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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Insanity Prelude on 2007 June 14, 04:42:41

Title: How badly is Seasons gonna screw my game?
Post by: Insanity Prelude on 2007 June 14, 04:42:41
Figured I'd better ask, after Pets's bug issues and even more annoying installation issues. I swore not to buy Seasons after said install problems, but... I'm going to actually have money soon, and it brings back some things I really liked from TS1 Vacation and Unleashed, so. Yeah.

1. Anything I'll need to do before installing it? (i.e. is it going to wipe out one of my previous EPs the way Pets did?)
2. Do the patches actually *fix* things this time, instead of making it worse the way Pets p1 did?
3. There is no three.

Title: Re: How badly is Seasons gonna screw my game?
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2007 June 14, 04:45:08
1. Anything I'll need to do before installing it? (i.e. is it going to wipe out one of my previous EPs the way Pets did?)
Nope, not really. Just the usual, make sure everyone is home from work, or at least didn't drive there in an ownable car.

2. Do the patches actually *fix* things this time, instead of making it worse the way Pets p1 did?
Nope, not really.

Title: Re: How badly is Seasons gonna screw my game?
Post by: Ambular on 2007 June 14, 04:47:11
Figured I'd better ask, after Pets's bug issues and even more annoying installation issues. I swore not to buy Seasons after said install problems, but... I'm going to actually have money soon, and it brings back some things I really liked from TS1 Vacation and Unleashed, so. Yeah.

1. Anything I'll need to do before installing it? (i.e. is it going to wipe out one of my previous EPs the way Pets did?)
2. Do the patches actually *fix* things this time, instead of making it worse the way Pets p1 did?
3. There is no three.

Seasons is remarkably bug-free, especially compared to Pets.  But wait to get patch #2 until they finish fixing stuff they re-broke after fixing it in patch #1.  :p

Title: Re: How badly is Seasons gonna screw my game?
Post by: Insanity Prelude on 2007 June 14, 04:51:06
Relatively bug-free? EA? You're kidding me. XD Alright, get Sims home from work and don't get patch 2 yet. Got it.
(Does Pets need to be fully patched before I install? I recall something about that being an issue with Nightlife and Uni...)

Title: Re: How badly is Seasons gonna screw my game?
Post by: Ambular on 2007 June 14, 04:53:22
(Does Pets need to be fully patched before I install? I recall something about that being an issue with Nightlife and Uni...)

Prolly wouldn't hurt.

Title: Re: How badly is Seasons gonna screw my game?
Post by: notveryawesome on 2007 June 14, 04:57:57
For the record, Pets P2 has fixed A LOT of problems, and does not seem to have caused any new ones, so I personally would recommend installing it.

Title: Re: How badly is Seasons gonna screw my game?
Post by: SaraMK on 2007 June 14, 05:28:08
Seasons is actually not very buggy, as weird as it feels to say this. No huge, major, game-exploding, sim-killing bugs, except I guess the bugged lightning strikes and the children getting taken away left and right after they jump on the bed for ten seconds. The first can be fun, and the second fixed by hacks... plus supposedly the patch fixes both.

Title: Re: How badly is Seasons gonna screw my game?
Post by: Insanity Prelude on 2007 June 14, 17:27:13
Bugged lightning strikes? *intrigued*

Title: Re: How badly is Seasons gonna screw my game?
Post by: ZiggyDoodle on 2007 June 14, 18:40:34
EP5 is great; just make sure your rig is up to running it.

Wouldn't hurt to read the thread about the second Seasons patch.  Forewarned is forearmed, or something like that.

[Edited for specificity]

Title: Re: How badly is Seasons gonna screw my game?
Post by: Sigmund on 2007 June 16, 02:46:56
I've had some very minor issues (babies that cry more than they used to, the occasional Sim that catches on fire for no real reason) but nothing that ruined my game beyond all repair. I haven't tried either of the patches yet, so I can't tell you for sure how useful they are.

Title: Re: How badly is Seasons gonna screw my game?
Post by: dizzy on 2007 June 16, 03:13:10
The major and "showstopper" bugs/regressions are all fixed by various hacks available on this site.

Title: Re: How badly is Seasons gonna screw my game?
Post by: KatEnigma on 2007 June 16, 03:59:19
Yeah, I'd strongly suggest moving all hot tubs under cover, but otherwise, there's not really a lot of bugs. Those testers they hired definitely earned their pay, such as it was.