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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: nekonoai on 2007 July 03, 13:48:13

Title: Naked sims are only cool when streaking!
Post by: nekonoai on 2007 July 03, 13:48:13
I don't have nearly enough clothing choices that are nice. Where do folks get really nice clothing from? I like quality stuff that looks excellent in game. I frequently go to All About Style, so don't link me there. Any off the beaten path links would be awesome. Paysites must be destroyed, so unless stuff is in the booty regularly, don't link me there either.


Title: Re: Naked sims are only cool when streaking!
Post by: Hecubus on 2007 July 03, 15:19:37
For some nice women's dresses, try Ssalam Style ( - they don't update anymore, but the goods are there.

Lliella ( has some nice things, although her color palette is limited. Her donation stuff is in the booty.

Simply Styling's  ( clothing looks great in game, too.

For some groovy, 60s retro stuff, Carnaby  ( can't be beat.

For kid's stuff, I like SimSquirts ( and Evi at TSR ( - both in booty.

Good men's stuff is much harder to find: most of mine comes from Aikea Guinea at TSR (, Sims Connection (, and Fanseelamb at MTS2 (

Also - I like some of Parsimonious ('s items...some is too quirky for my taste, but there are some lovely things there (including some great women's pajama sets).

I'm sure others will have good suggestions, too....there is a lot of nice stuff out there.

Title: Re: Naked sims are only cool when streaking!
Post by: Flamingo on 2007 July 03, 17:46:59
Parsimonious is so bad that it actually is good on occasion. Eh, their clothes definitely have personality.

Title: Re: Naked sims are only cool when streaking!
Post by: nekonoai on 2007 July 03, 18:08:32
They're definitely... interesting.

about half of the links are blocked by GOD, so I'll check them when I get home. We get to leave early today! \:D/
I'm still going through Parsimonious. Been awhile since I've been there... some of those things need a bit of clorox 2 for eyes. :D

Title: Re: Naked sims are only cool when streaking!
Post by: Zazazu on 2007 July 03, 18:17:17
Parsimonious's value depends on your taste. I don't use any of their stuff in my game and never will. Some of it looks godawful to me, but some of it is really really nice...just not the style I prefer.

Double the rec for Liella and Fanseelamb. I have some bits and bobs from Charmed Sims  ( (available in the booty). SimChic (, again in the booty, is my absolute favorite.

We get to leave early, too, though they haven't officially announced it. I'll be back on to give you little Trepies.

Title: Re: Naked sims are only cool when streaking!
Post by: Flamingo on 2007 July 03, 18:27:45
I actually just downloaded a bunch of their stuff. I want to use it on my Sims who fit certain.. stereotypes. It's just so tacky that I will laugh everytime they come onto the screen.

Charmed Sims is pretty good. I like their clothing. SimChic is pretty good too, though I really hate the way they present it. You'd figure they could give you more than a puny square.

Title: Re: Naked sims are only cool when streaking!
Post by: notveryawesome on 2007 July 03, 19:27:53
Parsimonious has a lot of tacky clothing, but some of it is really nice, especially the ethnic-looking stuff. I've dressed my Indo-Pakistani families almost exclusively in Parsimonious clothing. The meshes are generally very good -- it's just some of the textures that have me reaching for the eyebleach. I third the recommendation for Fanseelamb at MTS2. She(?) makes some very nice men's clothing.

Title: Re: Naked sims are only cool when streaking!
Post by: Invisigoth on 2007 July 03, 19:37:50
Parsimonious is the place that clothes my alien brothel girls.  :)  I don't think I've seen Nouk mentioned yet.  I absolutely adore her hair styles (and they come properly binned) but her clothes are lovely too.  I couldn't live without her actually normal looking athletic wear.  There are 5 other creators on the site and what you like will be a matter of taste obviously.  Some of the other creators use pay meshes, but that's what booty is for.

Title: Re: Naked sims are only cool when streaking!
Post by: Orikes on 2007 July 03, 19:56:11
I'm very picky about cc clothing. I refuse to put all my females in what amount to waist crushing corsets (even if it's supposed to be a t-shirt, oi) or spiked heels. I also run with high graphics, so the textures need to be decent quality. I've yanked some that looked good on their sites, but were really lo res in game.

Either way... recommendations.

Animera (") at MTS2 has some really nice kids clothes. I'm not fond of some of the platform shoe outfits, but she's still got lots I like.

Actually, you can find some nice stuff at MTS2, you just have to dig... like anything else there.

Sims Connection was already mentioned above. They're hit or miss for me, but I'm liking some of rabid angel's men's clothing, and she's got some nice female outfits too. Check the booty.

All About Style (http://"") is another hit or miss one for me, but they've got some good stuff if you look through. You can generally tell from the preview picture if it's a waist crusher. They've also got some decent stuff for elders and guys.

Parsimonious has been mentioned in detail above, but I'll echo the sentiment that if you dig, you can find some nice stuff. Some of the textures and colors are a whole 'What were they thinking' look, but there's still some good stuff in there.

I really liked SimBoutique, I think, but they apparently disappeared before I could get too much stuff from them. That made me sad. If anyone knows where their stuff went, I'd be grateful.

Title: Re: Naked sims are only cool when streaking!
Post by: notveryawesome on 2007 July 03, 20:16:35
Oops -- it was Rabid Angel I was thinking of for men's clothing, not fanseelamb, though I do like a lot of fanseelamb's stuff too.

Title: Re: Naked sims are only cool when streaking!
Post by: ZiggyDoodle on 2007 July 03, 23:04:23
If you like colorful toddler clothing, try 

Kate at Parsimonious also has a couple of nice things for little Sims - I do like her plants.  Some of the clothing and hairstyles are, well, different, but you can find some gems there.  And I give her lots of credit for taking a stand against paysites. is worth visiting.

Title: Re: Naked sims are only cool when streaking!
Post by: akatonbo on 2007 July 03, 23:58:21
Y'know, while I have plenty of stuff from other sites, probably more than half of my custom ANYTHING is from either MTS2 or TSR (both before and after the booty). I'm patient and willing to browse and search for gems.

I really like HystericalParoxysm's stuff at MTS2. Not just the FanSeeFem stuff, although it's a fantastic complement to the enormous pile of fanseelamb's stuff I've downloaded, but things like the alpha-editable dress top (based on the top from that pretty OFB outfit), or the GLS dress age conversions (which don't require GLS, of course).

One of my recent favorites at TSR is Sims2Sisters -- they've got some excellent outerwear for male and female, with separate sets for multiple ages. Most of it is in the booty. (You'll probably want to do your browsing at TSR, though, since the S2S filenames are all strings of numbers, so even though there are a lot of JPGs in the booty too, it's easier to find worthwhile stuff on the real site and then check the booty.)

Title: Re: Naked sims are only cool when streaking!
Post by: Spicey on 2007 July 04, 00:33:48
i beg to differ with the subject line but in the meantime, mermaid cove has some pretty nice stuff if you want understated.

i really like her "contacts"  to disguise the eyes of the sims with eye/skin combinations that have never been seen in real life and probably never will be seen outside the game. ;D

Title: Re: Naked sims are only cool when streaking!
Post by: TaWanda on 2007 July 04, 01:15:37
 Ikkerina  ( has a small site with some cute outfits.

Title: Re: Naked sims are only cool when streaking!
Post by: vilia on 2007 July 04, 01:42:44
Decorgal  ( some beautiful stuff for women that are not too revealing.

I must third the Mermaid Cove recommendation and add in Briher  ( using mostly Maxis meshes as both have created some gorgeous stuff.

I like Royal Sims ( for stylish women's clothes.

You can't beat sims2fog  ( urban wear.

SherrieSims  ( great for female elder wear but as she is hosted by WickedSims her site is down at the moment (fingers crossed it should be sorted soonish).

SiluettaSims  ( some stunning formal wear for women.

Try Strawberry Patch ( for kids stuff as they have a great range.

If I was you, I'd find a site I liked and then see who they are affiliated with or link to - this is a good way to find out more sites in a similar theme.