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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: trulyAQT on 2007 June 20, 15:12:12

Title: Question?
Post by: trulyAQT on 2007 June 20, 15:12:12
Can toddlers really fight over a bottle like they show in the introduction of the sims 2?

Title: Re: Question?
Post by: jsalemi on 2007 June 20, 15:35:52
Can toddlers really fight over a bottle like they show in the introduction of the sims 2?

Yes, but it's rare -- I think one or both have to have to be really grouchy.  I think I've seen it happen in my game maybe once or twice, but that was a long time ago.

Title: Re: Question?
Post by: Zazazu on 2007 June 20, 16:31:00
They'll fight if you direct both to go after the same bottle at the same time, regardless of personality. Autonomous, I don't know. Only had it happen the once, and this was maybe a month after the game first came out. Other than that, they don't know that the other exists.

Really wish they'd add toddler-toddler interactions.

Title: Re: Question?
Post by: Sagana on 2007 June 20, 16:54:37
Do the toddlermania challenge, the kids are always hungry and 2 of them will inevitably fight over the first bottle you drop ;) Toddlers can also play together on some of the toys (the dollhouse particularly) so there's a little bit of interaction there, but yeah it would be nice if there was more and more kid to toddler as well.

Title: Re: Question?
Post by: jsalemi on 2007 June 20, 17:06:49
... but yeah it would be nice if there was more and more kid to toddler as well.

I agree with that one -- I've had too many cases of a child having 0 relationship with a toddler sibling because of no autonomous interactions.  Fortunately they raise it pretty quickly when the toddler grows up, or if the child becomes a teen and can help take care of the sprog.

It also really makes no sense that children can't get a bottle out of the fridge for a toddler.  They can get snacks and leftovers, but not a bottle?  I can see why they wouldn't allow kids to do it for babies, but toddlers?  Dumb.

Title: Re: Question?
Post by: Zazazu on 2007 June 20, 18:08:04
... but yeah it would be nice if there was more and more kid to toddler as well.

I agree with that one -- I've had too many cases of a child having 0 relationship with a toddler sibling because of no autonomous interactions.  Fortunately they raise it pretty quickly when the toddler grows up, or if the child becomes a teen and can help take care of the sprog.
The one thing my modified Apocalypse Challengey-thing has done is solidify sibling relationships. With no tv and no computer, it's either read for fun or play with the toddler while they are at their toy. Actually, in the H generation, Ham and Honey were always simulaneously playing with Hazel at the bunny head.

Title: Re: Question?
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2007 June 20, 18:15:43
I'm not entirely sure why no TV/computer would really change anything for sims, since both are pretty much useless for satisfying fun, with TV dropping from queue the moment you order it and the computer providing little to no boost. THE SPORT OF KINGS FTW.