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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: speedreader on 2005 October 07, 16:24:57

Title: When's the last time you ran Sims 1?
Post by: speedreader on 2005 October 07, 16:24:57
For kicks I just opened my Sims 1 game.  WOW!  I had forgotten just how much difference 3-D makes.  Here I am complaining that my lazy Sims are standing around like gorilla's again, forgetting that they all used to walk like them!  Makes you appreciate how far the game has come.  Now if I could just work out all my Nightlife bugs so I could enjoy Sims 2 to make a new start at that project.

Title: Re: When's the last time you ran Sims 1?
Post by: Andygal on 2005 October 07, 16:26:57
I haven't played it in over a year, since I got sims 2.

Title: Re: When's the last time you ran Sims 1?
Post by: Vesca on 2005 October 07, 16:58:07
Oh my - I think I tried to play it early this spring and found there to be no challenge.

Title: Re: When's the last time you ran Sims 1?
Post by: dmchess on 2005 October 07, 17:11:30
I started it up a couple of weeks ago just to look around and be nostalgic.  Everything was so cute and low-res!  And comparatively static and immortal (little Bathsheba Hilox-Petunia will be a child forever).

Has anyone written the TS1 -> TS2 convertor yet?   8)


Title: Re: When's the last time you ran Sims 1?
Post by: linolino on 2005 October 07, 17:34:46
i stopped playing ts1 long ago, it was so bugged, with that 360 spin when getting to destination bug, and those stupid sims blocking each other and standing idle just because there were 3 of them trying to go through the same corridor... argh! also i hated the tremendous amount of time we had to wait for it to load... then came makin magic and i played it a little. that one i liked. except for the bug that made one specifec spell always backfire and fill your lot with frogs... hahaha!  ;D

Title: Re: When's the last time you ran Sims 1?
Post by: dmchess on 2005 October 07, 18:32:02
then came makin magic and i played it a little. that one i liked. except for the bug that made one specifec spell always backfire and fill your lot with frogs... hahaha!  ;D
;D  I never got around to installing Superstar or Makin' Magic (they're sitting on a shelf somewhere).  Maybe someday...

Title: Re: When's the last time you ran Sims 1?
Post by: Ancient Sim on 2005 October 07, 19:41:50
I haven't played it since I got TS2 either, although I can't anyway as it's on my old pc which isn't connected up at the moment.  I do miss certain aspects of it, particuarly Makin' Magic which I really enjoyed, not to mention quite a few of my Sims.  I used the program that changed children to teens, then to adults (can't remember the name of it now) so mine did age up to a point.  I also had far better 'adult stuff' (ahem) on TS1, which I admit I would like on TS2.  In fact, there were several things I had like that which in many ways were more advanced than what is available for TS2.  Hopefully when the animations side of things is fully cracked, that won't be the case anymore.

Title: Re: When's the last time you ran Sims 1?
Post by: Kestran on 2005 October 07, 20:47:36
I haven't played for a year but it is still installed and i have all my old downloads as well. I did fire it up by mistake this spring (hit Sims1 shortcut instead of Sims2) and I was too amazed how primitive everything was. And I really missed not being able to go super close to their faces.

Title: Re: When's the last time you ran Sims 1?
Post by: Lynda on 2005 October 07, 21:02:36
I bought a Sims 1 Pack including house party and hot date for my iBook a while back to satisfy my sim cravings when my husband was using the PC and I couldn't play TS2.  (Unfortunately my iBook isn't good enough for the Mac version of TS2 - Bleh!)  I immediately remembered why I stopped playing TS1 long, long ago. 

Stiff walks, frozen faces, impossible to maintain relationships, etc.  In my opinion, the only thing tolerable about TS1 anymore is its design aspect.  If I enjoyed building houses and didn't have access to TS2, TS1 might give me a quick fix.

Makin' Magic was the only expansion I never had. 

I really should get TS1 off my iBook so I'm not tempted to load it up again.  It's better to have fond memories of TS1 than realize how inferior it is compared to TS2.

Title: Re: When's the last time you ran Sims 1?
Post by: baratron on 2005 October 07, 21:18:18
The last time I booted up The Sims was December 2003, but the last time I played properly was September 2003, when I installed Superstar and my game ground to a halt.

Yeah, and then I managed to stay un-addicted until April 2005, when we got a computer capable of running TS2 :-[ *mumble*. I tried the console versions of The Sims, but they were awful for me, with my poor ability to see 3D on a screen. I'm surprised I do ok with the PC version of TS2, but I think the graphics are vastly superior to either the PS2 or GameCube versions. Also, a mouse is much easier to use to rotate views than the console controllers.

Title: Re: When's the last time you ran Sims 1?
Post by: DarkEmpress on 2005 October 07, 21:21:45
I installed the original on my ancient server a month or two ago, because my Sims 2 computer had blown up. The server's so antique that it will only play the original, once you install Livin' Large, it ceases to load. I was amused for all of 30 seconds, then I realized how badly it sucked. No cool downloads, no love bed, no growing up, I don't know how I was ever amused by that game.

Title: Re: When's the last time you ran Sims 1?
Post by: Ness on 2005 October 07, 21:50:00
I played sims 1 on a hopelessly under-spec computer - everything crawled and everything was on the lowest graphics settings...  I fired it up on the new one to test something for someone, and was amazed at how fast they walked, and the grass detail...  however, I then tried to look at a building to somehow reprodruce it in sims 2 - the restriction to 4 viewing angles drove me nuts very quickly!  Even though when I play I grab one angle and one zoom that shows me just about everything in the house and only zoom when something interesting is happening and I want to see the detail

Title: Re: When's the last time you ran Sims 1?
Post by: witch on 2005 October 07, 22:18:18
No cool downloads, no love bed, no growing up, I don't know how I was ever amused by that game.

Ah, you obviously didn't have the downloads I did then. :) I also had the program that grew them up, plus plenty of bonking animations - my victorian school for young ladies and gentlemen was a hotbed of vice, literally! ;) I loved the plants and greenery from Persimmon Grove, that's what I miss the most with sims2.

Title: Re: When's the last time you ran Sims 1?
Post by: Shivani on 2005 October 07, 23:22:30
Not since several months or so before I got TS2.  And at that, the only thing I really, really miss is the bed from 8DS with the custom "animations."  Now if I could just have that plus Lizzlove's waterbed coding....

Of course, I had to rebuild my machine so many times in a short period of time before I finally threw up my hands and got all new components, it wasn't like I bothered to reinstall Sims 1 + all expacs.  I think I would be bored senseless if I tried Sims 1 again.

Title: Re: When's the last time you ran Sims 1?
Post by: buddha pest on 2005 October 07, 23:45:18
Stiff walks, frozen faces, impossible to maintain relationships, etc.  In my opinion, the only thing tolerable about TS1 anymore is its design aspect.  If I enjoyed building houses and didn't have access to TS2, TS1 might give me a quick fix.
I fired it up for the first time in ages a couple weeks ago, just for kicks.

I never realized just how bad the graphics were. I saw the walking, and I laughed for about 3 minutes.

And all the Comic Sans. Oh my.

I probably would have played it for a few days though, because it was a pretty hilarious game. Big dramatic music started playing when a sim started a fire first thing. But yeah, I couldn't get a hang of the relationship crap, and there's NO THINKING CAP in this game. Too frustrating.

Title: Re: When's the last time you ran Sims 1?
Post by: aussieone on 2005 October 08, 06:23:30
A soon as the Sims 2 came out I couldn't uninstall the Sims 1 quick enough!!  ;D

Title: Re: When's the last time you ran Sims 1?
Post by: Diala on 2005 October 08, 09:42:48
I am one of those Sims "newbies" who started on Sims 2. I couldn't even play Sims 1 on my old computers even if I wanted to, because they were under-spec. One day I got Sims 1 and a few of the expansion collections, just for kicks... plus I could install them on my laptop. I figured it'd be like Sims 2, except with crappier graphics (which is to be expected, obviously). However, how wrong I was...

It took forever to load it up, especially the first time since it had to load ALL that extra crap that came with the expansions. I immediately went to make my own Sims, and I was surprised that I only had TWO options as far as appearance goes: A face and a body! That immediately turned me off from it, since what appeals to me in TS2 is Sim customization. I played it anyway, with some guy I randomly made, and it was awfully boring... and I don't know why, to tell you the truth. It just seemed dull compared to Sims 2.

At least it gives you a sense of thankfulness for Sims 2's many, many options.

Title: Re: When's the last time you ran Sims 1?
Post by: witch on 2005 October 08, 12:07:24
Once I installed sims2, I thought I would leave sims1 on for sentimental reasons, thought I might pop back from time to time. Nope. Never did.

I think I'd be very surprised if I booted that game again, I've been spoilt with sims2 as well.

Title: Re: When's the last time you ran Sims 1?
Post by: miramis on 2005 October 08, 12:12:50
The morning of Sept 17th 2004 was the last time The Sims was played, and it was uninstalled around March this year I think. It may be re-installed some time in the future just for nostalgia's sake, but that's not written in stone.

Title: Re: When's the last time you ran Sims 1?
Post by: Kristalrose on 2005 October 08, 14:24:07
I last played TS1 on the Sunday Evening before TS2 came out.  So that would be about, what, Sept. 12th or so?  Anyway, I wanted to tie up some loose ends with my storylines and get them ready to "graduate" to TS2.  I had created similar sims in Body Shop so they could continue thier lives on the new game.  Unfortunately, only one of those favorite sims have survived this year with all the clean reinstall's I've had to do.  :( 

You know what I miss most about TS1?  I had a historical neighborhood with a slew of downloads from "Hooty Holler" and "The Historical Sim."  As far as I know, those two sites have never released any TS2 content, so my Sims must remain firmly in the 21st Century.  Bummer for me, I liked the challenge of keeping my sims happy while they had to use outhouses and cook in historically-accurate outdoor kitchens. 

Title: Re: When's the last time you ran Sims 1?
Post by: cwykes on 2005 October 08, 15:01:24
I loved the plants and greenery from Persimmon Grove, that's what I miss the most with sims2.
Me too - I think I had just about every download from there in my game!  including the simslice chickens, the kiwis and the koi.  Hard work, but your sims could be self sufficient with a good garden (unleashed & MM), a nectar press (MM), an easel or a workbench and a phone.   I miss the nice phone calls too. "You have won some money etc" beats "are we still friends"  hands down!

to satisfy my sim cravings when my husband was using the PC and I couldn't play TS2. 
Similar story - my daughter got to the "good" PC first and I was reduced to the old Win98 PC that just about managed Sims1 + all expansions.  I did like the control you have over what the Sims do with their lives.  I do find all the aspirations a bit constricting.  That was about a month ago.

Title: Re: When's the last time you ran Sims 1?
Post by: windy_moon on 2005 October 09, 10:02:10
I haven't booted up the Sims 1 since well before I got the Sims 2.  I get tempted as it is still fully installed with the "Unleashed" disk inserted on my iMac...which I usually use for surfing and board posting.  I could boot it up right now, if I wanted to.

I don't boot it up, mostly for what I would miss if I did.  All of my houses in that game were custom made.  I'm no great talent, but every brick means something to me because I did it myself.  (Haven't started building in Sims 2, I use downloads.)

I really, really miss Persimmons Grove and Bunny Waffles for Sims 1.  Every lot looked like a "masterpiece" , because those downloads made it so easy for a button pusher to create beauty. 

I don't miss the Sims themselves because I never lost them. Anybody who was anybody I recreated in Sims 2 as teenagers and they are my game base characters. I don't imagine I would miss the awkward game play....but I do miss my beautiful lots.

Title: Re: When's the last time you ran Sims 1?
Post by: skandelouslala on 2005 October 09, 12:21:58
Oh man..I uninstalled TS1 a teeny bit before TS2 came out.  I don't really miss it..just miss some of the things they "had" via EPs and downloads that aren't yet there for TS2 yet.  But I could never go sims with genetics and distinct features and "feelings" are just so much better.  The fact that they have children by actually going through a pregnancy (in a computer sense of course lol)... they're not immortal so doing stuff in their lives count lol...I'm way too attached to pixels on a screen lol

My last neighborhood I played in TS1 though..I was already ahead of TS2 in trying to create the generations and what not even before TS2 was announced.  I was killing off sims and imagining they had died of "old age" and killing off the kids and recreating them as adults lol

I even had that program that allowed you to turn kids into teens and then adults but then I'd get mad b/c all of the kids I "aged" had the same crappy randomly generated head and what not lol

Title: Re: When's the last time you ran Sims 1?
Post by: schmoopee on 2005 October 09, 13:47:31
I hadn't played Sims 1 for about 2 years before I got Sims 2, so probably 3 years.

It got too messy, I was a downloadaholic and not too organized with it, I had so many conflicts and too much stuff to sift through. It took almost an hour for my game to load and it just became unenjoyable to play.

With Sims 2, I am trying to be more picky with what I download. Although I'm certainly not organized with it, still.  :-[