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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Warge on 2007 June 20, 05:41:54

Title: strange notownieregen problem
Post by: Warge on 2007 June 20, 05:41:54
After installing the no regen hacks, I have got some really strange issues - more of that later. I began with opening all the default hoods and ripping out all the houses I wanted. Then, I went on to create an empty hood, even without townies but with all the appropriate hacks installed correctly. That worked - when I began building my neighbourhoods I didn't have any characters.

However, the notownieregen hack doesn't seem to work, and neither do the antiredundancy hack (can't say for the other hacks yet): First, I get about 200 townies I don't want. Then, after killing off a few and checking the hood with simPE, I can't find the not-so-dearly deceased, dead or alive - and there are STILL those pesky 200 I don't want. Finally, the most bizarre glitch is that all townies are treated like males...

Now, I know how to use hacks and all the other hacks are working fine, but this goes beyond me. Does anyone have any suggestions?

Title: Re: strange notownieregen problem
Post by: Invisigoth on 2007 June 20, 06:37:10
You need to delete that hood and try making a clean hood again.  The first time I tried I did it wrong, too.  I didn't read it carefully enough the first time and I skipped a step, when I reread it and tried again everything worked perfectly and I now have a hood with 30 townies, one of each type of NPC, four downtownies, and two grand vamps in addition to my playables.  Read the directions carefully.  Notownieregen and antiredundency work, there is clear evidence of this from the many users of this site (including me).  Perhaps the tuturial you are using isn't clear, I used this one:

By the way, Jordi, I am your personal fan girl.  ;)

Title: Re: strange notownieregen problem
Post by: Warge on 2007 June 20, 07:13:07
But that's the way I did it... Still, why does the townies regenerate as MALES?

Title: Re: strange notownieregen problem
Post by: Gwill on 2007 June 20, 10:18:50
I say:
A. You've done something wrong.
B. You have conflicting hacks.
C. (and most likely) Both.

Title: Re: strange notownieregen problem
Post by: Warge on 2007 June 20, 18:38:36
Neither it appeared - it seems it was the hacks that had become corrupted somehow, but only the regen hacks... Thanks anyway guys!

Bug as it may seem, I'm still fascinated how it turned out...