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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Count Four on 2007 June 23, 01:13:35

Title: Dumb neighborhood question
Post by: Count Four on 2007 June 23, 01:13:35
This isn't a big deal, but it's kind of a nuisance. The game is slow on the neighborhood screen. Noticeably slow for my computer. Clicking on the control panel means a wait of up to two or three minutes for the panel I've clicked for to open. On this computer, that seems slow.

What causes this? In my custom hood, the only decorations are two rows of trees (the ones that are placed as a full row, not individual trees placed in a line), two redbud trees and one 'surf' thingy. (Strangetown has more than that, but I didn't put 'em there.) The custom hood only has eight houses so far, and four (small) community lots. I only use the Maxis neighborhood terrains or maps or whatever they are called. I never download neighborhoods, neighborhood decorations or lots.

No subhoods at all, not on any hood. I never used them much, so I stopped adding them.

The only 'extra' pointless visual thing on the neighborhood screen that I can think of that might be contributing to the lag is the traffic. If it's the traffic, can I get rid of it?

edit: fixin' subject line

Title: Re: Dumb neighborhood question
Post by: notveryawesome on 2007 June 23, 01:31:29
I think there's a way to disable traffic from neighbourhood view using a cheatcode, but I'll be damned if I can remember what it is. I'm sorry that was of absolutely no help.

Title: Re: Dumb neighborhood question
Post by: Count Four on 2007 June 23, 01:42:42
Okay, dug up the cheat codes again and found "boolprop displayNeighborhoodRoads (True/False)".   I'll check later, see if no roads/no traffic fixes the lag. I hope that's all it is.

Title: Re: Dumb neighborhood question
Post by: Solowren on 2007 June 23, 02:43:20
Do you have neighborhood drift enabled, under the camera settings? In some cases, having this enabled can slow things down. Other than that, I can't think of anything that'd be causing that much lag.

Title: Re: Dumb neighborhood question
Post by: rohina on 2007 June 23, 03:27:59
I have the lag thing happen in my Legacy Hood; I assumed it was because it was full of sims with complicated relationships.

Title: Re: Dumb neighborhood question
Post by: Count Four on 2007 June 25, 04:49:44
That's why it's been bugging me in my custom hood, Rohina. I could understand if the neighborhood were crowded but it's only got eight houses so far.

I disabled 'neighborhood drift', that seemed to help quite a bit.

For anybody who ever searches this, "boolprop displayNeighborhoodRoads (True/False)" removes the roads, but not the traffic.  The cars kept running on the same routes, even without asphalt. ;D