More Awesome Than You!

TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: Insanity Prelude on 2007 June 24, 06:23:23

Title: Lost some want slots...
Post by: Insanity Prelude on 2007 June 24, 06:23:23
... in the Goth family.

I just upgraded to Seasons, and I wanted to give the Goths a greenhouse.
Here's the problem.

I know I upgraded Cassandra and Mortimer Goth to six wants/two locks with the Lot Debugger previously. And now it's back to only four slots- in Cassandra's case, three empty. (Mortimer has two empty.) And the Lot Debugger isn't showing the "Upgrade Pre-Uni Sim" option. :/

I checked to see if it was the corrupted objects.package thing- I guess not, because it doesn't show want information when I hover on the empty slots. They're just empty.

I tried to get their wants to reroll by various methods (fufilling the one that was left on Cassandra's, having them sleep, using the Lot Debugger and then the InSIM to reroll), and it didn't work. But it's the fact that they lost two want slots each that really bothers me.

My hacks are all either Awesome, DJS or Paladin (which are near-awesome right?), or the Kitten Killer, and I've checked for conflicts... I haven't deleted any Sims... I don't know what the heck is going on here.

(Incidentally, it's only been showing half their portrait ever since I moved Dina, Don, and two cats in. But the family seemed to be running fine anyway, up until now.)

Title: Re: Lost some want slots...
Post by: jrd on 2007 June 24, 06:26:46
The current want tree for these Sims is just empty or invalid, and it will take some time before the wants can reroll. Try taking them to a comm lot, that forces a different kind of reroll.

Title: Re: Lost some want slots...
Post by: Insanity Prelude on 2007 June 24, 06:29:11
Will that make it show their Uni want slots? (I mean, it's literally only showing four want slots at all. Which is alarming and irritating.)

Title: Re: Lost some want slots...
Post by: jrd on 2007 June 24, 07:11:39
It's just SHOWING them? I must've misread then. Thought you meant they were there, but empty.

Use Twojeff's college thingy to add back the wants slots.

Title: Re: Lost some want slots...
Post by: Insanity Prelude on 2007 June 24, 17:28:06
Okay, I'll try that. (Dunno why the option isn't showing up on the Lot Debugger.)
Going to a community lot rerolled the empty slots. :) Thanks.

(The portrait thing I mentioned? Must've been Jase's anti-aging elixir mod, because I took that out for a totally unrelated reason and the Goths' family portrait shows properly now.)

Edit: Okay. Coulda sworn I had the College Adjuster installed- guess I didn't, but I was able to add their want slots with the InSimenator. (Yes, I know, a non-awesome.) They're still rolling some blank slots, but as far as I can gather that'll stop after a while.