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TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: raccoon on 2007 June 26, 13:22:11

Title: delivery guys gets stuck
Post by: raccoon on 2007 June 26, 13:22:11
If I order pizza or groceries, the delivery guys get stuck in a sitting/driving position partly inside a wall. No error message appears.
I have only a base game and some hacks, mostly downloaded here. Yesterday I loaded a lot of hair and clothes from different places, but they can't cause this, can't they? What should I do?

Title: Re: delivery guys gets stuck
Post by: Mirelly on 2007 June 26, 13:47:47
I think you'll need to be more specific about the hacks you have ... ::)

Title: Re: delivery guys gets stuck
Post by: raccoon on 2007 June 26, 14:00:09
I know I should be, but I've been stupid and not organized all my downloads or anything so I could find all hacks easily, but I try:
I have these at least:
Abductions - Higher Odds.package
LizzLoves no-privacy.package
No Friends Needed for Careers.package
No Shoving from Look Through.package
Toddler Potty Fixes.package
Triplets & Quads.package

I had the doorbell quieter and I removed it, but it didn't help.

Title: Re: delivery guys gets stuck
Post by: Emma on 2007 June 26, 14:34:16
doorbell_quieter just stops the doorbell from being heard in all rooms throughout the house rather than just the room/hallway where the front door is, so you can put that back if you want to.
Are there any other vehicles on the lot, maids, gardeners, repairmen, nannies etc? I've noticed the lot can only seem to handle 2-3 service vehicles at any one time and the delivery person will wait until one leaves before they will ring your doorbell.

Title: Re: delivery guys gets stuck
Post by: Mirelly on 2007 June 26, 15:31:51
You might also try the FFS lot debugger ... don't have a link off hand but it's in the hack directory (,7.0.html) somewhere. The FFS debugger does all sort of awesome things to remove/unblock stuck and jammed situations.

Title: Re: delivery guys gets stuck
Post by: raccoon on 2007 June 26, 16:10:06
Ok, the problem is kinda solved. The debugger didn't help, so I moved the family out and to another house, they needed more space anyway. Now NPCs work properly, so the problem was something in the lot.

Title: Re: delivery guys gets stuck
Post by: Jelenedra on 2007 June 26, 16:22:08
Did you move the mailbox? The mailbox controls the car pool/npc portals, so messing with it's location too much can fubar the lot. I'd just bulldoze it.

Title: Re: delivery guys gets stuck
Post by: Lorelei on 2007 June 26, 17:21:10
I know I should be, but I've been stupid and not organized all my downloads or anything so I could find all hacks easily, but I try:

You need to use Sims2Pack Clean Installer. Most if not all hacks that change game code are highlighted in red. Select all red items and put them in a HACKS folder within your Downloads folder.

Problem solved.

Pink highlighted items are duplicate files, and unnecessary (can even potentially cause problems in your game), and add to the size of your Downloads folder, which slows game load time.

See also the tutorials at on how to use binary test loads to isolate problem files, and get Sims2Hack Conflict Detector to track hacks that are fighting with each other.

Title: Re: delivery guys gets stuck
Post by: Marhis on 2007 June 27, 02:13:47
I've had the same exact issue in the past, with basegame only; the only solution was move out and bulldoze the lot.

I've solved with the fix by Crammiboy for portal deletion. After that fix, that glitch occurred no more.

The delivery man was a nice ornament, BTW.  ;D

Title: Re: delivery guys gets stuck
Post by: Baskar on 2007 June 27, 06:57:02
Don't ask me who made it because I have so many mods and cc it isn't funny..  And before I installed pets, I was stupid enough to not customize my d/l folder... anywho, you can get a mod that'll make the delivery person drop stuff off right in front of your door.  Quite handy.  :)