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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Robinoli on 2007 June 22, 23:32:10

Title: Is there a way to make ghosts stop complaining about their missing beds?
Post by: Robinoli on 2007 June 22, 23:32:10
Okay, first, sorry if there's already a topic about this. I looked and couldn't find anything.

Is there something I can do in SimPE that will make ghosts stop bitching about their beds being sold? I'm tired of having to shove the "ghost beds" off to some random corner of the lot when I want to replace them, and I want to be able to move families along with the tombstones the family owns without the ghosts yelling at me about it.

Title: Re: Is there a way to make ghosts stop complaining about their missing beds?
Post by: mistymage on 2007 June 25, 18:15:53
I think the ghost hack by 2Jeffs should keep them from complaining:


(I had a hard time finding it cos in the ghost hack thread it wasn't updated to Pets.. so I finally took a peek at his Seasons' hacks directory and there it was.)

Title: Re: Is there a way to make ghosts stop complaining about their missing beds?
Post by: jrd on 2007 June 25, 18:48:20
No, the ghost hack is the one that stops ghosts from scaring Sims IIRC.

Title: Re: Is there a way to make ghosts stop complaining about their missing beds?
Post by: mistymage on 2007 June 26, 00:26:52
It appears you need to have 2 hacks installed.. one of his smart beds hacks and the ghost hack as well:

"And you can clear bed ownership from a ghost, but if the bed was their 'favorite object', which it almost always is, they will still go and cheer at it because that's stored with the ghost. My ghost hack will fix that."

Found that under,5848.0.html


Title: Re: Is there a way to make ghosts stop complaining about their missing beds?
Post by: pioupiou on 2007 June 26, 06:53:38
The ghost hack will fix the cheering of the bed (it no longer wakes up the sims sleeping in the bed), but won't change the ghost behaviour if you happen to delete the bed...