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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: eevilcat on 2007 June 19, 08:51:06

Title: H&M dresses and pregnancy
Post by: eevilcat on 2007 June 19, 08:51:06
I run with a mod that allows pregnant sims to wear any clothes and was wondering if any of the new H&M dresses have pregnancy morphs built into them? I haven't got the SP yet but am sort of tempted by some of the clothes. On a similar note, does anyone know of any normal everday clothes with pregnancy morphs for male sims? It seems a shame to restrict the boys to undies/swimwear/athletic wear.

Title: Re: H&M dresses and pregnancy
Post by: Zazazu on 2007 June 19, 14:40:16
None that I've seen. Is there a way to make clothing meshes have pregnancy states? I have a few customs that do, and a few Maxis do, but it gets stale after a bit.

Title: Re: H&M dresses and pregnancy
Post by: karlynn on 2007 June 19, 14:48:36
The only way I know to do it would be to create a preg morph for the outfit you want in milkshape, using the orginal as a base and putting it into a new mesh package cloned from an outfit that already has a preg morph.  If there's an easier way 'd love to know If I ever get the pack I might add preg morphs to some of the outfits since they look like they might make good maternity clothes.

Title: Re: H&M dresses and pregnancy
Post by: eevilcat on 2007 June 20, 17:29:33
I've had an experiment with Milkshape/Bodyshop/SimPE and created an everyday clothing mesh for males with a pregnancy morph. I used one of the Maxis meshes as a base and with much help from the meshing tutorials on MTS2 got it to work by simply cloning the fat mesh group then modifying it to look pregnant and amending the text in the comment accordingly. The texture is just something I did quickly in Photoshop, but if people are interested then I will do some tweaking/proper recolours and upload it (probably to MTS2, unless there is a better suggestion). Piccies of the mesh in action below:


(I might cave in and buy H&M but I'm not sure it's worth it for a couple of meshes.)

Title: Re: H&M dresses and pregnancy
Post by: karlynn on 2007 June 20, 17:50:22

(I might cave in and buy H&M but I'm not sure it's worth it for a couple of meshes.)

I feel the same way, but I really want pieces of those meshes to make others so I'm torn.  Your mesh looks good.  That's how I've always made preg morphs, though I usually used the fit state as a base which seems to make less sense and probably resulted in me having to more tweaks.