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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Orikes on 2007 June 25, 08:32:25

Title: Teleporting Gypsy
Post by: Orikes on 2007 June 25, 08:32:25
I have an odd problem. So far, I've only experienced it on Uni lots. I haven't had a chance to try a residential or downtown lot yet. Eitherway, my sims call up the Matchmaker and she agrees to come over, like normal. The moment she shows up on the lot, though, she teleports away in that purple/pink explosion that is either the animation for the meditation teleport, or the vampire bat change. The first time she was called and did this, it was about 5pm. She's done it at least four or five times, and it's been different gypsies each time.

Now, I know she used to come by without any problems. The reason I was calling her was because I have a sim who wants to fall in love with his one (via ACR), but no matter what romantic interactions I have him do, he just doesn't fall in love or even crush. The last time I had this happen was when the previous generation was at Uni. I called the gypsy, got some love potion, and that fixed the problem right up. That's what I was intending to do this time, but she leaves the lot the moment she shows up.

Has anyone heard of this problem before? Is this a sign of impending doom? A glitch from the recent patch 2a (I haven't done 2b yet)? Something else completely?

Title: Re: Teleporting Gypsy
Post by: jrd on 2007 June 25, 08:37:05
Twojeffs' visitor controller?

Title: Re: Teleporting Gypsy
Post by: SaraMK on 2007 June 25, 08:39:07
TwoJeffs' Visitor Controller is set to ban the gypsy by default, so that's probably why it's happening, although it shouldn't  happen when you purposely invite her over. Update it, maybe?

Title: Re: Teleporting Gypsy
Post by: Sagana on 2007 June 25, 10:20:55
I think I have the newest copy of the visitor controller and it keeps the gypsy off the lot even if I've invited her. I recently tried to have her and realized the visitor controller was stopping it when she didn't show. But the new versions don't ever let banned things show up on the lot in the first place, so no purple poof. Anyway, even if you get a newer one, set it to allow the gypsy.

The sim not falling in love thing is probably JMs No Instant Loves.

Title: Re: Teleporting Gypsy
Post by: Orikes on 2007 June 25, 18:12:33
Whew! I was really worried something was going wrong with my neighborhood. Now that I know what's causing it, I can fix it.

I'll just take the visitor controller out. It's not doing what I wanted it to do anyway, and the gypsies are actually fairly important side characters in my legacy stories. It would really suck if I had difficulty getting them where I needed them for a various scene or two. (I'd originally wanted the controller to get people to wear swimwear at a tropical related business, but it didn't work. They'd show up on the lot in swimwear, buy a ticket, and then change into their outerwear. I think TwoJeff's is working on this, but no updates as of yet.)

Sagana - Yeah, I know it's a side effect of JM's No Instant Loves. It's what happened to the couple before where the love potion fixed the problem. While I think No Instant Loves is a little tougher on some sims than it should be, I like what it does enough to keep it in.

Title: Re: Teleporting Gypsy
Post by: Ness on 2007 June 25, 21:22:31
You could just unband the gypsies from the lot.  Through the Adjust...  visitors menu.

Title: Re: Teleporting Gypsy
Post by: Orikes on 2007 June 26, 00:01:49
Actually, now that I've played without it for a couple of hours, I realized there were other things about it I had to come to depend no - like how it changes how long visitors will stay, especially children. I'll just put it back and make the gypsy an acceptable visitor.

Title: Re: Teleporting Gypsy
Post by: jsalemi on 2007 July 01, 03:48:40
The VC is also very very handy on community lots for things like banning stray animals from restaurants and food stores, or making specialized hangout places for teens, gays, etc.  I usually make one of the nightclubs a cheating spot, banning all lovers so my romance sims can scout for new ones without getting slapped all the time. :)

Title: Re: Teleporting Gypsy
Post by: Orikes on 2007 July 01, 05:08:00
That's a really good idea, Jsalemi. I've been wanting a teen themed hangout spot, and this would be a good way to get it.

Title: Re: Teleporting Gypsy
Post by: witch on 2007 July 01, 10:22:31

OK lilyfyrestorm (good grief) - you have a three letter word for us? We have one for you: