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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Merope on 2007 June 28, 18:00:13

Title: Maternity leave for dads?
Post by: Merope on 2007 June 28, 18:00:13
Is there a mod that allows you to choose which parent will stay at home with the newborn?  I know that TwoJeff's trips/quads mod allows it, but I don't really want to introduce more babies into my game.  I'm a bit frustrated with the whole forced housewifery thing in my hetero couples.  And the nanny is right out.

If no one can think of one, does anyone know what the default odds for twins are?  10%?  I suppose I could alter TJ's chances of multiple births to zero for triplets and quadruplets and whatever the Maxian default is for twins, I guess. 

Please feel free to mock me as you choose.  Cheers.

Title: Re: Maternity leave for dads?
Post by: kewian on 2007 June 28, 18:08:29
I have it and you can still use the original maxis no. of babies if you want. It will allow singletons.  YOu dont have to go for multiples.

Title: Re: Maternity leave for dads?
Post by: Merope on 2007 June 28, 18:11:33
My understanding of the mod is that you can either choose the number of babies, or you can set the odds.  I don't want to choose (since I like the idea of possibly getting twins), but I don't want the mod as-is since I don't have any interest in having three or four babies at a time.  With ACR installed, my Sims are popping out babies often enough as it is.  So I'd either like a mod that just allows the player to pick which parent will stay home after every birth, or find out what the Maxian defaults for twins are so I can simulate it with TJ's mod.

Title: Re: Maternity leave for dads?
Post by: kuronue on 2007 June 28, 18:21:51
My understanding of the mod is that you can either choose the number of babies, or you can set the odds.  I don't want to choose (since I like the idea of possibly getting twins), but I don't want the mod as-is since I don't have any interest in having three or four babies at a time.  With ACR installed, my Sims are popping out babies often enough as it is.  So I'd either like a mod that just allows the player to pick which parent will stay home after every birth, or find out what the Maxian defaults for twins are so I can simulate it with TJ's mod.

that's the "silent" version. There's also a version that lets you choose single, twins, triplets, quads, maxis original, or random number of babies; if you always click "maxis original" then you'll still get the other functionality

Title: Re: Maternity leave for dads?
Post by: SaraMK on 2007 June 28, 18:28:47
The hack allows you to set the % chance of twins, triplets, quads. Since you don't want more babies, set triplets and quads to 0%, and twins to 10% (Maxis default), and you'll have all the features of the hack without risking more babies.

Title: Re: Maternity leave for dads?
Post by: Merope on 2007 June 28, 19:03:27
Okay, that's what I figured I'd have to end up doing.  I just didn't know what the Maxian odds were.  Cheers.

Title: Re: Maternity leave for dads?
Post by: Sagana on 2007 June 28, 21:32:35
Doesn't the pregnancy for all hack also allow you to choose who stays with the baby? Then you wouldn't hafta worry about the quad thing at all - you'll just have the option to allow gay couples to procreate if you like.

Title: Re: Maternity leave for dads?
Post by: Gwill on 2007 June 29, 11:13:01
I'll assume pregnancy for all just gives whoever gave birth the maternity leave; that's the maxis default for alien pregnancies.

Title: Re: Maternity leave for dads?
Post by: Sagana on 2007 June 29, 11:54:20
You're probably right as it doesn't say it does that on the hack description and TwoJeff's is pretty good about putting everything in there. I thought I'd had that option without the triplets/quad hack, but I musta just had that one in and forgotten.

Title: Re: Maternity leave for dads?
Post by: vcline on 2007 June 29, 18:59:38
I recently had triplets and both parents got maternity leave - and boy, did they need it.  I'm never doing that again.  Plus the mom got pregnant almost immediately after giving birth from ACR.  I had to put that one up for adoption, and the next time she got pregnant, I had her take the morning-after pill.  Thanks, TJ, for having that as part of the package.

Title: Re: Maternity leave for dads?
Post by: Zazazu on 2007 June 30, 06:28:05
Vcline, with both parents on maternity leave, triplets shouldn't be a problem. Triplet toddlers and a baby's not that bad either. The key is crib stations. Put the cribs in their own little 2x2 rooms. The babies/toddlers don't wake each other up then. Ignore hygeine until they are giving off stink. Store bottles. This consists of queuing up several "Get bottle for X" actions. As soon as they have the bottle from the fridge, cancel the action. They'll drop the bottle. Stick it in inventory. When toddlers get to less than half hunger, just dump the bottle down on the floor in front of them. Mom and Dad can stay in bed. Another important soon as babies turn toddler, give them smart milk and sit them on the potty. You want them trained as quickly as possible so that Mom & Dad don't have to supervise.

With three and pregnant Mom, Dad should care for two toddlers and Mom for one.

It's doable, you just have to take the reins. I've had quad toddlers and twin babies before, triplet kids with twin toddlers and triplet babies, and psuedo-septuplet toddlers with one adult (those were intential, the others not).

Title: Re: Maternity leave for dads?
Post by: Aggie on 2007 June 30, 08:27:02
Store bottles. This consists of queuing up several "Get bottle for X" actions. As soon as they have the bottle from the fridge, cancel the action. They'll drop the bottle. Stick it in inventory. When toddlers get to less than half hunger, just dump the bottle down on the floor in front of them.

Or (if you don't mind 'cheating') just use Inge's Bottomless Bottle.

Title: Re: Maternity leave for dads?
Post by: Sagana on 2007 June 30, 10:24:53
You can use the little dividers instead of walls to make the rooms and the kids still won't wake each other up, even though the parents can walk through it anywhere. Also when you put a kid on the potty to be trained, wait until the adult stands up and just turns away and cancel the action. The kid'll keep training and the parent can go do something else. Training with smart milk in the fall is really fast.

Title: Re: Maternity leave for dads?
Post by: vcline on 2007 June 30, 19:24:43
Thanks for all the ideas on how to manage multiple babies.  I'll try them out when I get rested up.