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TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: AnnaM on 2007 June 29, 18:38:42

Title: Widow can't remarry
Post by: AnnaM on 2007 June 29, 18:38:42
I have the marriage-postmortum hack installed, and in the RTFM it says that "the surviving partner may remarry as usual". However, now I have a widow in the game and the Propose-Engagement interaction doesn't appear, either from her to her intended or vice versa (they have 100% and are in love, as well).

Any solution?

Title: Re: Widow can't remarry
Post by: Marhis on 2007 June 29, 19:18:06
Sometimes the marriage flag get stuck; Try this ( (I've made it exactly for this purpouse) and choose "wipe.../marriages".

Title: Re: Widow can't remarry
Post by: jolrei on 2007 June 29, 19:30:43
Or is it that the widow is trying to marry someone who is already married to someone else?

Title: Re: Widow can't remarry
Post by: phyllis_p on 2007 June 29, 20:49:15
Is it Denise Jacquet from Bluewater Village (OFB)?  She has no memory of her husband, Yves, dying (another Maxis blunder).  You have to use the Tombstone of L&D to summon him to the lot.  He'll fade away and it will say that he died on another lot, and then she'll get the memory and be able to marry.

Title: Re: Widow can't remarry
Post by: SnootCB on 2007 June 29, 20:56:15
Also, if the fiancé is a Uni dormie, you have to Propose... Move In before you can Propose... Engagement Marriage.

Edited because I can't think straight.

Title: Re: Widow can't remarry
Post by: Hecubus on 2007 June 29, 22:06:15
Marriage is overrated. Let 'em live in sin.

Title: Re: Widow can't remarry
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2007 June 30, 00:17:08
This condition seems to be a recurring issue for no particular reason, so an option has been added to the latest Lot Debugger to find and fix these Dead Romances.

Title: Re: Widow can't remarry
Post by: Jelenedra on 2007 June 30, 00:20:16
Quick question just adding onto this thread since it is of the same subject:

Say a male and female sim are married. Husband dies, leaves wife widowed. Can she then move up the food chain to his brother? Or will they still be flagged as "family"?

Title: Re: Widow can't remarry
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2007 June 30, 00:24:35
In theory, she could. The game, however, has been known to create odd conditions in which in-laws are flagged as "family" and thus partially ineligible for romance. It is not known why this occurs, nor does it occur consistently, or even in both directions, sort of like how some in-laws can encourage, and others can't, and that sometimes a sim is not allowed to initiate many flirts (and has the "family kiss" action), while the other sim does not. It is a great mystery. No one knows why this happens sometimes and not other times. Usually at least one party will be able to make the moves, and the problem goes away if they develop crush/love.

Title: Re: Widow can't remarry
Post by: Jelenedra on 2007 June 30, 01:36:54
Sweet. Thanks.  ;D

Title: Re: Widow can't remarry
Post by: AnnaM on 2007 June 30, 07:53:28
Thanks for all the answers.

The widow is a Maxis creation, but it's not Denise Jacquet, it's a Sophie (probably a townie originally) who married Leod McGregor in Bluewater (and is now called McGregor herself, so I don't remember her original surname).

Her intended is a born-in-game Sim who has never been married, and I have already moved him in with her (through the Neighbourhood since he previously lived alone): the "Propose" actions weren't available before he moved in, and aren't available now. (Propose-Engagement isn't available either.)

I was quite happy to let them live in sin, but he keeps hitting on every skirt he meets (with ACR) and that's not at all what I want, so I wanted to add a "committment" flag to curb that a bit...

I will check if she has a memory of her husband dying; then I'll try the lot debugger (didn't know of this option) and/or Marhis' fix, and we'll see...

Another thing that I noticed after posting is that she didn't have a "Try for baby" action when relaxing with him on their bed now that he's moved in with her. That is even more annoying because I want more babies in that family, and I assume it's related to this. I'll try things out and report back.

Title: Re: Widow can't remarry
Post by: AnnaM on 2007 June 30, 09:21:37
Ok, so I checked and the widow had the memory of her husband's death. I tried summoning Leod anyway, and he dutifully appeared, waved buh-buh and disappeared again with the message that he'd died on another lot. This didn't fix the problem (and at that point I didn't expect it to).

So I tried the lot debugger and there was no appropriate option. Considered coming here to whine about it, then had a brainwave and checked the FTP listing, and lo, the debugger had been updated since I'd re-downloaded it a few days back. So I re-downloaded it again, installed, went back and the option was there (I would thank Pescado but he might not appreciate it). Used the option and lo, it worked! (Leod still showing as Sophie's husband in the family tree, but the Propose-Engagement option is available -- which I assume is the intended correct behaviour.) Life in Riverrun can go on!  :)

Title: Re: Widow can't remarry
Post by: Sleepycat on 2007 June 30, 18:37:28
I have always had this problem (even though I have the marriage-postmortum hack) so I'm very happy the lot debugger can fix it now  :D

Before, I would fix it with SimPE but sometimes the marriage ties wouldn't show up so I would have to wait until they finally did before I could fix it  ::) Yesterday I think I managed to fix it in-game with InSIM, when the dead spouses ghost was on the Lot (cleared the marriage flags) but I haven't confirmed that sim is actually fixed yet. If it isn't, it's nice to know I will be able to fix it with the lot debugger.

For a long time I wouldn't let my sims get married because of this bug!

Title: Re: Widow can't remarry
Post by: Sagana on 2007 July 01, 13:17:56
I have this problem off and on and have fixed it successfully with insim (only to have it break again when the next spouse died, ok that was a black widower.) But the lot debugger option sounds much better - I'll be trying that from now on. (Is the lot debugger becoming insim ;)

Title: Re: Widow can't remarry
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2007 July 01, 14:15:17
No. The Lot Debugger's purpose is fundamentally different from Insim. The Lot Debugger aims to restore normalcy to the game after something goes wrong with it, Insim is aimed at allowing you to do weird, potentially wrong things to your game.