When I popped out of the game to look at the logs, it was the same Test Interaction - Is Bed Being Jumped On? that has previously caused me problems.  I'm not sure if it was all of the beds or not; once I realized what the problem was I immediately replaced them all.

I have the same intermittent problem with 'Test Interaction - Is Bed Being Jumped On?', but I have never had the beds in my inventory, nor can I find a way to get the error to be consistent.

Title: Re: I hate birds. And Inventories.
Post by: notveryawesome on 2007 July 06, 08:11:33
I've also had problems with beds, both in and out of inventory (meaning that, most times, placing them in inventory causes the problem, but it sometimes happens to beds that were never inventoried). The bed suddenly seems to reset itself, the way sims do, and can no longer be interacted with. Sometimes there is an accompanying jump bug, but not always. Occasionally, the bedclothes flash blue, as well (yet I'm not using TJ's smart beds hack). In all cases, I must completely replace the bed. It's very aggravating.

Edited for retarded punctuation.

Title: Re: I hate birds. And Inventories.
Post by: Emma on 2007 July 06, 09:21:39
Occasionally, the bedclothes flash blue

I've had the actual base flash blue too. Still haven't reached the house that I need to move my sims out of. Will check when I do though.

Title: Re: I hate birds. And Inventories.
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2007 July 07, 02:35:40
This seems to happen in the GLS bed, but it goes away if you just click on it with the design tool and hit Ok, changing nothing.

Title: Re: I hate birds. And Inventories.
Post by: Emma on 2007 July 07, 05:53:45
Yeah, that's what I've been doing.

I've noticed something though, since installing Celebrations and the H&M stuff packs (presents from my husband, I wouldn't have actually bought them myself!) all the custom content stuffage that was in inventories have disappeared. I didn't play on any of my families until CC was enabled, the game quit and restarted so shouldn't they have re-appeared in there? It was mostly CC bedroom stuff and the thinking cap stand.

Title: Re: I hate birds. And Inventories.
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2007 July 07, 12:47:56
Inventories are neighborhood-level, so any disruption in the integrity of GUIDs will result in the loss of all inventory tokens and objects. Do not even reinsert your neighborhood directory until the CC has been turned back on!

Title: Re: I hate birds. And Inventories.
Post by: Emma on 2007 July 07, 13:57:13
Inventories are neighborhood-level, so any disruption in the integrity of GUIDs will result in the loss of all inventory tokens and objects. Do not even reinsert your neighborhood directory until the CC has been turned back on!

Well, I know that now! Duh :P