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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Aracelis on 2007 June 14, 22:10:28

Title: Help with some lost files
Post by: Aracelis on 2007 June 14, 22:10:28
When Squinge updated the "LTWReduce&NewLTWEP5" mod I installed as I did with the previous versions, which means I replaced "Wants" and "WantsTuning" Files in EAGames\The Sims 2 Season\TSData\Res\Wants folder. But I did wrong because for this last version Squinge's instructions were to put all files in the download folder. Stupid me I didn't backup the files as I used to do before.

Is there a way to get those files back without reinstalling?


P.S. Before you ask, yes I tried to get help at Insim board, but got none.

Title: Re: Help with some lost files
Post by: jrd on 2007 June 14, 22:52:30
Get them from the Seasons disk.
The files are inside, in \TSData\Res\Wants. Just copy and replace.

Title: Re: Help with some lost files
Post by: Aracelis on 2007 June 15, 21:53:11
thank you for replying, Jordi.
I  tried to find the file you mentiones in Seasons Disk One. TSData has only one folder called Control and inside it there is a .dat file called control0.

Am I looking in the wrong place?

Title: Re: Help with some lost files
Post by: jrd on 2007 June 15, 21:55:40
Disk one? You have the lame multi-CD version? Try CD2. It should be in on one of the disks.

Title: Re: Help with some lost files
Post by: Aracelis on 2007 June 16, 01:27:11
Yes, only CD versions here in Brazil (as far as I know). I tried 2nd disk, as you suggested, again only a control folder with four files named control...