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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: SarahKOM on 2007 June 22, 22:42:05

Title: What the heck does that?
Post by: SarahKOM on 2007 June 22, 22:42:05
I don't think this should going in 'Oops! You broke it!' because the game seems fixed now but I want to know what kind of CC could actually do this. I may be wrong about where it goes though.
I have all EP's and I think all stuff packs too, in case that has something to do with it.

Well, you know when it's loading up, and you get that text running underneath 'Stockpiling leftovers' and that.
Well, mine got as far as 'Calcuating Snowball Trajectories' before it inexplicably just went out of the game. Just blinked right out and shut the game down.
I tried again about twice or thrice with the same results.

So I restarted my computer then uninstalled and reinastalled Seasons, it loaded then. But then I realised that I'd messed up putting it my backup and when I did put in my backup right, it wouldn't work anymore.
I removed my most recent downloads (I have more than a frigging gigabyte of CC) and it worked.
Most of the CC was accessories and clothing but one was an unawesome 'Call to Dinner fix' and when I put back in those bits it glitched again.
I took out some more suspect bits and bobs and I'm trying again. I don't think it's the clothing obviously because I doubt clothing meshes can do that. Or can they? Evil Liana Meshes Of GameDOOM?

What part of the game does be loaded when it shows 'Calculating Snowball Trajectories anyways?'
What CC can do that to games in the first place?

Title: Re: What the heck does that?
Post by: notveryawesome on 2007 June 22, 22:52:38
Have you tried deleting the groups.cache file before loading the game? Personally, that's the first thing I'd do.

Title: Re: What the heck does that?
Post by: SarahKOM on 2007 June 22, 22:56:25
I don't delete anything not CC because I'm freaked about destroying the computer. It's a work one, and I've lost everything on it before.

I fixed it though! Apparently it was a frigging dreamcatcher download. The hell?

Title: Re: What the heck does that?
Post by: Strangel on 2007 June 23, 16:17:02
I always know when I've hit the "no more cc" barrier because my game refuses to load at all. -snicker-